2021/05/19 [Harvest 08-19] End it, one way or another

Started by MT Hazard, May 18, 2021, 01:43:57 PM

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MT Hazard

Today's strip

Don't Demons have the ability to harden their skin? It was kind of thing in Emily and in the in DMFA. So, unless that sword has some serious magical cutting power it shouldn't be that much of a threat.
Grammar and I Don't always get on.

Link of the moment:  half man (web comic) 


Aisha is a professional Demon-hunter, as a Being, with multiple Demon kills under her belt.

I think she's appropriately equipped for her job.  xD

Aisha deCabre

My apologies for semi-necroing this, but I only now just noticed this question and wanted to help answer it. ^.^;;

Aisha's sword, Dragonblade, is enchanted to resist magic, so it can cut through spells.  From what I've heard speculated, anyway, the skin-hardening is a magic skill, which means it could probably be bypassed by something like that.  Being that Aisha's mentor is also a skilled enchanter, she's got some nasty toys stored away. x3
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


Ah yes, the famous blades of the blacksmith Richard Etcon.  :P