DMFA meets Kula Shaker

Started by Tapewolf, October 22, 2006, 12:19:25 PM

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Whoo!  Five hours of work, and what do we have?  Dan singing ' Hey Dude' by Kula Shaker.  (First verse and chorus only)
Obviously it's funniest if you know the song, but it should prove amusing regardless.

These files are big, since I've been working in double-size.  I'm including the low-quality thumbnails inline, and a link to the whole thing.

Medium-quality images (in page):

Full-size (1330x700) images are here:

And the thumbnails:

Disclaimer: this is bending rule 4 somewhat, but personally I consider five hours of restoration, captioning, recolouring and so forth just for three strips to count as a pretty significant piece of manipulation.  The art is quite obviously Amber's and credited at the bottom of each frame.  I hope she finds it amusing.

Have a nice day.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


*first post* That's odd, but it looks like it fits...

James StarRunner

Dang, that certainly is a lot of work. Major kudos to ya.


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Nicely done..How they say over there, Cheers :)