2019/11/26 [MOTO 7.22] - Freedom

Started by InhumanInterest, November 25, 2019, 02:27:24 PM

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Well that's certainly a confusing thing to hear from your captor. Especially when you're still locked up and still wearing a collar.

Though it certainly also portends. Not that is portends anything specific really but some heavy portending all the same. Because a statement like that could mean all sorts of things. It could mean they're being released, it could mean their being put in a Saw-esque challenge, it could be an ominous cult thing. Personally my guess, based off the comments beforehand is that our fine cloaked friend is being genuine and believes that the two of them are enslaved by someone and the capture was some roundabout method to "free" them from their hypothetical owner.

(Also Nils was right, should've turned into a bear, that fixes everything.)