2020-05-08 [DMFA #1986] I see you, Cyra

Started by MT Hazard, May 08, 2020, 07:04:55 AM

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MT Hazard

It seems like Dan is starting to except who he is, what he is and stepping up to save his grandmother in the process. At least that is my interpretation of him no longer hiding his head wings.
Grammar and I Don't always get on.

Link of the moment:  half man (web comic) 


Is it just me or does Cyra have two left hands in panels 2 and 3?


It's moments like this where I forget that Dan is suppose to be bad at things like this. Seeing him speak from the heart and talk to family he's only know for what? Months? It's good to know his heart's in the right place. No matter what can be said about his mother, she raise him well.


Just wondering, has Matilda actually seen Dan with headwings? I wonder what's her reaction gonna be like, if he keeps them visible now, considering her reaction to his main wings: http://www.missmab.com/Comics/Vol_1731.php (still one of my favorite pages to date)


She was able to identify him as an incubus without them, but I don't think she's seen them.

My guess, she'd make a squee face at them.
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Quote from: Cassi-kun on May 10, 2020, 02:25:12 PM
She was able to identify him as an incubus without them, but I don't think she's seen them.

My guess, she'd make a squee face at them.

Yes. I can just picture it.