Casino Royale (spoilers)

Started by Gryphon, November 18, 2006, 03:01:55 AM

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Yep. The newest bond movie to date. Or is it simply an old retread? Eh. What matters is the question... Is it a bond movie?

Well M is there. Check.
But Q isn't or at least someone who could have looked like Q.
Bond gadgets? Sort of. But ultimately no.
Lots of shiny cars? Check.
Bond getting it on with the ladies? Check.
Scantily clad ladies whose fate ends up like every other Bond lady? Check.
Action sequences? Check.
Liquor? Oh check.
Obviously evil villain? Check.

From the list it seems like it fulfills the requirements for being a Bond movie. Realistically however... No. This is the impression I got of the movie.

First thing off the bat is that it feels like a giant commercial for cell phones. They are everywhere! Everyone has one and they are always new and shiny and everything.
Second this movie wraps up all loose ends. You'd think this was a good thing. Right up until the point you are saying "Shouldn't this movie have ended thirty minutes ago?" Completely serious.
Third: If you like freerunning you'll love the opening sequence. Beautiful moves. Glutted on great action and warmed by the explosions? Good. Keep that feeling close to you. Because that is the last bit of good action you'll see for a long while.
Fourth: Interesting. Bond has a male sidekick. Wait. Where did he go for the rest of the movie?

All in all... I just don't know. It is a bond movie. But I'm really turned off by the fact that is is so long! Still its good enough if you can bring friends.


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Quote from: Gryphon on November 18, 2006, 03:01:55 AM
But Q isn't or at least someone who could have looked like Q.

Um, I think Q retired a couple of movies back, to be replaced by the one played by John Cleese...

(At least, he was Q in Die Another Day, which is about the most recent one I've seen...)

"We demand rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty!"

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The actor who plays Q is dead. John Cleese is the modern assistant to Q. However being as this is the prequel the chance of Q actually being there should have been high. I mean Dumbledore (?) died what twice already in real life? Couldn't they have found an actor to replace him? Pfft. Well.

That said yes I should have my tag on. But I can't remember how to turn it on for just one time at the beginning.


I just came from the theatre after watching it, and I approve. I agree with the severe lack of Bond gadgets/Q assessment. Also, the movie would have been so much better if they hadn't been playing the evilest version of poker ever to be made popular.


Personally, I loved it.

To be honest, I dislike it when people judge a bond movie based on the gadgets and the same old characters.

The lack of gadgets was in a way a smart move, as it shows that Bond doesn't need them to get the job done.

The thing i -really- liked, however, was how dark the movie was. Think about it; in nearly every single Bond movie, it's always "save the world, get the girl". The same old formula used over and over again. In this movie, however, he doesn't get the girl (having been betrayed by her), summed up by the comment he makes when on the phone to M; "The mission's complete, the bitch is dead."

I also really liked the way the movie ended, when he stands over Mr. White, uttering the classic phrase; "The name's Bond. James Bond." - at this point you know that Bond goes from being a double-O agent to being the Bond that we all know and love.

Personally, I think Daniel Craig made a brilliant Bond. Think about it; James Bond is called a secret agent, yes, but if you think about it, he's basically, as quoted by him; "Half-monk, half assassin". He's been trained to kill without emotion, and I think Daniel Craig plays it very well indeed.

Commercial for cell-phones? There was about 2 moments in the entire movie where it could have looked like it was advertising.

Bond didn't really have a sidekick. The guy who was with him seemed like more of a rookie agent that an actual "sidekick".

I felt the movie ended when it ended. Yes the big action sequence was about 1/2 hour from the actual end, but then there was another action sequence in Venice which ended the movie quite nicely.


Just saw it. Kicked ass. Going to sleep now.


Quote from: Gareeku on November 21, 2006, 11:04:47 AM
In this movie, however, he doesn't get the girl (having been betrayed by her), summed up by the comment he makes when on the phone to M; "The mission's complete, the bitch is dead."

That sounds like it's a lot closer to the original novel. I remember reading the novel some while ago, and that line was the actual last line of the book, as I recall.

"We demand rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty!"

I'm on deviantART.
Also FurAffinity