2018-03-09 [DMFA# 1824] Tragedy of errors

Started by MT Hazard, March 09, 2018, 08:35:17 AM

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MT Hazard

We know what coming, but that doesn't make it any less sad, Dan could have been her good freind and a window into a world outside her families expectations.  He could see creatures as allies and friends,  not just potential threats. Reg could have become a better person with a freind.
Grammar and I Don't always get on.

Link of the moment:  half man (web comic) 


I feel bad for them.

I don't want a scene change unless it's about Abel! I need to know what happened to ruin they're budding friendship. T^T
Memory like Dory.


On the previous strip, on the KatBox website, Amber said, "For those who may be wondering about the reliability of the narration going on, there's a minor cheat-sheet in effect for gauging how biased one's perception may be of a given situation. I'll leave it to ya'll to figure out what it is."

So now I'm reading each strip multiple times and looking at everything to figure out what the indicators could be. Just looking at the strips, Dan looks much less on model, which lead me to think Regina was less accurate with her memories, but I'm not so sure.

And I'm noticing that Dan's flashback panels are slightly less vivid (so in this comic, for example, his seems to be the second panel), but that's it.

We may cut to other people who are listening to these two narrate, which means we'd go back to this story quickly (I hope). But I do want to know about Abel, as the previous poster said.


I think the color differences are just to make it easier to know who is narrating, but I'm not willing to hang a hat on that statement.


Perhaps the depth of the colour represents the strength of bias in any individual panel?


I'm going to make a wild theory and say it may be possible that Regina actually didn't do the killing. We know that Wildy is being forced to marry someone soon right? What if her mom didn't want it to happen and someone else did the killing to make the marriage still happen and used Regina as a fall gal because she's a demon and who cares about demons? Or maybe Wildy's mom even faked her own death because she was unhappy with her own forced marriage (if she had one) and again made Regina the fall gal. They are basically crime lords and we don't know a whole lot about Wildy's mom so it may be possible she was willing to sacrifice some friends of the family to get out of the arrangement she was in and get away.

Of course its very possible she did the killing because we have a lot of regular characters who kill people just for fun, they have the munchies, or even if they're mildly annoyed (Lorenda is one of these characters as her eviction problem was because she was devouring other tenants http://missmab.com/Comics/Vol_098.php ). However Regina not being the murderer may make it easier to swallow for her to be a more likable character. Having everyone murder happy works more with the old tone of when the most exciting thing was Dan dancing half naked on top of the inn but with the more serious tone coming in it's going to be harder to make murder happy characters sympathetic.
Forward ever onward upward aiming skyward.


Quote from: Jasonrevall on March 09, 2018, 04:39:08 PM
I'm going to make a wild theory and say it may be possible that Regina actually didn't do the killing. We know that Wildy is being forced to marry someone soon right? What if her mom didn't want it to happen and someone else did the killing to make the marriage still happen and used Regina as a fall gal because she's a demon and who cares about demons? Or maybe Wildy's mom even faked her own death because she was unhappy with her own forced marriage (if she had one) and again made Regina the fall gal. They are basically crime lords and we don't know a whole lot about Wildy's mom so it may be possible she was willing to sacrifice some friends of the family to get out of the arrangement she was in and get away.

Regina did it. Dan saw her do it. That much we know (from our perspective, at least).


Quote from: PhycoKrusk on March 09, 2018, 05:39:08 PM
Quote from: Jasonrevall on March 09, 2018, 04:39:08 PM
I'm going to make a wild theory and say it may be possible that Regina actually didn't do the killing. We know that Wildy is being forced to marry someone soon right? What if her mom didn't want it to happen and someone else did the killing to make the marriage still happen and used Regina as a fall gal because she's a demon and who cares about demons? Or maybe Wildy's mom even faked her own death because she was unhappy with her own forced marriage (if she had one) and again made Regina the fall gal. They are basically crime lords and we don't know a whole lot about Wildy's mom so it may be possible she was willing to sacrifice some friends of the family to get out of the arrangement she was in and get away.

Regina did it. Dan saw her do it. That much we know (from our perspective, at least).

I don't recall actually seeing the incident. Dan's recount right now in these narratives puts the events clarity into doubt. It could be possible he THOUGHT he saw her doing these things but was manipulated into believing otherwise and accepted what he saw or was told as reality as opposed to what actually happened.

*edit* Regina could have also been lead to believe she caused it and was the one who did it. That would also give us some room for character development to see if she's been putting on a mask all this time and was trying to deal with the guilt of murder but had to hide it due to the fact that everyone around her would have seen it as weakness including potentially her boss right now.
Forward ever onward upward aiming skyward.


You know, I wonder if it wasn't a mixed social clue. I mean, they come from pretty different backgrounds. Say Wildy's mom strongly disapproved of Regina's demonic heritage and when Regina opined her interest in being their friend, her mom was like "Over my dead body", which Regina took literally. After all, if a demon were to say that, it pretty much meant exactly what it says on the tin. Which also explains the whole creepy mental image while Dan was having a nightmare.


Quote from: Prroul on March 09, 2018, 06:55:18 PM
You know, I wonder if it wasn't a mixed social clue. I mean, they come from pretty different backgrounds. Say Wildy's mom strongly disapproved of Regina's demonic heritage and when Regina opined her interest in being their friend, her mom was like "Over my dead body", which Regina took literally. After all, if a demon were to say that, it pretty much meant exactly what it says on the tin. Which also explains the whole creepy mental image while Dan was having a nightmare.

I still think the nightmare was more abstract; mixing what happened (Regina killing Wildy's mom) with his fears (of becoming a monster, and thus becoming a good match for Regina)
Amber-ism #700: If the problem isn't solved, there are still survivors you missed.