2018/06/04 [MOTO 1-57,58] - Best to stay undercover

Started by Tapewolf, June 04, 2018, 12:06:46 PM

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So, there are places where it's legal to be a Trickster.  Is it also legal to be a shapeshifter there?  Are there places where it's legal to be a shapeshifter but not a Trickster?
Do people even recognise shapeshifters if they're that rare, or do they just assume you're a weird halfie?

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Since they're suspected extinct on LaRaGa, would there even be laws surrounding them?

I'm not sure if I asked about this before but what actually stops a shapeshifter from covering their arms besides social taboo or old legal reasons (to identify a shapeshifting criminal for example) From a self-preservation aspect it just seems smarter to cover up...
...By Puyon


Quote from: Tapewolf on June 04, 2018, 12:06:46 PM
So, there are places where it's legal to be a Trickster.  Is it also legal to be a shapeshifter there?  Are there places where it's legal to be a shapeshifter but not a Trickster?
Do people even recognise shapeshifters if they're that rare, or do they just assume you're a weird halfie?

Generally there's no laws against it. Like there's no laws against bigfoots (are there laws against bigfoots??). Generally people don't recognise 'em, which is why older-and-wiser RE-era Col just wanders around in his base form.

Quote from: Puyon on June 04, 2018, 11:50:36 PM
Since they're suspected extinct on LaRaGa, would there even be laws surrounding them?

I'm not sure if I asked about this before but what actually stops a shapeshifter from covering their arms besides social taboo or old legal reasons (to identify a shapeshifting criminal for example) From a self-preservation aspect it just seems smarter to cover up...

Taboo can be very strong in a world of capricious gods.