Nov. 7th- today's the day!

Started by KarlOmega1, November 07, 2006, 02:29:55 PM

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Quote from: thegayhare on November 08, 2006, 06:36:51 AM
cording to CBS there are just 2 senate races that haven't been called yet leaving it 49 R, 47 D and 2 I
I think it would be truly amazing if those last two fell to the dems.  You'd have no clear majority and for once you might actually see people coming together to work things out

I read earlier that in the event of a tie the vice president can use his power to break the tie.  I don't know how the senate works in the US, but in the UK parliment, when you have such a close tie the opposition can often win votes on particular issue - if they remain united while a few of the ruling party abstain.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


One of the I's is a socialist from *surprise* Vermont, and the other's Joe Lieberman, who is comprehensively screwing over the Dems. He may side with the GOP on some issues, giving them the advantage.


Quote from: BillBuckner on November 08, 2006, 02:48:50 PM
the other's Joe Lieberman, who is comprehensively screwing over the Dems. He may side with the GOP on some issues, giving them the advantage.

Oh yeah, that's going to be really interesting. Lieberman didn't win the Dem. primary... but he still won the Senate seat.


It might be too soon to say for sure, but it looks like my uncle has won a position in the State Legislator. Last I checked, he was ahead in the polls, 53% to 46%. So it looks pretty damn good. If he does win, he'll be representiing Spokane and that whole area. And he'll be the second indian ever to be a State Representative in Washington.
Still too soon to be sure, but regardless. First good news I've heard in a long time.


Politics, meh. I liked the status quo. But not enough to vote to keep it in. Now I'll like the new status quo just as much. Pretty chaotic standing, honestly...

I didn't think Native Americans ran for office. I thought they just... well... the full-blooded ones... Casinos...



Well, I guess we could always use more casinos. Filled with blood.


In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


Isn't there a new 007 movie coming out... Er, never mind.

I think our country needs more Native American politicians crying over trash, though. Hopefully he will win. 


Someone's got to cry over it.
*single tear* :'C


I heard that dude from the comercial was itailan or french....I hate when tv does that

Alan Garou

Dangit, we got Rick Perry again. One should be allowed to vote against somebody, and not just for someone else. They did that during the Greek empire. Why not now?



The Web-Allen race just goes to show, people don't mind sexual perversions as much as they hate it when you happen to use one or two racial slurs (one so obscure I'm still not sure what it means) out of context.  Though... wasn't Webb also the one accused of shouting racist things from a car as a teenager while firing guns?  I haven't had the time to follow all the scandels.  This election, there were too many to count, and I have to work.  :p 

Well, we'll see how the tune changes if he's caught acting out one of his literary scenes.  *Charles then remembers the massive Democratic support for Jerry Studds after he was caught with a 17-year old*  Oh... well... uhm, I guess NAMBLA will be growing in popularity in Virginia then...  I had the misfortune of reading one of the passages from one of Webb's books... very close to vomiting afterward.  I'm a furry weirdo... I've seen very twisted things... the single paragraph I read put me in shock and I hope I never see another word written by that freak again.  I just sat there, repeating "Oh my god..." for several minutes.  I would normally say go find the book yourself for proof.  Trust me, you really REALLY don't want to.  But if you feel so inclined, just remember I warned you. 

Of course, NJ re-elected Bob Menendez... the second time our state of morons voted in someone under federal indictment for corruption, mob ties, etc. *the previous being Toricelli*  And then after property taxes and taxes on everything under the sun soar again, and more billions of tax dollars in our state simply vanish without a trace, they'll all be complaining about it and the next voting cycle... they'll vote in the same people again.  Having lived in NJ all my life, I can honestly say this state has a disproportionate number of complete idiots.  They get raped by the state government every single time, then turn around and vote for them when they're promised "Oh we won't do it again!"  We had a $6 billion school construction bill approved, which was then rasied to $12 billion.  Only one school was ever built with the money, and it had to be torn down because it was built on soil that was contaminated with toxins.  The rest of the money just kinda went away.  A lot of politically connected contractors, lawyers, consultants, and 'assistants' became millionaires off that money.   Now they want billions more to build the schools they didn't build last time.  In the Camden, NJ school system alone, $300 million is GONE, and by that I mean no one knows where it went!    :mowtongue 
Three's a crowd:  One lordly leonine of the Leyjon, one cruel and cunning cubi goddess, and one utterly doomed human stuck between them.


And what does this tell us gentelmen? Repeat after me: The Government is Bad, and Corrupt.

Governments are like perfume. Less is more.



From what I understand (info from reliable sources on this is surprisingly sparse), the books he wrote were about his experiences in Vietnam, and let me tell you, every bit of evidence on the Vietnam War I've ever seen says that it sucked.  McCain had praised the novels, and I've even heard them being described as required reading for Marine Corps Officers.  If that much is true, then it's highly likely that the attack, which was started by Drudge (a right-wing rumor monger with the integrity of wet pasta), is nothing more than a Republican hit piece.  Like so many smears in politics (and especially the GOP), you're got to wear night vision goggles to see through the lies to what's really going on.

Now, Allen using racist slurs, well, we've got that on video tape.
"The problems that exist in the world today cannot be solved by the level of thinking that created them." - Albert Einstein

"Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence." -Albert Einstein