I hate introducing myself...

Started by familyghost, October 14, 2006, 11:34:10 PM

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So yeah, I'm not to good at introducing myself, but I'm DigitalMan's best friend IRL and I tedn to shy away from most social interaction short of MMO's and boards I've lurked on or been on for a while...  So to say I'm aloof is an understatement...

*fades back into the shadows with his alter ego whom he has been advised to keep quiet*


w00t, I win. :cool

First thing's first:  Don't listen to anyone.  They tell you to leave your sanity at the door or something along those lines.  They're just trying to leave you vulnerable.  Vulnerable to what?  You be the judge.

They'll give you lots of candy and stuff.  Don't eat it.  It's full of tracking beacons and whatnot.

You're only hope is to use logic wherever you can.  Good luck.


Welcome, Familyghost. I'm a recent addition myself, and I've found these folks to be very friendly and fun.

Besides, sanity is highly overrated.


Glad to have you here *holds out red paw*


*slides in from stage left*

Took you long enough! Now I get to frighten you with this:


And don't forget to read the rules! As long as you follow the rules, you could be a complete idiot asshole and people would still like you. Or maybe I'm just a special case...

Oh, and don't piss off Darkmoon. <bad chinese accent>He rip you new asshole!</bad chineese accent>

And folks, he left his sanity at some door he walked through a long, long time ago... So did I, for that matter.


Quote from: DigitalMan on October 14, 2006, 11:43:23 PM
And folks, he left his sanity at some door he walked through a long, long time ago... So did I, for that matter.

Sanity or stool sample?

Hai! Welcome to the boards! May I have your pancakes?

Jim Halisstrad


Sometimes I listen to the voices in my head and they tell me to do things.



*gnaws on*

mmmmm....tastes like hot dogs ^^

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3



Yeah, I hear voices, too. They're always telling me to 'do my homework' or 'go rake leaves.' It's pretty annoying. I never listen to them, though. (Whoever recognizes this reference earns a lifetime supply of non-exploding muffins (a rare commodity around these parts.)

*whistles and nods head to music*


*ponders* After further evaluation, Wraith might fit right in.

K2: What about me?
DM: You wait until he tests the theory...


Puts me in mind of an old Bloom County cartoon where they were discussing messages recorded backwards on records. They played a Pat Robertson tune backwards, and it said "Goooo too school! Dooo yourrr homeworrrk!"

*ahem* The muffins explode? I thought that was just indigestion...


Quote from: TheGreyRonin on October 15, 2006, 12:12:50 AM
*ahem* The muffins explode? I thought that was just indigestion...
That's some $%@& indigestion. >:3


Who ever ate one will poo blood tonight  >:3



Quote from: DigitalMan on October 15, 2006, 12:12:27 AM
*ponders* After further evaluation, Wraith might fit right in.

K2: What about me?
DM: You wait until he tests the theory...


Oh dear god... He might just do that...

*sadistic laughter is heard as a green robed ghost sprouts from Familyghost's ear and full pulls it's self out of his head*

Wraith: Testing, testing One, two, three.  Sardonic condescending Alter Ego checking to see if anyone has a boomstick and a ghost trap.

Someone put him back in my head... please before he gets me into trouble...


Wraith: Aww, comeone people love me!

People with mental stability issues.

Wraith: People on DA, GAJ 2 and Fanfiction.net LOVE me!

Like I said...


Which only proves how unstable I AM.

*tries to shove Wraith back in his head while Wraith tries to steal an exploding muffin*

Wraith: These will make excellent tools of death!



Quote from: Hilary on October 15, 2006, 12:57:34 AM


Wraith: AHHHHH!!!

*cuts the power cord with his daggers*

BAD!  No trppy this ghost!  Bad!

So close...

Roureem Egas

Welcome. have this bookmark from a possessed book.


Here have a cookie *hands the ghost boy one*


This is quite probably the epitome of mental instability, as you have seen.

And they're right, you probably shouldn't eat the exploding muffins...


Quote from: DigitalMan on October 15, 2006, 01:02:48 AM
This is quite probably the epitome of mental instability, as you have seen.

And they're right, you probably shouldn't eat the exploding muffins...

This is Wraith we're talking about... when I go to bed he'll pobably go to some far off world travel location and slip it under some poor schmuck's bed and blow it up on purpose... or he'll put it under my pillow and scare me to death...


Quote from: familyghost on October 15, 2006, 01:00:16 AM
Quote from: Hilary on October 15, 2006, 12:57:34 AM


Wraith: AHHHHH!!!

*cuts the power cord with his daggers*

BAD!  No trppy this ghost!  Bad!

So close...


*pulls out the plasma blaster*


Insert Quote 
Quote from: Hilary  Posted on: October 14, 2006, 11:19:14 PM 

That's some $%@& indigestion. 

I've eaten worse. And it didn't fight back, so I'm ahead of the game.


Quote from: TheGreyRonin on October 15, 2006, 01:14:21 AM
Insert Quote 
Quote from: Hilary  Posted on: October 14, 2006, 11:19:14 PM 

That's some $%@& indigestion. 

I've eaten worse. And it didn't fight back, so I'm ahead of the game.

Well, there was that lobster in Reno... but I won't get into that.


K2: Odd... do they try to capture all alter-egos?
DM: I doubt it, probably just the ghosty ones...
K2: Should we help him?
DM: ... Naaah. *grabs a bowl of kettle corn*


Quote from: Hilary on October 15, 2006, 01:09:22 AM
Quote from: familyghost on October 15, 2006, 01:00:16 AM
Quote from: Hilary on October 15, 2006, 12:57:34 AM


Wraith: AHHHHH!!!

*cuts the power cord with his daggers*

BAD!  No trppy this ghost!  Bad!

So close...


*pulls out the plasma blaster*

Wraith: Well now gee, how can I possibly fix this...  I know...

I don't like where this is going...

Wraith: Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice!

Oh well that wasn't expected....


Oooo! Can Wraith conjure up Winona Ryder the same way? *grins*


Quote from: TheGreyRonin on October 15, 2006, 01:25:27 AM
Oooo! Can Wraith conjure up Winona Ryder the same way? *grins*

Sadly no, but he can conjure up a scary cosplayer guy who dresses like Rikku from FFX...

Wraith: And Police Chief Wiggum.

*sets a donut in the middle of the room*

Oh, thats a new one.  And now I must sadly retire for much needed sleep...


Goodnight, Familyghost. Sleep well.

And Wraith? We shall discuss enhancing your conjuring abilities. *grins evilly*