2017-07-10 [DMFA #1767] Long term grudge holding

Started by MT Hazard, July 10, 2017, 10:19:21 AM

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MT Hazard

When even demons think your grudge holding is exclusive you might want to rethink things.

Also, is it just me of does DP look like he skipped leg day?
Grammar and I Don't always get on.

Link of the moment:  half man (web comic) 


I do wonder where this is heading.  Destania should be sneaky enough to know that it's a trap.

If this kind of scrying is commonplace then she must be aware that anyone who approaches Abel with violent intent is likely to get scooped up by Hizell on the assumption that it's either Dee or an agent who knows how to get to her.
Now I suppose it's not impossible that she's relying on that as a way to get to Hizell and kill him once she has the weapon... but that's starting to get really convoluted and plans are more robust the fewer moving parts they have.

I was thinking again about Aary's prophecy that 'The life of Destania is ended at the hands of Daniel Ti'Fiona' and whether that means something wider than Dan's birth, e.g. some kind of confrontation between them.  Obviously that can't happen if she gets swatted by Hizell...

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

MT Hazard

There also the possibility that both major players (Destania and Hizell) are quite possibly not in their right minds, both blinded by a hate that should have died a long ago. They just have to decide who they hate more.

In Destania's case she should really finish 'the plan' before pursuing a petty grudge against the son of the man who moved on without her.

In Hizell case he should consider than even he wouldn't be able to fight off all the enemies he's accumulating.
Grammar and I Don't always get on.

Link of the moment:  half man (web comic) 


Since Hizell knew it was Dee who wrote him about Abel, he may have simply left him alive and secure as a way to taunt her about an enemy she wants exterminated being protected instead. He certainly wouldn't think Dee had tipped him off purely out of interest in his anti-Cubi campaign.
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I have too many Cubi. Feel free to take some off my hands. Please.


Quote from: MT Hazard on July 10, 2017, 12:57:15 PM
There also the possibility that both major players (Destania and Hizell) are quite possibly not in their right minds, both blinded by a hate that should have died a long ago. They just have to decide who they hate more.

In Destania's case she should really finish 'the plan' before pursuing a petty grudge against the son of the man who moved on without her.

In Hizell case he should consider than even he wouldn't be able to fight off all the enemies he's accumulating.

for Destania, I certainly think that is the position - she is not in her right mind and may likely stumble into this trap because of her grudges (her reaction to Abel not even noticing she was sitting beside him was anything but logical). But the idea that Hizell could also be in the same situation is an interesting one, especially if he has one of those "soul feedback loops" that M'Chek had (the death cult seems to hint at this). I am fascinated by Zezzuva's study into "soul magic" and the idea that there is a residue buildup from souls, and how it might affect those who use soul energy to extend their lives or increase their power.  Because as long-lived apex magic users, the Dragons should be suffering the most from such magical pollution effects.

I admit I am tickled by the idea of "up and crushing one's enemies and having done with it" being considered a civility by the Demons.  :mowhappy


Well, there is the fact that Destania wants to destroy all dragons.  Therefore, I think that Aliph and Kria would find her attitude to also be excessive.

It is also possible that Hizell was impressed by Abel getting his friends to safety rather than looking after himself first.  Not enough to prevent him from seriously injuring Abel, but perhaps enough that he feels that Abel deserves another chance.

If Destania enters Zinvth to kill Abel, there is a good chance that Kria will kill Destania.

Killing Abel might also remove the possibility of a future rapprochement with his son, Pyroduck.
Learn to laugh at yourself, and you will never be without a source of amusement.

The One Guy

Quote from: Naldru on July 10, 2017, 04:30:16 PM
Well, there is the fact that Destania wants to destroy all dragons.  Therefore, I think that Aliph and Kria would find her attitude to also be excessive.

It is also possible that Hizell was impressed by Abel getting his friends to safety rather than looking after himself first.  Not enough to prevent him from seriously injuring Abel, but perhaps enough that he feels that Abel deserves another chance.

If Destania enters Zinvth to kill Abel, there is a good chance that Kria will kill Destania.
The Soulstealers seem to be interested in making political ties with Cyra clan through Dan though; killing Destania would jeopardize that relationship, especially since Dan has a grudge against two Soulstealers already.  Come to think of it, Hizell, unaware of Dan's existence, might be counting on what you're saying to have Kria do the job for him, but Dan is an unwitting spanner in the works.

But more importantly, there's something strange going on: First Matilda, then Biggs, and now Aliph.  They're all wearing shirts!!!


I was thinking before this one, how much better can he be at the game than she's been shown as?


That much better.
Quote from: DamarisThis is the most freaking civil "flame war" I have ever seen in my life.
Yap yap.


Quote from: HaDDea on July 10, 2017, 02:30:11 PM
I admit I am tickled by the idea of "up and crushing one's enemies and having done with it" being considered a civility by the Demons.  :mowhappy
It isn't the "up and crushing one's enemies and having done with it" that Demons consider civility.

It's confining their revenge only to the ones that have wronged them, and not dragging family and friends into it needlessly.


Quote from: Tapewolf on July 10, 2017, 11:38:24 AM
I do wonder where this is heading.  Destania should be sneaky enough to know that it's a trap.
Dan, on the other hand... Wildy and Jyrras were in the at-risk area.


You know, Des might actually have a bit of cunning in this.

Hizell wants Dee. Hizell knows Dee wants Abel dead. Dee also knows that JyJy has a thing for Abel.

So, on the one hand, Hizell crippled but not killed Abel first to give a slap to Dee saying "I am not your minion, do not think to make me do your dirty work", and second to lure her or one of her minions out of hiding as they try to finish him to end her.

On the other hand, Dee is somewhat frustrated that Abel is still alive, but sees a chance to end this entirely. With Abel crippled, JyJy can reasonably be expected to be 100% on board with the dragon-killing gun now. So once he gets his dragon-killer up and running, you then send a cat's paw to go end Abel entirely. Win or fail, you pull Hizell out into the open to finish her. And then JyJy goes to work.

End result, you have dead Hizell, possibly dead Abel depending on how successful Cat's Paw was, and potentially also dead Des depending on if Hizell does the 'with my last breath I spit at thee'.

This leaves Dan in a more stable, if mournful, position, but puts Clan Cyra on a thread, and the pressure to have kids will only mount. But at least the biggest threat to the clan will have been eliminated.


Looks like Dan's coming to a peace treaty with DP and kin is providing some dividends there, although it certainly helps that Abel is also friends with the family and like any good ruler Kria's family is simply NOT going to let anyone not even a dragon get away with violating their territory and harming one of their citizens especially in such a cruel fashion.  Plus the insult of the dragon thinking it could use them as tools will see them bringing not just their A game but their A+ game to the table.


Quote from: Prroul on July 11, 2017, 10:53:52 PM
This leaves Dan in a more stable, if mournful, position, but puts Clan Cyra on a thread, and the pressure to have kids will only mount. But at least the biggest threat to the clan will have been eliminated.

I wonder at this point, who is the biggest threat to clan Cyra: Hizell, or Destania?


Quote from: Shakal on July 11, 2017, 11:43:46 PM
Quote from: Prroul on July 11, 2017, 10:53:52 PM
This leaves Dan in a more stable, if mournful, position, but puts Clan Cyra on a thread, and the pressure to have kids will only mount. But at least the biggest threat to the clan will have been eliminated.

I wonder at this point, who is the biggest threat to clan Cyra: Hizell, or Destania?
Hizell, easily. Outmasses her by at least an order of magnitude.


*Charline de Lyon nods*  I never hold such grudges!  They're counter-productive in the long run and ruin profit margins!  Besides, even though I want to brutally slaughter Hizel in ever imaginable way, there are OTHER dragons I happen to like!  In bed...  ;)
Three's a crowd:  One lordly leonine of the Leyjon, one cruel and cunning cubi goddess, and one utterly doomed human stuck between them.



Dark Pegasus is certainly a suave villain, clear signs he could even be quite sane and politically powerful too if he only stopped slipping into fits of trying to become a power hungry god. At least his honor seems to make him more interested in helping Dan for now rather then let someone else take care of that tricky "truce" problem.
It feels odd not having a fuzzy avatar picture around here....