2019-02-24- [DMFA #1972] - Works for me

Started by Tapewolf, February 24, 2020, 04:26:31 AM

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That does seem to confirm that this kind of usurpation is, unfortunately, Just One Of Those Things.
And that's probably about as good a word of comfort as Dan is likely to come up with given the current situation and his career choice.
I wonder if we'll now move on to the topic of Hizell, since that's been the trigger for this breakdown.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Seems like Cyra is not blind to her previous actions and really trying to repent.
Makes me wonder what her reaction would be if she knew what Destina was up to.

I don't think that it will now switch to Hizell, even thought it would be appropriate. The goal was to calm down Cyra which Dan managed (without doing much to be honest).


Quote from: Ixal on February 24, 2020, 04:59:15 AM
Seems like Cyra is not blind to her previous actions and really trying to repent.
Makes me wonder what her reaction would be if she knew what Destina was up to.

I don't think that it will now switch to Hizell, even thought it would be appropriate. The goal was to calm down Cyra which Dan managed (without doing much to be honest).
Well there is the possibility that Cyra might want to get this all over with, and simply fill Dan in as much as possible. Rip the band-aid off and all that. But this probably would be a good point to step back and deal with a depressurizing room off into space.

It does give a clear look at her feelings about the aftermath of all that. It makes you wonder if M'chek would have felt the same if he was on the other side of this disaster. But I have a feeling that the counsel system the dragons have set up would simply sweep it under the rug and he wouldn't have to face any consequences or face any moral dilemmas.

Which is kind of sad to me because I think this shows that creatures are far more closer to Beings then Biggs gives them credit for. It's the power that sets them on a shaky pedestal. And we see here what could happen when one falls from it.
I perfer my spam cooked on a skillet.


Quote from: joshofspam on February 24, 2020, 12:33:32 PM
It does give a clear look at her feelings about the aftermath of all that. It makes you wonder if M'chek would have felt the same if he was on the other side of this disaster. But I have a feeling that the counsel system the dragons have set up would simply sweep it under the rug and he wouldn't have to face any consequences or face any moral dilemmas.

Did Cyra face any consequences from the council? I assumed the dragons attacked on their own.


Mmm.  It's worth remembering that as bright and lighthearted as Furrae can seem, beneath the vivid colors is a deceptively dark setting.  On a different forum, I believe I made a comment to the effect of "If Westeros is a rabid wolf, Furrae is a poison arrow frog", and I stand by that.  Not to mince words, in many ways Cyra's coup of M'Chek was little more than business as usual until things went sideways.  Creatures kill creatures, creatures kill beings, beings kill creatures...and nobody cares unless one of their own was a victim, in which case it's a monstrous act (less so in the case of demons, simply because they seem to see power as the hottest thing ever)...or the killer in which case it's a win for their team.  As aptly put by Abel, "pretend you're better all you like, at the end of the day you only care about your in-group as much as all the other races". 
Hand me my snorkel!  I'm diving back into the archives!


Quote from: Ixal on February 24, 2020, 02:40:57 PM
Quote from: joshofspam on February 24, 2020, 12:33:32 PM
It does give a clear look at her feelings about the aftermath of all that. It makes you wonder if M'chek would have felt the same if he was on the other side of this disaster. But I have a feeling that the counsel system the dragons have set up would simply sweep it under the rug and he wouldn't have to face any consequences or face any moral dilemmas.

Did Cyra face any consequences from the council? I assumed the dragons attacked on their own.
Well no matter what counsel we're talking about, I don't think you're actually catching my point.

It's not a matter of one of those counsels making them face consequences. But the connections within it allowing them to possibly face no consequences for it while committing mutable genocides against another multiple races of people.

Edit: But then again, Fa'lina does tell Dan things that sound like not all dragons would have triggered this kind of overreaction. So I do wonder if there might be huge divide between the older more powerful dragons and the younger less powerful ones. I would be surprised if Ducky is the only dragon that wouldn't kill Dan on sight for being a cubi from the Cyra clan.
I perfer my spam cooked on a skillet.


Quote from: joshofspam on February 26, 2020, 01:21:19 PM
I would be surprised if Ducky is the only dragon that wouldn't kill Dan on sight for being a cubi from the Cyra clan.

Not sure if that is still canon, but in an old comic there was a dragon Dan owed money to. And of course the anazon dragon.
But to be fair, both of them likely didn't know he was a cuni let alone cyra.


Quote from: joshofspam on February 26, 2020, 01:21:19 PM
But then again, Fa'lina does tell Dan things that sound like not all dragons would have triggered this kind of overreaction. So I do wonder if there might be huge divide between the older more powerful dragons and the younger less powerful ones. I would be surprised if Ducky is the only dragon that wouldn't kill Dan on sight for being a cubi from the Cyra clan.

Well we don't actually know all that much about Dragonkind to be honest. Discounting Hizell, outside an occasional one-off joke, like the one who married and has kids with a Being who tried to find out if dragons were ticklish or the one who has to put on 20 foot slacks to adhere to strict nudity laws, we only see them through a Cubi perspective. Naturally it's a very bad picture that's painted.

Something to remember is that:

Quote from: Amber Williams on September 18, 2011, 01:06:20 PM
Quote from: D'ymkarra on September 18, 2011, 12:17:01 PM
I'd think in an institution like SAIA, Cyra's side of the story is a well known part of 'cubi history/ lore; It's also likely that tales of Destania's exploits/ conquests have been passed down by her former students for centuries.

Sadly as it will get mentioned later, it isn't.   I can at the time probably count on my hands the amount of individuals who actually know Cyra's side of things.

so to Dragonkind Cyra blew up a city and is still at large. Your average Dragon might not outright kill Dan if they found out who he was related to but they'd definitely pass the information up the Hierarchy till it found someone who would. One thing that get's overlooked is that the first time the cycle of revenge idea was vocalized it, though quite applicable, wasn't about Beings and Creatures but about Dragons and Cubi. During the war Dimanika made herself part of the deaths of infants so can you imagine what the less moral or more broken by the war Cubi did?

That aside at the very least the Creature Council manages to have both so, though I doubt they really trust each other, at the very least there's evidence that we're not at a kill on sight/as soon as you think you can get away with it level like Hizell seems to be. Given the themes of DMFA I honestly wouldn't be surprised if, much like the Being/Creature and Corrupt Justice System based on 'Creature Privilege'/Adventurer conflicts, it becomes less clear-cut the more information/viewpoints we get exposed to.


Taun is also a cubi who ascended by eating the souls of her enemies.  Still they only took as many as they needed, then stopped.  It seems to be the only disclosed method of ascending besides the past leader "promoting" you.  Ones like Dimanika are likely to only tell us during the story of how Abel got banned from the library (never).

There may very well be consequences the creature council could never have done.  No cubi has ascended since Cyra, we still don't know why.  When enough magic is applied reality can be bent maybe even.... melted.  The excess energy from the Hishaan meltdown might even be related to why there are no new Tri-wings. 

What's done is done though, and it's nice to see Dan learning empathy and compassion.  Meanwhile Jy seems to be getting colder, he's really into making the weapons the next dragon war is going to feature.  It's not something either of them would have seemed capable of doing not that long ago.  It will be interesting to see how this plays out.
Lurkus Wallflowerus