Quick question...

Started by Nikki, October 22, 2006, 02:50:48 AM

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are we gonna have the secret santa this year? =3 because i wanna make sure to be in! i missed last years ;;

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


Secret Santa?  This is the first I've heard of this, tell me more! :eager



If we did, would it go in the art or games forum?
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My guess would be the 'Tower of Art'-Forum.
Tigriel's got a guest:

A Furry fan, that's what I am! - Proud member of the AP-Team. - Avatar Art by INK


I'd promote it for the Tower of Art I suppose.

Hm, I remember last year's one. Rather fun. I should try and participate again this year  :)


If you're drawing art, it should go in the Tower of Art.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


For those who weren't here for it last year, Zina put together a little thing for the holidays, and yeah.
y'all know how a Secret Santa works, yeh?

Anyways, it was fun, and just a nice thing to do in general, and I definately think we should shoot for it again this year!

[edit] I drew 'Kata last year. *nodnod*


I would join in with the secret santa, but i dont think people would consider a written present such as a poem or a short story a very good secret santa present. :(

James StarRunner

Ya, just if you're going enter into a secret santa thing, just remember to actually draw something! There were quite a few people who never got anything last year... I think Zina said she's draw a pic for those who got missed like that, but there was so many it would be unfair for Zina. So don't be a slacker!

The pic I drew for Ryn came from the last secret santa activity and it still remains my most viewed piece on dA. Though I never actually got a pic last year it was still fun and I'd like to participate again.


If I invoke my mother's magical -buy a new scanner- powers I will enter in, dont expect much from my drawings though 8B -draws funny-

There should be something for Halloween there shouldn't there? Like, if someone pm's you asking for trick or treat, You can treat them by drawing a scary picature, or trick them by sending them a stick man picture lol.

-I dont know if Im just tired or out of my mind right now-


Quote from: Creativity on October 22, 2006, 12:57:46 PM
There should be something for Halloween there shouldn't there? Like, if someone pm's you asking for trick or treat, You can treat them by drawing a scary picature, or trick them by sending them a stick man picture lol.

Maybe we could go "trick or treat"ing on other forums? :P
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well, if i can...i might try and organize it..but since i'm a scatter-brain....

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


I enjoyed it last time, Though I remember having copmputer problems back then. (I think I had to wipe my :c\ drive and ended up late.) But It was fun. I can remember the awful slacking aswel. I whas a week behind (with all the computer problems) I don't remember having had a picture from my secret santa, If I had I probably forgot to also save it on my photo-album (since I usually do that)  :B Ow god, I've typed a long message for once.


Yeah, last year I got mine a coupla months late, but got mine in on time even with some issues involving a bad scanner and a friend not knowing that PDF files don't work for uploading art anywhere.

Jack McSlay

that would be really cool, I started up one day, I'd be willing to start one up again if anyone else is willing to make the assignments (I think it's weird for someone participating in it to do it)
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Ooh, I'd love to participate in the Secret Santa again this year! I got mine in a little late, and felt guilty because of it, so I'm defiantely game this year. :3


I'd be in, but I'm not so sure that a stick-figure would  be appreciated (that being about all that I'm capable of drawing; my talent lies with words.)


Quote from: TheGreyRonin on October 23, 2006, 05:44:04 PM
I'd be in, but I'm not so sure that a stick-figure would  be appreciated (that being about all that I'm capable of drawing; my talent lies with words.)

Ever tried drawing a picture with words? :D


Yeah, I was gonna host another one this year. I was planning on posting something for sign-ups on the art thread on the first of November, like last year. If you guys want it to get started sooner, then ok. I can do that.
I'll also be asking for people from FA and DA to participate, also like last year. The more the merrier and all that. Last year there were over 50 participants. Unfortunatly not everyone got theirs in...ever. New rule is everyone that didn't get their SS pic done can't join in this year. I figure those people know who they are, so.
If they can get the pics in before sign-ups are closed(probably around the middle of November, I haven't set an exact date. I'll have specific dates when I post the official thing on the art thread/my DA and FA journal), then they can join the Secret Santa for this year. But if not, oh well. Them's the breaks.



Quote from: Creativity on October 23, 2006, 05:51:51 PM
Quote from: TheGreyRonin on October 23, 2006, 05:44:04 PM
I'd be in, but I'm not so sure that a stick-figure would be appreciated (that being about all that I'm capable of drawing; my talent lies with words.)

Ever tried drawing a picture with words? :D

Yep. That's pretty much how I write. But if you need it in any other medium...well, let's just say it's not pleasant. *chuckles*


This sounds fun, but I lack l33t drawing skillz. :/

Mew Mew Renee

Can I be in it too! Secret santa cool! :januscat :eager

Mew Mew Renee

Quote from: Miaka on October 22, 2006, 11:00:52 AM
For those who weren't here for it last year, Zina put together a little thing for the holidays, and yeah.
y'all know how a Secret Santa works, yeh?

Anyways, it was fun, and just a nice thing to do in general, and I definately think we should shoot for it again this year!

[edit] I drew 'Kata last year. *nodnod*
tell me more :eager