2017-08-11 [DMFA #1775] - Shoot first, ask questions later

Started by Tapewolf, August 11, 2017, 06:26:28 AM

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Well, that gives us a bit more insight into the minion.  Apparently this one isn't quite as happy to die for Hizell as Kria would expect.
The way she's rebuffed his olive branch suggests that Hizell can remote-kill her if she steps out of line.  Otherwise there are numerous other ways... requesting asylum at Zinvth, or becoming Pyroduck's minion.

Do we know where Alexsi is at this point?  Because if Pyroduck isn't willing to turn violent over threats to himself, killing all his little friends might do the trick.  Plus Dan has threatened murder if anything happens to his sister... and that would be a win-win situation for Hizell.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


This is the kind of event in comics I love, a character who has no choice, accepts their fate, and understands what it means (even if clearly misguided.) Now I feel bad for both Pyro and the taur both!

As much as I would love for there to be a way to cut the mental connection and make it still look like she died, I would not be the least bit surprised if Hizell is watching this live via another "sisters" mind or the like, making planning rather impossible. I approve of this kind of drama!
It feels odd not having a fuzzy avatar picture around here....


Quote from: Famout on August 11, 2017, 08:07:49 AM
As much as I would love for there to be a way to cut the mental connection and make it still look like she died, I would not be the least bit surprised if Hizell is watching this live via another "sisters" mind or the like, making planning rather impossible. I approve of this kind of drama!

Yeah, I'd be surprised if he wasn't scrying this.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


I would like to see there be some way for Ducky to remove her from his father's power and make her his minion instead.  Imagine, as Hizell sends taurs, Pyroduck converts them, so in the end he has a taurs army and his dad doesn't.

Not really sure how that would work, but it's a nice idea. Killing her now that he knows how she feels is going to be really awkward.  I wonder if she was chosen for that reason, a soft hearted person might kill a creature that wants to die, but it's harder to kill one that does not.

Grey Wolf

But she doesn't want to die. She just doesn't want her sisters to die after her.

Pyroduck is basically experiencing a real-word application of the trolley problem. If he kills this taur, no more come to die. If he lets someone else kill this taur, another will come to die (and another, until Pyroduck kills one).

Imho, the most ethical action given the information we have would be for Pyroduck to kill her and prevent a deluge. Unless Mab is listening in, she won't have the omniscience to rig something else.
Warning: This forum goer is prone to bouts of logic, and has a dry sense of humor.


You know, it's occurred to me that for as long as this comic has been running, we really don't know very much about Pyroduck at all.

Thus, why as this scene unfolds, we really cannot be sure if he's just scrambling to find some sort of way out of this for both of them, or if he's doing a thing.

The One Guy

Quote from: Tapewolf on August 11, 2017, 06:26:28 AM
The way she's rebuffed his olive branch suggests that Hizell can remote-kill her if she steps out of line.  Otherwise there are numerous other ways... requesting asylum at Zinvth, or becoming Pyroduck's minion.

I think it's more that A. She's fanatically devoted to Hizell such that she'll do his bidding even if it means her own death, and/or B. As Grey Wolf said, she's doing this to protect her sisters who will be sent to attack Pyroduck should she not get killed.


Quote from: The One Guy on August 11, 2017, 11:58:12 AM
I think it's more that A. She's fanatically devoted to Hizell such that she'll do his bidding even if it means her own death, and/or B. As Grey Wolf said, she's doing this to protect her sisters who will be sent to attack Pyroduck should she not get killed.

Could be.  Depends how you interpret the line 'You of all Creatures should know what Lord Hizell is capable of.'  I suppose that might mean that he's emotionally capable of sacrificing all his minions just to get his way, but I was reading it more like 'If I betray him he'll destroy me'.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

The One Guy

Quote from: Tapewolf on August 11, 2017, 12:28:35 PM
Quote from: The One Guy on August 11, 2017, 11:58:12 AM
I think it's more that A. She's fanatically devoted to Hizell such that she'll do his bidding even if it means her own death, and/or B. As Grey Wolf said, she's doing this to protect her sisters who will be sent to attack Pyroduck should she not get killed.

Could be.  Depends how you interpret the line 'You of all Creatures should know what Lord Hizell is capable of.'  I suppose that might mean that he's emotionally capable of sacrificing all his minions just to get his way, but I was reading it more like 'If I betray him he'll destroy me'.

Good point.  I interpreted that line as a warning to Pyroduck not to make an enemy of Hizell and didn't think further into it, but now that you mention it, I do see what you're getting at.

Now I'm wondering if this race only serves him because he's taken advantage of their empathetic connection as a way to keep them in line.


I had to chuckle at the last line, but it made me think... if Pyro truly does feel incapable of ending the conflict without killing her, he may give her the option of how he does it - in combat so that she has a chance to survive, or as a dragon so that her death can be swift.

Though I have to wonder what Hizell will do if she is successful. Even given how little emotional connection he has with Pyro, he is still Hizell's son, and Hizell would have no qualms about squashing a single minion on principle.

Not quite related, it occurred to me while I was typing this, the fact that Dimanika survived kidnapping Hizell's children makes me think that he's not quite as powerful as he plays himself up to be. His imprisonment of Fa'Lina was likely a surprise move as they had been friends up to that point, and while he slew many clans and Clan Leaders, Dimanika's actions were a direct insult that he hasn't been able to avenge thus far.
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"Will you just kill me already" is certainly not the battle tactic I was expecting.


Quote from: Grey Wolf on August 11, 2017, 09:29:18 AM
Imho, the most ethical action given the information we have would be for Pyroduck to kill her and prevent a deluge. Unless Mab is listening in, she won't have the omniscience to rig something else.

If I recall correctly, the deal was that Mab gets omnipotence, but no omniscience. Pip, however, has omniscience, but no omnipotence. Apparently as a bet or game over which is better. She only knows what's happening outside her senses when she enters the fae realm again, AKA 'leaving' the game.

Pip likely would manipulate Mab to save Pyroduck or the others if it's in his interest to do so, though. I'm unsure if they're working to the same goal or no, however.

Grey Wolf

Quote from: Kibin on August 12, 2017, 02:35:48 AM
If I recall correctly, the deal was that Mab gets omnipotence, but no omniscience. Pip, however, has omniscience, but no omnipotence.

Exactly. So Mab wouldn't be able to divine a Third Option unless she'd been listening in since the beginning of the conversation. Which is possible, but if I were Pyroduck, I wouldn't bank on it.
Warning: This forum goer is prone to bouts of logic, and has a dry sense of humor.