Furry subculture

Started by Imperial fox, November 07, 2006, 03:00:17 AM

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So much for women being intimate and sensitive. Men can do it just for fun - women have to screw upwards or they don't, it seems.

But is being a "fur" something that really has that much to do with sexuality, or sexual orientation? Many correlate it with perversion, homosexuality, oversexuality, etc... But I don't think that I kan see any kind of trend like that, knowing the people within the culture that I do.
   Then again, with things like diaperfurs, herms and Doug Winger in the swing, maybe people's image isn't that unjustified...

Oh, and as long as you're a virgin more of choice than failure, it's nothing to be ashamed of. Plus, if sex is not something that's special or intimate, it's not enjoyable. Take it from a guy who lost his virginity at 14 and is now kinda scarred. I haven't had a serious relationship for more than a year...


Unfortunately, in my case it ain't by choice... more from a lack of choice... if you take my meaning...

Which is why it annoys the hell out of me when I hear these people who go on about being virgin by choice, as though they can't step out of their front door without people trying to steal their virginity from them... [/rant]

"We demand rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty!"

I'm on deviantART.
Also FurAffinity

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Stygian on November 13, 2006, 08:13:58 AM
I haven't had a serious relationship for more than a year...

.... and a year is such a long time, isn't it?

Pfft. Young'uns these days. Get orf my lawn! *waves zimmerframe*
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


[WARNING: rant ahead. Ignore as needed]

Quote from: Stygian on November 13, 2006, 08:13:58 AM
I haven't had a serious relationship for more than a year...

* joins the collective "I-have-no-relationship-because-I-am-a-loser-pity-party, and raises hand *

I have never had a relationship, because I am a nerd.
Around here, people hate nerds. All that's missing is an active anti-nerd campaign. It's been grating on my already shaky self-esteem for about as long as I can remember, and about now, self-esteem == dead-thing-that-resembles-something-that-has-been-ground-into-the-tarmac-by-25-years-of-heavy-traffic.

Then again, seeing the problems my friends have in their relationships (all of them non-nerds, girlfriends tend to want to do EVERYTHING toghether, AL THE FRIGGIN TIME), I'm not sure I even want a relationship.
Add to that my slight xenophobia, the prevailing attitude towards everything nerdy, my disastrous interpersonal skills, I don't think I need to fear ever getting close to anyone, ever.
\^.^/ \O.O/ \¬.¬/ \O.^/ \o.o/ \-.-/' \O.o/ \0.0/ \>.</

Destina Faroda

I thought nerds were cool these days.

Then again there are the people who suggest the reason why we haven't entered into romantic relationships is because we're too picky.  So I guess it is by choice, then, since they're the relationship experts.

I just ruined a thoughtful discussion on the nature of humanity for a non-sequitur comment.   Typical.
Sig coming...whenever...


Hee, to be honest, my virginity is by choice.  I'm one of those true weirdos that still holds to monogamy.  Add that to the fact that I'm too poor to live on my own, plus the fact that I spend so much time in the lab that I could claim it as my primary residence, and it just turns out that having a relationship would be rather pointless.

And furry is not all about sex! 

It's all about yiff.   :3
Three's a crowd:  One lordly leonine of the Leyjon, one cruel and cunning cubi goddess, and one utterly doomed human stuck between them.



Quote from: Destina Faroda on November 13, 2006, 09:49:34 AM
I thought nerds were cool these days.

Not here, unless said 'nerd' is a metrosexual with loads of money, good looks, has a ferrari / porche , a d*** out to there, has a career to rival Bill Gates, has more muscles then Ahnold at his peak, does all the housework, and does not bother with star wars/ star trek/ stargate/ star anything/ computers, and does not wair glasses. Women of this land are demanding creatures. :[
\^.^/ \O.O/ \¬.¬/ \O.^/ \o.o/ \-.-/' \O.o/ \0.0/ \>.</


Quote from: Vidar on November 13, 2006, 10:12:33 AM
Quote from: Destina Faroda on November 13, 2006, 09:49:34 AM
I thought nerds were cool these days.

Not here, unless said 'nerd' is a metrosexual with loads of money, good looks, has a ferrari / porche , a d*** out to there, has a career to rival Bill Gates, has more muscles then Ahnold at his peak, does all the housework, and does not bother with star wars/ star trek/ stargate/ star anything/ computers, and does not wair glasses. Women of this land are demanding creatures. :[

Come here then. You shall be loved and appreciated. *hugs* And we have nerd chicks, like me!  :3

Though you will have to be prepared though. We tend to be ready to beat people off with sticks...including ancient college professors.*cringes*  :U

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Seraline on November 13, 2006, 10:55:03 AM
Though you will have to be prepared though. We tend to be ready to beat people off with sticks...including ancient college professors.*cringes*  :U

... Masochism is a big thing around there, then?

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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on November 13, 2006, 10:57:04 AM
... Masochism is a big thing around there, then?



But whips are fun.  :3


Quote from: Seraline on November 13, 2006, 10:59:03 AM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on November 13, 2006, 10:57:04 AM
... Masochism is a big thing around there, then?



But whips are fun.  :3

True that, but it's a bit too kinky. Use leather belts instead. *rubs back*

On another note, I haven't even wanted to get laid in almost a year. I feel empty. It's horrible.

And nerd chicks seem to prefer the nerd or bishounen guys. And I don't go in those groups. Well, I used to be bishounen, but no more. Unless you count the haircut.


Quote from: Stygian on November 13, 2006, 11:16:50 AM
Quote from: Seraline on November 13, 2006, 10:59:03 AM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on November 13, 2006, 10:57:04 AM
... Masochism is a big thing around there, then?



But whips are fun.  :3

True that, but it's a bit too kinky. Use leather belts instead. *rubs back*

On another note, I haven't even wanted to get laid in almost a year. I feel empty. It's horrible.

And nerd chicks seem to prefer the nerd or bishounen guys. And I don't go in those groups. Well, I used to be bishounen, but no more. Unless you count the haircut.

True.  As for preference...well, I don't tend to judge by appearance or social group.  I'll love on anyone with a cool personality.  :3

And hell, I myself don't just fit into the nerd category.  I've been gladly accepted into the goth, metal, and punk social groups because of my fashion sense and/or musical tastes, and I don't mind. Then again, labels bore me because one label can't apply to everything that makes me who I am. I need a collection.  :mowmeep

And while I'm at it, I'll chime in on the whole sexual aspect of the fandom.  I don't mind it, but it isn't at the core of why I'm a furry.  I'm a furry for spiritual reasons.  I have a strong personal connection to the white tiger as it is represented as a totem animal, and it has wings because of both of my connections with the snowy owl and the red-tailed hawk.  I've noticed that other "spiritual furries" are kind of rare,  and it makes me wonder how many others I will meet at things such as the Furry Spirit panel track at MFF.  Most of the ones I do know are also in House of Netjer with me.


Well be glad I dont drag 2 into this... Yes 2 the ranting Gryphon...Old friend of me and all people out there


Am I the only one who goes on religious symbolism and classic literature here?

llearch n'n'daCorna

Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears



I have no idea what's going on in here.  Relationships?  What's that? :3


Quote from: Snazzy Hazzy on November 13, 2006, 02:05:41 PM
Relationships?  What's that? :3

A weakness. Now go get one so I can exploit it. >:3
This generic comment was brought to you by:

llearch n'n'daCorna

Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

Imperial fox

Quote from: Seraline on November 13, 2006, 11:47:20 AM

And while I'm at it, I'll chime in on the whole sexual aspect of the fandom. I don't mind it, but it isn't at the core of why I'm a furry. I'm a furry for spiritual reasons. I have a strong personal connection to the white tiger as it is represented as a totem animal, and it has wings because of both of my connections with the snowy owl and the red-tailed hawk. I've noticed that other "spiritual furries" are kind of rare, and it makes me wonder how many others I will meet at things such as the Furry Spirit panel track at MFF. Most of the ones I do know are also in House of Netjer with me.

For the spiritual furry...you can add me to the list
Fox cause i keep to myself in the background until i feel comfurtable with those around me.
i would have wings to rep. my travels of the world, the future travels ahead and my like of flying.
I'm 16 & Ive seen Australia, Most of America and parts of Europe.
i probably would be nerd but i seem to fit with most social groups.
heres where i agree with Seraline i don't judge people by the social group they are with. but by their personality.
[show talk rant} but this how ever, does not apply to all groups. as you see here these guys are exactly what they appear to be. Jockstraps. and watch as they pick on this little child.
yes horrifying wasn't it. now look over here to this group of girls. now Cindy here is going to try to start a conversation. "do i have too"[/moan].*turns around* yes no go!*turns backaround to face camera* now observe the mouth on the one in the pink skirt. ah yes she should start now. you little **** you think you can **** with usoh dear!  get the **** away from us you ***** Well that was not nice. they've sent Cindy home in tears. lets hope our Cindy is satisfied with our method of making her feel better. *[background] group of men in suits approaching girls* And this concludes this episode of SOCIAL GROUPS

Alan Garou

Three words: extreme plastic surgery. That's where I figure furries will come from. But also, I seriously believe that the Egyptian gods and angels were inspired by ancient Anthro races who are now hiding underwater or in the rainforests. And humans have been obsessed with them for aeons. Heck, we even have furry cave paintings. They're just either hiding or in disguise. And with the current cultural environment, they'll know better than to show themselves for a long time to come. They'd be targeted by political and religious leaders who'll use their appearance to claim that they are demons, and who will use this as a rallying point to gain power. But they may show up someday, and I'll be right there to help defend them.


o__o I'm just lost on where this thread has been going...


Oh, i'd say it's right about here:

Reese Tora

I wanted to reply to this earlier, but I was at work.

I would have to put myself in teh catagory of those who are a virgin through lack of a chance to lose the status.  However, I would like to qualify that with the fact that I would more than likely still be one given the chance to stop being one.

Than again, maybe not.
<-Reese yaps by Silverfox and Animation by Tiger_T->
correlation =/= causation

Xuzaf D

Okay, some fast fire junk:

To say that any alien race is "furry" would actually qualify as a racist sentiment. Let's look at it this way; some dude from another planet comes to Earth and thinks we look like the equivalent of apes that are on his planet, and so he calls us "Furry" in association to the crap tossers that he is familiar with. Might as well have us humans call the female dog-like aliens "Bitches." Hardly a good way to start a conversation.

In other words, "Space Furries" could never happen, since those "Furries" would simply be another humanoid race, and NOT something that is in between human and animal. Any theories about space travel can be thrown out now for lacking purpose.

Subject Two- A furry is an human/animal mix, but it is also the people who are fans or worshipers of such creatures, or also just people who feel they have a strong connection to animals. Is that all correct? This confuses me because of how broad it sounds.

And Three- Surgery sounds about right. Of course, surgery is surgery, so potentially killing yourself to install a square of fur on your back like it's sod does sound a bit too far for most people. Go for a working tail, and suddenly you have someone poking around somewhere in the small of your back in a place between "I'm a tiger" and "My legs and penis don't work."


Quote from: The Warlike on November 13, 2006, 11:18:46 PM
In other words, "Space Furries" could never happen, since those "Furries" would simply be another humanoid race, and NOT something that is in between human and animal. Any theories about space travel can be thrown out now for lacking purpose.

I think that you may be using too fine a definition of 'furry'.

I may be doing this myself of course as there doesn't seem to be a concrete definition.
I have been thinking along the following lines:

* Anthro/Anthropomorph - creature that mixes human and animal attributes.  Personally I'd include extraterrestrials as well, e.g. the Kzinti, the Tharils in Dr. Who - Warrior's Gate and so on, as well as genetically-engineered lifeforms and of course those like in DMFA or other strips where the origin is obscure.

* Furry/Fur - as above, when used as an adverb pertaining to a fictional creature.  E.g. 'a furry wolf' or 'a wolf fur' denotes an anthropomorphic wolf-creature.

* Furry fan - someone who is somewhat into anthromorphic fiction, comics and so forth, but not much further.

* Furry/Furries - when used to describe real people, someone who is very into the whole anthromorphic thing.  Fursuiters for example, or people who half-believe they are a wolf.

I don't believe for a moment that everyone has to fit exactly in 'furry fan' or 'furry' - I've long ago realised that things are shades of grey rather than black or white.  This is just my understanding of how the term 'Furries' is commonly used, and I'd guess that 'furry fan' is a reaction from people who are afraid of being pegged as freaks because they happen to read DMFA or Kevin & Kell :P

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

llearch n'n'daCorna

I get pegged as a freak anyway. Or pegged at, if someone has something to hand.

Having said that, K&K is by far a lesser perversion than, say, some of the other webcomics out there. Better Days, for example. Or Alien Loves Predator. or Shortpacked, or El Goonish Shive, or Clan of the Cats, even.

Let's not even bring Psiotechniqa or Jack into it. :-) And Somethingpositive isn't even furry, but is worse in content than most out there. Art tends to better, though.

Erm. Yeah. I'll stop there, without mentioning Red Meat, Marilith, Striptease, or Suicide for Hire. :-)
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


I actually like Suicide for Hire. Well, liked it. And don't rack down on El Goonish Shive - it might be weird beyond comprehension, but at least Dan is more cute in his strangeness than he is perverse.

As for the others, I haven't read them. I know they are all probably in a desperate need of storyline, anyhow.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Mostly, no. I avoided the ones that have no storyline, or little storyline, or whatever. I tend not to read those, since the authors can't be bothered writing a decent story...

I, personally, enjoy all of those, to greater or lesser degree. I'm jsut saying, well, El  Goonish Shive, to the uninitiated, is likely to bring screams of "pervert!"

... accurate screams, mostly. :-)
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Yes. But at least he's a cute pervert.