Furry subculture

Started by Imperial fox, November 07, 2006, 03:00:17 AM

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llearch n'n'daCorna

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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

Jim Halisstrad

Dear lord.  I read El  Goonish Shive when I'm TIRED of reading perverted comics.  It's so tame my libido actually starts to snore when I check out what ever 'in comic two hour event that takes a few years to finish' story that he is working on.  Hey, at least he FINALLY finished that damn party, so what it's been like a week in comic since the story started?

I read comics that would kill nuns just by being on screen in the same room as them.

Ironicly I didn't come to the fandom just for la pr0nz, I just kinda showed up one day.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Anyone who is part of the fandom, or at least reasonably open minded isn't going to bat an eye at EGS. It's tame, it's friendly, it's comfortable, it's slow, and it's well-drawn and well-written.

If you're not open minded, though... "Oh, gawd! There are gay people in this! There are lesbeens! There are animals having sex with people! How perverted! Get the children indoors!" etc etc...

That was my point, how it could be seen by someone who wasn't expecting it, rather than as you and I see it. :-)

.. lest anyone think I might be saying otherwise...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on November 14, 2006, 02:32:02 PM
Anyone who is part of the fandom, or at least reasonably open minded isn't going to bat an eye at EGS. It's tame, it's friendly, it's comfortable, it's slow, and it's well-drawn and well-written.

If you're not open minded, though... "Oh, gawd! There are gay people in this! There are lesbeens! There are animals having sex with people! How perverted! Get the children indoors!" etc etc...

That was my point, how it could be seen by someone who wasn't expecting it, rather than as you and I see it. :-)

.. lest anyone think I might be saying otherwise...

You should always expect someone to. Especially here.

Besides, the only people who would actually see things that way are horribly narrow-minded.

Imperial fox

Quote from: Stygian on November 14, 2006, 03:13:24 PM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on November 14, 2006, 02:32:02 PM
Anyone who is part of the fandom, or at least reasonably open minded isn't going to bat an eye at EGS. It's tame, it's friendly, it's comfortable, it's slow, and it's well-drawn and well-written.

If you're not open minded, though... "Oh, gawd! There are gay people in this! There are lesbeens! There are animals having sex with people! How perverted! Get the children indoors!" etc etc...

That was my point, how it could be seen by someone who wasn't expecting it, rather than as you and I see it. :-)

.. lest anyone think I might be saying otherwise...

You should always expect someone to. Especially here.

Besides, the only people who would actually see things that way are horribly narrow-minded.

tell me about it!


*Charles is utterly shocked and appalled!*  There are gay people in furry!  I never would have suspected it!   :U 

*secretly hides his vast piles of furry pr0n...*   :shifty
Three's a crowd:  One lordly leonine of the Leyjon, one cruel and cunning cubi goddess, and one utterly doomed human stuck between them.



Gay people? On the internet?  :erk


"Gay"? What is this "Gay" you speak of?

Reese Tora

Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on November 14, 2006, 02:32:02 PM
Anyone who is part of the fandom, or at least reasonably open minded isn't going to bat an eye at EGS. It's tame, it's friendly, it's comfortable, it's slow, and it's well-drawn and well-written.

If you're not open minded, though... "Oh, gawd! There are gay people in this! There are lesbeens! There are animals having sex with people! How perverted! Get the children indoors!" etc etc...

That was my point, how it could be seen by someone who wasn't expecting it, rather than as you and I see it. :-)

.. lest anyone think I might be saying otherwise...

There's sex in EGS? have I been reading the same comic you have?
(tasteful nekkidness, yes; intimate situations, yes; body swapping, yes; t3h sexxorz, not that I recall)

I think part of it is that the furry fandom, being largely internet based, allows for and encourages people to be a lot more open than they might otherwise be.  This opens the possibilities for furs to admit to things that people of all walks of life do or like, but would not nessesarily admit to under normal circumstances.
<-Reese yaps by Silverfox and Animation by Tiger_T->
correlation =/= causation


Gay? I thought I was a homo....:P

Xuzaf D

Quote from: Tapewolf on November 14, 2006, 06:34:56 AM
Quote from: The Warlike on November 13, 2006, 11:18:46 PM
In other words, "Space Furries" could never happen, since those "Furries" would simply be another humanoid race, and NOT something that is in between human and animal. Any theories about space travel can be thrown out now for lacking purpose.

I think that you may be using too fine a definition of 'furry'.

I may be doing this myself of course as there doesn't seem to be a concrete definition.
I have been thinking along the following lines:

* Anthro/Anthropomorph - creature that mixes human and animal attributes.  Personally I'd include extraterrestrials as well, e.g. the Kzinti, the Tharils in Dr. Who - Warrior's Gate and so on, as well as genetically-engineered lifeforms and of course those like in DMFA or other strips where the origin is obscure.

* Furry/Fur - as above, when used as an adverb pertaining to a fictional creature.  E.g. 'a furry wolf' or 'a wolf fur' denotes an anthropomorphic wolf-creature.

* Furry fan - someone who is somewhat into anthromorphic fiction, comics and so forth, but not much further.

* Furry/Furries - when used to describe real people, someone who is very into the whole anthromorphic thing.  Fursuiters for example, or people who half-believe they are a wolf.

I don't believe for a moment that everyone has to fit exactly in 'furry fan' or 'furry' - I've long ago realised that things are shades of grey rather than black or white.  This is just my understanding of how the term 'Furries' is commonly used, and I'd guess that 'furry fan' is a reaction from people who are afraid of being pegged as freaks because they happen to read DMFA or Kevin & Kell :P

I was just saying how "space furries" don't exist. How I do or don't define furries has nothing to do that portion of my post.

Back to bullet point two- Anthropomorph and anthropomorphic are humanized things. The animal aspect is not part of its definition. I suppose if you did say "anthropomorphic animals" that would be the more accurate term when relating to things that are "furry." Anyway, anything that can talk, walk, or act like a human is anthropomorphic so it's best to stay away from the term as to not confuse others... and me (the semantics sort).

So yes then, the term furry splits of into many subgroups. One is animals that are like humans, another is humans acting like animals, and still a third is people who like the genre containing either. These are just some broad definitions, though, and I'd rather not go into the gray scale on the issue.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Reese Tora on November 14, 2006, 11:08:49 PM
There's sex in EGS? have I been reading the same comic you have?
(tasteful nekkidness, yes; intimate situations, yes; body swapping, yes; t3h sexxorz, not that I recall)

Implicit, rather than explicit. And not necessarily between the people you may think, given how well Dan tells his stories.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

Kitsune Ascendant

Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on November 14, 2006, 07:29:27 AM
I get pegged as a freak anyway. Or pegged at, if someone has something to hand.

Having said that, K&K is by far a lesser perversion than, say, some of the other webcomics out there. Better Days, for example. Or Alien Loves Predator. or Shortpacked, or El Goonish Shive, or Clan of the Cats, even.

Let's not even bring Psiotechniqa or Jack into it. :-) And Somethingpositive isn't even furry, but is worse in content than most out there. Art tends to better, though.

Erm. Yeah. I'll stop there, without mentioning Red Meat, Marilith, Striptease, or Suicide for Hire. :-)


anyways, I wouldn't call Better days in itself perverted. some of the other stuff the guy does, yeah, but I consider better days a serious webcomic. Calling clan of the cats and El goonish shive perverted in any sense of the word is right out, of course. I won't comment on alien loves predator or shortpacked, seeing as I've never read either.

now that I'm done defending some of my fave comics, I'd like to say that I am also, to certain degrees, furry for spiritual reasons. A few years ago, I discovered that I have what I now believe is a spiritual affinity for the fox, which eventually lead me to some information on the kitsune mythology.   It's kind of interesting how my overall spiritual beliefs are kind of like a puzzle. here are the pieces I have so far:

we are all a piece of whatever god or gods we believe in. the belief makes the god, so to speak.

we will each discover our full spiritual path as we travel the path of our life. in my particular case, I'm discovering it in chunks.

in my case, I believe in four elemental spirits which we are all made from. they do not make us up as physical matter, but as something that shapes us. each person is a different mix of these four element, and each element contributes to four basic attributes of a person:
earth, the element of strength, contributes to the atribute of body. those who have much of this element are physically strong and hardy.
water, the element of flexibility, contributes to the attribute of mind. the clear thinkers and highly intelegent people have this element in abbundance
fire, the element of courage, is attributed to the heart. those who are strong in this element are often kind and thoughtfull. they do not take pleasure in the physical or emotional harm of others. they are also very empathetic in general.
air, the element of wisdom, is represenative of the soul. those with an abundance of this element are spiritually strong. when they believe in something, they BELIEVE in it.

finally, we each have an affinity with at least one animal. for some, it is because we are naturally drawn to that animal for reasons beyond human language. for others, it is what we feel that animal represents in us. in my case, it's both.

I may be a bit young to be worrying about it so much, but I'm not changing this sig until I find true love.
yappities by silverfoxr, and are awesome.  Thanks!

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Kitsune Ascendant on November 15, 2006, 01:39:52 PM

Kevin & Kell

Quote from: Kitsune Ascendant on November 15, 2006, 01:39:52 PM
anyways, I wouldn't call Better days in itself perverted. some of the other stuff the guy does, yeah, but I consider better days a serious webcomic. Calling clan of the cats and El goonish shive perverted in any sense of the word is right out, of course. I won't comment on alien loves predator or shortpacked, seeing as I've never read either.

*I* wouldn't call them perverted, either. My point was, Kevin & Kell would show up, in your average bible-belt calling-down-the-wrath-of-god-upon-those-perverts sermon, those others (which are some of my favourites, as well, mind) would more likely show up than K&K.

I happen to prefer things like, say, Somethingpositive.net, or Jack, for my casual entertainment, to the sort of whitewashed pap your average syndicated comic has. And my point about Better Days is things like, well, the gratiutious panty shot of this scene springs to mind. Sure, it's brilliantly drawn. But that doesn't mean it's perfectly clean, either.

.. neither does it mean I have any intention of stopping reading it. But I do try to keep my eyes open to what I am reading, rather than blinkering myself by what I enjoy, if only because I've done that in the past...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: Gareeku on November 14, 2006, 10:47:09 PM
"Gay"? What is this "Gay" you speak of?

I'm afraid they are referring to Homosexuals,  ol' friend...
I'm a Skype User.
Skype Name: Karaius


Sarcasm is lost on some people.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Zina on November 15, 2006, 05:06:36 PM
Sarcasm is lost of some people.

Spelling is a lossed art. :-)

Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on November 15, 2006, 05:19:15 PM
Quote from: Zina on November 15, 2006, 05:06:36 PM
Sarcasm is lost of some people.

Spelling is a lossed art. :-)


What're you talking about? All those words were spelled correctly. They were just the wrong words, is all. XD

llearch n'n'daCorna

Pedantry is lost on the same people, methinks.... :-)
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


*Charles defines pedantry*  A foot pantry.  ped- (Latin sub for foot) + pantry (minus 'p').   :B
Three's a crowd:  One lordly leonine of the Leyjon, one cruel and cunning cubi goddess, and one utterly doomed human stuck between them.



*beeps Arolandos nose and flees*


Quote from: Alondro on November 15, 2006, 11:20:44 PM
*Charles defines pedantry*  A foot pantry.  ped- (Latin sub for foot) + pantry (minus 'p').   :B

But I never had a foot pantry to begin with. D:

King Of Hearts

We're losing what now?

I mean besides my marbles...


-_- being a furry myself has changed my school's view of me. someone finds my sketchbook, sees my drawings of Xze, Khaldun and many others and intantly...

I'm accepted as one of the coolest people in the school!! :B

it turns out over half the school is furry!!
and i have been proclained the leader cuz i'm able to draw :B

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3

llearch n'n'daCorna

That's... an interesting change.

Congrats, though, Xze. I guess we'll be seeing less of you now? :-)
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on November 16, 2006, 12:15:56 PM
That's... an interesting change.

Congrats, though, Xze. I guess we'll be seeing less of you now? :-)
actually, yes =3

aren't you glad?

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3

llearch n'n'daCorna

Not really. You liven the place up :-)
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Sides its like we have become almost acustom to your face


Like that would be close to her face...



Furry seems to be a liability for a security clearance...
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"