
Started by Quientin, September 16, 2005, 10:39:06 PM

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is there any chance i can "borrow" your alec sprite for the main character in my comic...... more than anything else i need the hair..... lol it will be a heavily modified sprite and i'll still give you the cred for the whole thing

Destina Faroda

Answer deleted because the real answer is below. ;)
Sig coming...whenever...

Jorge D. Fuentes

I don't mind, as long as somewhere in the comic there's a Special Thanks about it.
That's usually what I do when anyone borrows any sprites from me.

I don't 'think' Darkmoon would have problems, considering the sprites are available from the Website.



hea.... hessage me with your e-mail and i'll send you the sprite sheet i've come up with...... i figured you'd like to see it


I wanna see it too. That's part of the price for using CVRPG sprites.

Destina Faroda

The sad thing is that was in my original message, but I deleted it, because I thought it was better for you to answer for yourselves.
Sig coming...whenever...

Jorge D. Fuentes

There there...
*huggles Destina*

The CVRPG crew tries to keep 'tribute' sprites separate from the CVRPG Official Art (sprites would be considered art, as pixel art is still art).  There have been other webcomics who have gotten in trouble for using fan-submitted work as part of the official comic.

That's why instead you're encouraged to do Guest Comics (most webcomics go for this instead) and since Tribute Sprites would be considered Fan Submissions, they would go into a separate section of the site for fan works.



Indeed... but I still wanna see em no matter what!


Hey did you publish the site on which you will have your sprite comic already?  :mwaha


not yet because we stll need server space and the main sprite needs another set of revisions to make it back to the 5th gen.... i loaded linux on my laptop and i lost a lot of stuff....also i want to get another 20 issues ahead so i can deliver the comic bi-weekly without making it a strain on my homework

i'll keep all of you posted..... jeorge also needs to send me some pointers so i dont noob this comic out..... spites are still a little alien to me

Jorge D. Fuentes

My desktop is out of Commission...
...I upgraded my case and my main hard drive did not agree with it.

As such, I think I have a bad partition on it... :-\
That's one partitions out of three... the third being my huge 90GB partition with all my work and my Anime...

Don't worry, my sprites are on another drive, so they're safe (as are my MIDI/MP3 projects).

Still... all that lost Anime... I might have to send the drive back to Western Digital, since they've an awesome warranty plan thing... but anyway, I'm most worried about the Data loss than about the drive itself.

Tonight when I get home I gotta take a 80gb I had lying around, and make that my main drive... and install Windows on it.




back up everything!!!!!!

i love my server with its raid 5, extras, and all the backup cds i have...... at most i'll only ever lose two weeks of workand thats just because i'm lazy