Serious Question

Started by Destina Faroda, September 16, 2005, 03:49:56 AM

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Destina Faroda

Do you really believe that because people are different, they should be treated differently?

Note, I am not talking about the extremes, such as those with medical conditions or disabilites and those who are habitual, violent criminals.   I am talking about what I would consider most law-abiding and able bodied citizens.

I engage in heirarchical behaviour all the time, so you may feel free to call me a hypocrite, but the truth is that the use of difference in order to elevate or degrade people is the biggest problem society faces, and it truly saddens me.  There is no way to elevate someone without putting down another and by putting down others, one puts oneself down too.  It is one thing to categorize according to ability as any society needs it in order to function, but the moment when one becomes more important or loved than the other because of ability is when the doors are laid open for all the discrimination and strife that follows.

To me, different but equal is just another variation of separate but equal, which means nothing is equal for those who are "separate" or "different."
Sig coming...whenever...


Everybody is equal, for every advantage you have you have an equal amount of disadvantages, people are generally selfish and much akin to crabs in a bucket.  Do you know why you never put a lid on crabs in a bucket?  They pull eachother down to try and elevate themselves. 

I have hope because we free thinkers aren't all dead yet.

Destina Faroda

Hope will kill you.  It will cut you in a thousand different ways, using your own expectations for a better future to cause you unimaginable pain when that future doesn't come to pass.  I used to have hope, but now I only have the unquenching desire.  I only say this to warn you of what is to come.  "Free" thinking comes at a terrible price.
Sig coming...whenever...

Esnel Pla

Stop idolizing RPG villains.  :rolleyes

But seriously, it's just human nature. There's always going to be people up there, and there's always going to be people down here. The people down here are always going to want to do up, the the people on top are going to want to go even higher. There's no helping it.

We're all essentially, deep down, the same creatures.

When people realize to be happy where they are, that's when you get a better life. Especially when you get rid of materialism and love of money, and all that crap.


You sound rather buddhist in nature, dude.


You can idolize rpg an certain extent. Like me, I went all cold today and quit my job at subway...never work there its evil...anyway. Yeah, the word hope can't be used really in the real world. You do what you feel you have to do and take it slowly. And when I was driving today to quit my job, I had an was rather weird and it just came to me. Anyway...hope can't be used, and just take things slowly. As for people and society...omg...yeah most people are mean now adays. I know little that are still decent, but there are still some out there. But if you are tlaking about judgemental ppl then I agree, I don't rather like them myself.
Mirror, mirror, on the wall, whose to say who I really am at all?

Destina Faroda

But the idea of being happy where you are is merely letting the status quo continue.  If everyone is happy with one's position, then it's okay to treat anyone a certain way because of their position.  What's to stop me from slapping you because society says I am in a higher position than you and for you to even look at me means death by those same rules?  Should those who are deemed inferior be happy to be led to their death because their differences?  Happiness with one's position will only lead to more suffering.  Being happy with what you are might make you happy, but it does nothing to change the root problem.

All things being equal (or as close to it as possible) then yes, being happy with one's position is key, but not when the positions are all wrong.
Sig coming...whenever...

Esnel Pla

If you position is wrong, then get out of it.

What troubles do you have that allow you to go on this rant anyhow? To be honest, you don't seem the philanthropic type, so what's your beef?

Destina Faroda

But you're not going to move from a position you shouldn't be in if you're content.  it's a no win situation either way, but given the choice between acceptance and fighting, I'd choose to fight.  I might get tired and accept anyway, but at least I tried.

For more specific details, see me on AIM.
Sig coming...whenever...


Hope for a specific thing will kill.  I mearly hope things will get better in general.  Within my own life of someone around me, it matters not.  and if it doesn't i can hold that hope until my dying breath, hoping that the future of my family and friends improves after my time.