Clan Leader Letters

Started by Chairtastic, June 20, 2024, 10:17:20 PM

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Howdy all!

Years ago, in the beforetime, when the cubi clan leaders were being revealed and their prints sold off -- the people who bought each print got to ask the relevant clan leader a question and get it answered in-character as a letter.

These letters were shared on this forum in a topic when that happened.  Sadly, some of them have been lost due to photobucket's changes.

I'm here asking if it would be possible for folks to share their letters again, in the hopes some of the lost letters can be recovered.


Jin's was uploaded to FurAffinity! Here's a link --

And let's see if I remember how to insert an image... :d


Many of them can still be found in the old thread:,8656.0.html I am very curious about the missing ones, though it would be a small miracle if any new ones surfaced at this point :<

The missing letters are:

Kish'ta (uploaded on imageshack and now gone)
Owona   (buyer didn't ask a question)
Piflak (uploaded on imageshack and now gone)
Mink (Did they get one?)


J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E