2020-04-27 [DMFA #1984] A Disparity In Blue

Started by Titanium Dragon, April 27, 2020, 06:04:38 AM

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Titanium Dragon

Destania's bitterness and lack of empathy is destroying her ability to think rationally - assuming, of course, she ever could in the first place. This whole plan of hers is built on a foundation of wishful, bitter thinking, and she clearly doesn't understand Cyra or Fa'lina (and frankly, likely never did, given her behavior).

She's going to fly into a rage when it becomes clear that she's wrong about this stuff.

I do wonder what Cyra can do to Destania if she feels it is necessary. I have the suspicion that angering your clan leader is not a good idea.


Otherwise known as "Oh, come on. She's been spending thousands of years in self-imposed isolation. What are the odds she's going to spontaneously have character development at this exact moment?"

"You DO realize you just said 'what are the odds...' and then said something with bad odds, right? Do you KNOW what that MEANS, Des? You've just flippin' guaranteed that it will happen. Ugghh, so many plans need rearranging now. Now where's those spreadsheets..."


Quote from: Titanium Dragon on April 27, 2020, 06:04:38 AM
I do wonder what Cyra can do to Destania if she feels it is necessary. I have the suspicion that angering your clan leader is not a good idea.

I'm not sure what capabilities they have to remote-kill clan members, but Destania is in a uniquely precarious position in that Cyra's power is the only thing keeping her from turning to dust.  If Cyra were to write her off and cut that link, she'd die instantly and painlessly (#1933).

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

MT Hazard

Might be time to make a waldo to visit the Fa'lina and the academy Cyra, it would do you the world of good.
Grammar and I Don't always get on.

Link of the moment:  half man (web comic) 


...is it just me, or is there more than one blue disparity here? I thought Cyra was the one who didn't want Destania leaving the academy, not the one encouraging her to go start a family! I can't find the relevant bits of comic right now though... Did Fa'lina keep Destania at the academy for her own purposes?? Maybe I am misremembering....

Edit: I did misremember some! Cyra used her power to keep Destania YOUNG, but Destania was the one who didn't wanna leave after all: http://missmab.com/Comics/Vol_1591.php

double edit! aha, here's why i was confused: http://missmab.com/Comics/Vol_1980.php Forced her to stay until it was safe... So she made her stay at the academy DURING the war, then wanted her to go out and start a family and rebuild the clan etc, but at that point Destania didn't want the legacy responsibility and chose to stay for an extended time AFTER the war.


Ahahaha! I can't wait to see Dee's reaction when she finds out she was wrong!


Biggs at least has the tact not to mention the concept of "Jinxing it"


Quote from: Tapewolf on April 27, 2020, 07:29:08 AM
Quote from: Titanium Dragon on April 27, 2020, 06:04:38 AM
I do wonder what Cyra can do to Destania if she feels it is necessary. I have the suspicion that angering your clan leader is not a good idea.

I'm not sure what capabilities they have to remote-kill clan members, but Destania is in a uniquely precarious position in that Cyra's power is the only thing keeping her from turning to dust.  If Cyra were to write her off and cut that link, she'd die instantly and painlessly (#1933).
Can't help but wonder if Dee has taken precautions against that. Not that she'd ever in a million years think it would actually happen, but she might have done so just in case someone else finds Cyra before her.


You know, Destania is going on and on about Cyra's isolation making her plan perfect, but it is her OWN Isolation for said plan that is throwing all the monkey wrenches into it besides this conversation Dan is having with her. Main one to point out is that SAIA won't be a safe haven for much longer since, as pointed out before, Fa'Lina doesn't have too much longer to live, and when she dies, it returns to normal space from whatever anti-infiltration, save for the basement, limbo it exists in.