Rough times ahead for me

Started by Tait-Fox, September 22, 2006, 12:10:07 AM

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Well... as most of you probably know we just moved to a new house, so I have been gone for about a week, I am now back, everything is set up in the new house, so here I am. Well... shortly after moving in, I have; for some unknown reason; contracted a strain of stomach flu. I am still sick but not as bad. If having to move thousands of pounds of stuff, and being sick at that wasn't bad enough, I hear my only living grandma has had an aneurism, apparently she was coming out of the bathroom and her legs gave up, she fell down and passed out, shes currently unstable at a hospital nearby, their waiting for her to stabalize before moving her to a better hospital. Well, along with the new house comes... the old spirit that has haunted the house my parents lived in before they moved to a new house in a community and had me... is back.  It scared me half to death a while back, I havn't heard from it since my brother burnt sage in my room.  If that isn't enough, I am WAY behind in school work... I could use some support here, its tough, my hearts heavy from my grandma's accident, I'm exausted physically from the heavy lifting, I'm exausted mentally from school, and spiritually I'm creeped...

In other news, this means I will not be posting my webcomic up anytime soon...

EDIT: Alright... things are getting slightly better, my grandma survived the anurism.. I have cleansed my room (My mom won't let me do the house... cause of the drawing I have to make), my teachers are giving me extra time on my work, and I'm currently resting my muscles on this wonderful weekend! All ain't better yet though, theres still a lot more to come, but for now, thanks for all the help and support, I know even though some of you didn't post, you read, and that makes me feel better. Thank you!


:hug Sorry things are so rough for you right now.
I can offer some advice on the troublesome spirit, however.  :)

Sage usually works pretty good, as you've mentioned. If you use it yourself, make sure to let the smoke waft through each room. Other things you could do are trying other purifying essences: sandalwood, frankincense, pine, and cedar.
When I first moved into my apartment this summer, there were very bad things floating around this place. The former tenants must not have been nice people.  :blink
At any rate, I did a ritual to cleanse the area. I haven't seen any malevolent spirits around since. :) It's a bit detailed, so I'll PM it to you.


wow, the witch is loosen in CWMF these days...everyone is going through rough times!!! :S

well man, hang in there, everything in life days will come! ;)