2017-07-24 [DMFA #1771] Threats and other promises

Started by Tapewolf, July 24, 2017, 07:19:53 AM

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While I suspect that Pyroduck could crush the minion if it came to it, there is the very real possibility that Hizell might add Pyroduck to the same list as the tri-wings are on now.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Lying Foo

I can't imagine Alexsi would object to Pyro taking an early lunch...
Itsuwari, osore, kyoshoku, urei - samazama wa negative ni torawareru hodo yowaku wa nai, kodoku mo shiranu Trickster.

MT Hazard

I'm wondering if these mythos consider individual members expendable, or dying for the cause honourable. In that case finding a way to hurt/kill all of them at the same time would be useful, perhaps using their empathic link to cause them all to feel pain at the same time.

That would be one way to disincentivize that kind of behaviour anyway.

Also it seems a bit hypocritical for her to talk about loyalty when her master disowned Pyroduck for being kidnapped.
Grammar and I Don't always get on.

Link of the moment:  half man (web comic) 


Well maybe we get to see one of these guys thrown out a window after all.


Show that mouthy minion who's the superior magical creature PyroDucky!
"Hello my friends, my name is Fred. The words you read are in my head. I say I said my name is Fred, and I've been very Naaaauuughhty"


I'm rather curious as to what "questions," exactly, could exist by this point about Pyroduck's loyalties.

So far, the only conclusion I can draw out of this plus the exchange with Kria is that either Hizell is intentionally giving his minions misleading or incorrect information before sending them out — possibly in an effort to provoke some sort of response — or he is insane, in the sense that he exists in a state of being where others (namely us) cannot understand his reasoning or motivations.

I mean, honestly? Questions about Pyroduck's loyalties? Even if he's only been watching Lost Lake since Destania's tip-off, I should think there is more than ample evidence to show where his loyalties lie. I guess driving it home is just going to take Pyroduck getting angry.

I don't think minion will like him very much, when he's angry.


Lovely. Nothing like estranged parents making demands of you.

I hope Pyrdoduck gives her some of his famous "hose hospitality" (http://missmab.com/Comics/Vol_1367.php) before he sends her on her way.


And now the brooding and bloodshed begins!

Levity is forbidden from this day forth!  Only savagery and brutality are permissible!

*Charline de Lyon grins*  And my powers grow...  >:3
Three's a crowd:  One lordly leonine of the Leyjon, one cruel and cunning cubi goddess, and one utterly doomed human stuck between them.



For a race that works with a dragon you would think they would know about not meddling with dragons/being good with ketchup.
It feels odd not having a fuzzy avatar picture around here....

Xios Chiano

Quote from: Lying Foo on July 24, 2017, 07:35:48 AM
I can't imagine Alexsi would object to Pyro taking an early lunch...

But she prolly will if he adds a new skylight...


I think something serious is going to happen soon.  No one seems to have noticed the change in Pyroduck. Specifically, look at his eyes.

First they look normal:

Then, they look like this:

I'm afraid they look very similar to these eyes:



Quote from: Rafe on July 24, 2017, 10:05:55 PM
I think something serious is going to happen soon.  No one seems to have noticed the change in Pyroduck. Specifically, look at his eyes.

We noticed. I simply take that as him preparing to do violence unto this extremely impudent visitor, probably in his dragon form.


I'm interested in the fact that she put emphasis on his name that way... implying she knows his birth name perhaps?

But I can't really blame Pyro for not being appreciative of a father who didn't actively try to reclaim him, and on reunion gave him the task of killing five hundred Cubi as the first step in maybe someday being worth anything to him.

As far as I can tell, Hizell doesn't give a damn about Pyro and is only making token pretenses at it just to keep him out of the way... which A) isn't working, and B) seems wayyy less efficient than recovering him as a kid and raising him would have been.

Basically, everything Hizell thinks Pyro is doing wrong is a result of Hizell not wanting Pyro anywhere near him.
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I have too many Cubi. Feel free to take some off my hands. Please.


Quote from: PhycoKrusk on July 24, 2017, 10:20:01 AM
So far, the only conclusion I can draw out of this plus the exchange with Kria is that either Hizell is intentionally giving his minions misleading or incorrect information before sending them out — possibly in an effort to provoke some sort of response — or he is insane, in the sense that he exists in a state of being where others (namely us) cannot understand his reasoning or motivations.
It's really all quite very simple:  Hizell is a loving father who wants nothing more than for his kidnapped child to return to him covered in the blood, gore, and ichor of his kidnappers. And a few others. To that end, he's giving Pyro every possible chance to straighten up and fly right.


If we recall, Hizell gave Pyroduck a quest to claim his birthright, so he's at least an unacknowledged bastard by Hizell's perspective, so family of sorts.

So now he is hanging out with the very individuals he was sent out to go kill. From Hizell's perspective, Pyro has gone from sulking (acceptable) to aiding and abetting the enemy (not acceptable). He may graduate from 'potentially useful' to 'liability'.

And yea... she's got a rather unique perspective on reality. Granted, she works for Hizell, which is kind of like being a Persian Ambassador. No one hurts you because of who you represent. Of course, that didn't go so well in that little Greek city state, now did it? And yea... Pyro, if he actually decided to get serious, would probably be able to handily take on everyone who has ever gone to the bar at the same time, excepting Mab and Pip and maybe that bunny, if he really IS Quoar and not just a random Bard.

Threatening a Dragon is on most people's list of 'things you should probably avoid doing', unless you are an adventurer in which case you have the addendum 'unless you are trying to lure it into a tactical blunder'. Then again, for all intents and purposes, this chick seems to be one of those fanatic followers who believe dying for the Master is the highest point of honor, so physical counter-threats may be less useful.

Basically, this is Daddy telling Son 'shape up, son, or you're gonna get a whuppin'. She's not there to start a fight, she's there to deliver a message.


Except Pyroduck was raised by those very "enemies" he was supposed to crush. Expecting someone who was raised by wolves to go out and slaughter them is stupid. Honestly, I am not sure why Hizell expected loyalty to the dragon race at all out of this particular son.

I am curious as to why Hizell has sent this envoy to his son at this time (if this envoy is from him - the thought crossed my mind that it might be Destania shifted) - what, exactly, is his purpose in doing this? Is this a ploy to further dis-incentivize Abel relocating back to Lost Lake? Or is it attempting to drive a wedge between Pyro and Dan's family? Both? Some other ploy?


I suspect that the envoy is there for more than one reason.  Earlier, when Abel was first scryed upon, one of Hizell's minions asked if she should send one of her sisters to deal with him.
This might be that sister, sent to keep an eye on the inn and/or eliminate any 'Cubi found in the area.


J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

The One Guy

I almost wonder if Pyro's just putting on an act here.  He has no reason to feel threatened by this one mythos and could easily just send her off the same way Kria did with the other, or defend himself if she does attack.  But his words about not wanting to piss off a dragon seem to resemble how Hizell believes dragons are supposed to react when confronted.  He knows Hizell is watching, or at the very least getting a report from the mythos, so if he appears to be acting like a dragon should and sticking around his enemies as some sort of ploy to ultimately defeat them, then it keeps Hizell from targeting him, for the time being at least.


"I fear not your fae!"

Mmm, that's a pretty dumb move in and of itself, regardless of the whole Ducky-is-a-dragon,-you-colossal-dolt issue alongside it. She may be a bit *ahem* squirrelly at times, but Mab is definitely a force to be reckoned with. (And also doesn't belong to anyone but herself.)


I think something to keep in mind here is Cyra was able to kill a very powerful dragon by the sounds of it that allowed her to become a Tri-wing in the first place. From the sounds of it, power and strength may play into Ducky's hand here. But no matter how powerful a dragon is, they are far from immortal in this world.

Of course the same holds true for his father most likely. But considering how many clans he has under his belt that he was responsible for ending, it's probably best not to get to overconfident and forget how much power and strength can get you when you use it as thoughtfully as Hizell has been hinted at.

Of course at the sane time I wonder just how much skill Ducky has under his belt in a fight being considered an adopted child of Fa'lina and a Phoenix?
I perfer my spam cooked on a skillet.



So, I realized while looking at this page... "pyro duck" = "fire bird" = his name is Phoenix. Dang oracles can't even name someone without doing it in a vague and roundabout way.

Dunno who else was already aware of this but I just figured it out and it hurts XD
Got a deviantArt account? Go join DMFAclub!

I have too many Cubi. Feel free to take some off my hands. Please.


He's got a point about walking into a dragon's lair and threatening said dragon.  I have little doubt that as much as he dislikes violence, Pyroduck is quite capable of going all Haku/Falkor on her arse if he gets goaded enough.  This minion's been just begging to get eaten since this whole Buster Keaton farce started.

(Haku was the luck-dragon/river-dragon from Spirited Away; Falkor is an almost identical white dragon from The Neverending Story.  Forget the movie; his book version was enigmatic, somewhat self-serving, and not afraid of a fight if he was put to it.  If he knew what Falkor really was, he might not have been quite so put-upon with he gave Alexsi a ride).


Quote from: Cassi-kun on July 25, 2017, 06:49:32 PM

So, I realized while looking at this page... "pyro duck" = "fire bird" = his name is Phoenix. Dang oracles can't even name someone without doing it in a vague and roundabout way.

PFFFT AHAHAHA!! That is awesome! xD


Of course, "fire-bird" might not mean phoenix.  It might mean "dragon", given the fire-breathing and flying.

Also, Pyroduck might not be concerned about what these minions might be up to as far as harming him.  Pyroduck is probably most worried about what harm might come to those he cares about, especially Alexi.  Hizell himself might be able to do almost anything in the way of harming Pyroduck (with some trouble and effort, being as they're presumably similar in abilities), but again, Pyroduck doesn't seem as concerned about himself as he is about his friends.  Remember what he did to Fa'Lina - leaving her alive but killing those she loved.


Which is why squashing this minion like an insect and sending the remains back to Hizell might get the point across: This far and no farther.  It'd be out of character for Pyroduck, but any port in a storm and all that.  Hizell is threatening his friends directly.

"He pulls a knife, you pull a gun. He sends one of yours to the hospital, you send one of his to the morgue! That's the Chicago way!"


Quote from: HaDDea on July 25, 2017, 11:16:27 AM
Except Pyroduck was raised by those very "enemies" he was supposed to crush. Expecting someone who was raised by wolves to go out and slaughter them is stupid. Honestly, I am not sure why Hizell expected loyalty to the dragon race at all out of this particular son.
Not expectation.



"Pyro Duck" = "Fire Bird" = "Dragon"? I love it.

No, I did not notice that at all.

Melody Pond would love that.