Spiders... I hate them... alot...

Started by Tait-Fox, October 14, 2006, 06:29:11 PM

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Ok... well as the topic says... I hate spiders... always have, most likely always will.

My story of why, if you want to read it, or you can scroll down to the bottom of my post for the summary:
It all started when I was young, I was playing outside, it was twilight out, the phase between day and night. Well anyway, I was kicking a ball around, I kicked it into some small patches of grass, well, being the playful kit I was, I jumped in the grass mound and bent over to pick up the ball... as I do I see tons of little baby spiders running up my leg... frightened, I shake them off and jump back... as I look at my leg again, I found I jumped into another nest of them... after that I booked it a couple feet away and shook my whole body off.  After this ordeal... I was petrified of anything arachnoid or small that could bite or sting. I would run from one everytime I see something like this. Lately I've been able to squish em without fear or anger, just natural.

My Story of what happened and info, scroll down to the bottom of my post for the summary.
I was sitting in my small white room at about 1:00AM... Friday the 13Th.... well... I was on the computer as usually, playing games, talking to friends, etc.  What I didn't notice is a spider had crawled up onto my shoe, along my pants, and into my shirt.... it bit me on the belly as soon as it felt enclosed,  unfortunately, since I've become immune to stings in the belly, from insulin shots, I didn't feel it, only a slight twinge, but I didn't mind. It kept climbing up and up till it found its way onto my chest, where I felt it, shook it off, and smashed it. I looked it over and called my doctor after a while, because I started feeling a bit sick. I described the spider to him:
Pitch black and shiny, with a stripe ending in a triangle along the back of its abdomen that ran like this: ( /\ ).
He looked it up and told me: "Thats weird, its called a Redback spider, native to Australia... are you sure thats what it looked like?" I checked again and said, "Yes." He asked if it bit me and the size of the bite or the spider. I checked all along the frontside, and sure enough found two small puncture wounds on my belly. I told him yes and then measured the bite, I forgot what it was but it was only a young one. He sighed with relief and told me that there are some reported deaths from adult poison, making my heart skip a beat. I asked him what the horrid toxin causes that was and still is coursing through my veins. He told me:
Dizziness, migraine's, confusion, weakness, slowness, and fatigue, along with other effects.
Well... I was pretty bummed and asked him if there was an anti-venom, there is but... not near us I don't believe. Well anyway I told him thank you, hung up, and went to bed. Next morning I woke up and sure enough... I had everything he told me it caused... and still do... even as I type this I still have it. I've been trying my best to fight it off, but its a toxin and won't go away for quite some time.

I have a one question and my conclusion to the question before the summary:
Q: How does an Australian spider travel from Australia, to the United States, in the middle of the United States in South Dakota, across mountains, planes, water, and predators, into our new house, into my room, and bite me?
A: Most likely because... Friday the 13Th hates my guts... and tries to harm me in the worst, most illogical, most diabolical ways every year.

Australian residing Redback spider came over to the US on Friday the 13Th, bit my stomach. I called the doctor and asked him a bunch of stuff, he told me the spider and the effects of its toxin:
Dizziness, migraines, confusion, weakness, slowness, and fatigue, along with other effects.
He told me that there were deaths with the adult ones, but a juvenile bit me, so it only caused these effects. The toxin now courses through me and I'm gonna be laid out for a while, thus, rekindling my fear of spiders that was caused from a childhood traumatic experience involving two nests of lots of the baby spiders crawling up my leg.

(L)Long Term effects and (S)Short term effects from this incident.
(L)Rekindled fear of spiders.
(L)Effects from the toxin.
(L)My webcomic will take a while to post.
(S)A nasty red spider bite wound.
(S)Insomnia from the trauma.
(S)Paranoia from the trauma.

Roureem Egas

Two things.

  • It's a lot. Two words. :B
  • OMG! You have my sympathy. D:


I don't know what else to say but sorry x.x

James StarRunner

Ouch...  Rest up. Get feeling better.

...And maybe spray your room.


Holy cheese, that's not nice. You should definitely spray the room; if it was young, there probably more, specifically adults. I'm not trying to scare you, just giving you the heads-up.

I suggest you do your insulin shots on your arms and legs for a while, that's where I do mine.

llearch n'n'daCorna

I would suggest you let someone know about the juvenile spider. Chances are, if there's one, there's more around somewhere. If it was NZ, there'd be a bunch fo Magfish guys outside in a day, hunting down the sucker (well, a while ago, anyway. I think they're a bit more blase about redbacks now, since they're already around, but you report a snake, and they're all over you...) and removing it ASAP.

Oh. Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries - basically the guys in charge of keepign the local flora and fauna unsullied by the evil growths that you overseas folk have. You may or may not have an equivalent in the US.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


:3 i have a tarantula the size of a plate named Mr. Magician :3

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


Okays I dont know thats plain ironic or plan sad but i feel bad for yous man and my sister is afriad of spiders..Even the housespiders or garden kind


D: Erg, Redbacks... I hate those things. I've found my fair share of them too. They love to hide under the plastic furniture you put outside.



You have my sympathy you poor thing :hug

Let someone know about the spider D: I can't stress how important it is that the authorities know about any new species that may be moving into an area. Especially one as foreign as a redback. Depending on how well it adapts you could be looking at a serious ecological problem. Kinda like the carp and cane toads down in Australia.


yes...invasive species ;;


Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


Hm. That's weird, that a spider would make it to the other side of the world. I'd say that it probably came with some fruit or something, but what fruit is there from Australia that it wouldn't be easier (and cheaper) to get from Cali?
Well, good thing it was a small one. At the risk of making you paranoid, you should check chairs and shoes and such before you use them. There's a chance that there will be more of the li'l buggers.
/kicks the internet over


Quote from: Xze-Xze on October 14, 2006, 09:40:14 PM
yes...invasive species ;;


Too true :<

Why can't we all just get along?


There's a subtle difference between "Invasive" and "Dominant".


Quote from: Anara on October 14, 2006, 09:47:47 PM
Quote from: Xze-Xze on October 14, 2006, 09:40:14 PM
yes...invasive species ;;


Too true :<

Why can't we all just get along?

i know..

why can't humans just stop having babies and die out for a while? :<

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


Then who would provide affordable cable television solutions?  D:



Oh, haha, I remember, nobody does anyway. Yeah, Charter Cable, SCREW YOU. *ahem*


but what about cheetahs?

and lions?
and tigers?
And wolves?
and fuzzy lemurs?

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3




Bill, you are the first person on this forum to make me cry :<

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


There there, just imagine me in a pith hat getting my face ripped off by a tiger. Better?


Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3



Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


You don't like ketchup? How 'bout A1 Steak Sauce? It goes great with uh.. steak. Hence the name, A1 Steak Sauce.


Xze crying? This cannot continue. I don't want to do this, but if it'll stop the tears...
I hereby present... "Crappy Self-Portrait." No, it does not merit its own art thread.

Anyway, spiders. I personally think spiders in general are cool, since they tend to cut down on pest population, but, yeah, if I ever see a spider on me, I'm gonna freak out. Best of luck recovering.
Yap by Silver.


I hope you heal quickly, Tait-Fox.

And you're in South Dakota? I thought I had the only working computer here! Howdy, neighbor!

llearch n'n'daCorna

Aaaah! There really are people here from South Dakota?

I've been meaning to ask, have any of you South Dakotans (or North Dakotans, for that matter) seen the campus of the University of Southern North Dakota at Hoople?
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on October 15, 2006, 04:14:00 AM
Aaaah! There really are people here from South Dakota?

I've been meaning to ask, have any of you South Dakotans (or North Dakotans, for that matter) seen the campus of the University of Southern North Dakota at Hoople?

Nope, sorry. Once I moved here my traveling days were over; I kind of dug a hole, and pulled it in after me.

I'm not actually from South Dakota, but I've lived here for about eighteen years. (Barring two very brief escape attempts to other states.)