
Started by Anara, October 22, 2006, 06:03:37 PM

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I just thought I'd leave a note saying that since exams start next wednesday I won't be on the forum much since I mainly access the forum from the school airport system. My school gives each student from grade 5 up their own personal laptop to use but since I'm finishing grade 12 I have to hand it back in a few weeks after exams finish. That means I'm going to be without a computer for probably months afterwards and while I'll try to steal my dad's occasionally I doubt I'll be posting much. :<

I know I haven't been around long but hopefully I'll be back occasionally just to keep up with what's happening around the forum.


Occasinally to keep up?
LOL! Good luck. :mwaha

Well, anyway. I wish you that you get some good grades. ;)
Take care.
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Awww... I'm sad that we won't be seeing you around as much. Best of luck on the examinations of evil! :superlick

llearch n'n'daCorna

You may wish to enquire of the school how much they'd want for the laptop, since you've had all your stuff added.

It may be less than you think. Or not, depending on how old it is.

.. of course, this presumes that you actually like the laptop you've been assigned.... :-)
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If you do end up having to hand it back, make sure you backup any/all of your personal stuff you may have on it.

And remember to erase anything too "personal" from it... :mowwink

"We demand rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty!"

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Mew Mew Renee

Quote from: Anara on October 22, 2006, 06:03:37 PM
I just thought I'd leave a note saying that since exams start next wednesday I won't be on the forum much since I mainly access the forum from the school airport system. My school gives each student from grade 5 up their own personal laptop to use but since I'm finishing grade 12 I have to hand it back in a few weeks after exams finish. That means I'm going to be without a computer for probably months afterwards and while I'll try to steal my dad's occasionally I doubt I'll be posting much. :<

I know I haven't been around long but hopefully I'll be back occasionally just to keep up with what's happening around the forum.
That's so sad your leaving for a while! When I was in those grades I never got anything! Do you go to those private schools??? Lucky!!!

Mew Mew Renee

Quote from: LionHeart on October 24, 2006, 04:54:47 AM
If you do end up having to hand it back, make sure you backup any/all of your personal stuff you may have on it.

And remember to erase anything too "personal" from it... :mowwink
And logout of anything!!!


Yep, I go to a private school and yes, I fully intend to backup EVERYTHING and logout of all my forums etc. They're going to wipe everthing anyway so that they can use my computer as a spare. Thanks for all the advice :) I'll hopefully be back online sometime after exams are over.

Mew Mew Renee

I thought so! Well atleast you have a little bitt more time ^_^