Saw Serenity

Started by Darkmoon, September 30, 2005, 11:33:15 PM

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Liked it, although there were bits that were sad... Not gonna do spoilers yet...

Oh, made a comic for it:

Xuzaf D

Pitfall so soon? Is that recolored pitfall Harry suppose to be Darkmoon?


There's only so much I can do with a Pitfall guy... oh, and yes. It is.

Worry not. Eventually I will do more Pitfall in DSWC.

Destina Faroda

I'm sorry, but as a Sailor Moon fan, every time I see Serenity capitalized, I can't help but think about Queen Serenity, Neo-Queen Serenity, and Small Lady Serenity.
Sig coming...whenever...


Was it a good Movie? me and my dad were going to go watch it.


It is a damn good flick, although not perfect. Thedre are small bits I would have changed, and some major bits I maight have delayed on using until a second or third movie (for momentum), but on the whole I rather much liked it.