Destania question

Started by Shakal, June 01, 2018, 04:06:04 AM

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Hey all.

I was diving back through the archives again and page 1407 made me wonder something. The following line in particular: "The combined actions of your grandmother and mother have left quite a searing mark on history and our race's reputation."

This line has me trying to remember, what do we know of Destania's actions, outside of when she was teaching at the academy? Cyra's actions being referenced are pretty obvious, the dragon/city destruction during her ascendancy, but what did Destania do that anyone outside the academy would know about? It feels like if she became at all known then it wouldn't have just been recently that Hizell worked out she was no longer in the academy. But it also seems like if she hadn't done anything that was widely known, Dark Pegasus probably wouldn't have heard of her, but page 388 shows Dan remembering her name (not sure how that came up in their battles) meaning something to DP, including her status as a cubi.

So after Aniz died and she left the academy, did she do some atrocities that Dan has never heard of, but somehow Hizell never got tipped off to her, or did she lay low once she left, Zezzuva was lying to test Dan, and DP's response is just unexplained? I know she's doing things with Biggs in twink territories right now, but NOONE is supposed to know that (up till Alexi was kidnapped, but then she 'moved on', and either way the DMFA crew definately aren't telling anyone about that.)


I have no idea, but it is entirely possible that her actions in SAIA alone have damaged the 'Cubi race by encouraging her pupils to be as violent and sadistic as she is.  It is also likely that Abel is not the only student she's maimed in the academy.
Of course, it is also possible that this is referring to things she's done after leaving.  Zezzuva has a pretty good spy network and may have picked up on her presence.  Biggs has a good network too, but for all his power he's still mortal.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Another factor to consider is that she wasn't in SAIA all her life. She's over seven thousand, probably only a couple centuries younger than Cyra and she knew Fa'Lina before the school was built. So she likely had a reputation before she took sanctuary there and add in all the resentment she harbored over the centuries, well let's not forget that she did want to use babies in her class. Other than that, remember a few pages back when Hizell explained why he didn't kill Abel. All because of seeing a flower that Destania liked? Apparently he knew of her and well enough to know some of her tastes.

As for Dark Pegasus knowing that Dan is Destania's child, I can see Dan's second encounter with him going along the line of "I am Daniel Ti'Fiona, warrior for hire, bringer of peace, and son of the adventurer Edward Ti'Fiona and reformed being Destania." After all, with their second encounter he likely didn't ear the titles Slayer of doomknights and friend of beer wenches, so may have decided to add his linage to fluff up his resume.


At one point Biggs mentioned that she's "been a family friend for generations" - and Biggs knows what kind of person she really is yet Dan and Jy didn't, so I have to wonder about that too
Got a deviantArt account? Go join DMFAclub!

I have too many Cubi. Feel free to take some off my hands. Please.


I agree that Destania likely made a name for herself before her mother's ascention, and perhaps was notorious enough for Aliph to know about it. After all, he was seriously into studying in his youth. I doubt Dan would introduce himself as her child, though, as Destania changed her name after leaving SAIA to Desiree Star, and was known to most as Dee. Dan didn't even recognize the name "Destania" when Aaryana accused him of killing her.


...You know something? Cubi, despite more or less standing on their own as a race, obviously borrow heavily from angels and demons.

And-if this doesn't sound insane-The Cyra clan's overall theme seems to be 'Ironic ascension'. Or, descension.

And, Destania definitely kind of seems to fit perfectly into the 'Fallen Angel' archetype...

Heck, it's incredibly ironic and hypocritical that Destania wants to destroy the dragon race, knowing she's practically an honorary dragon herself, considering the source of the clan's power...