Nothing in life is free. Some things... are costly indeed.

Started by Slavkei, September 19, 2006, 01:35:41 PM

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A week ago, I called a collections agency about a $93 balance I owed Verizon. I only found out about this recently because they'd been sending the notices to my parents house, not to me. BUT ANYWAY. I talk to a gentleman there and arrange to have a payment taken out the first week of October, which is next month, becuase I simply do not have the money this month.

Thinking that all is well and good, I go about my business. Well yesterday I go to an ATM. Balance: -190.

Turns out they took the payment IMMEDIATELY, and because I DID NOT HAVE THE MONEY TO COVER THAT PLUS MY BILLS, my utility bill and another bill I paid were BOTH overdrafts, meaning I got hit with TWO overdraft fees, and I'm going to get hit with ANOTHER for a 20 dollar withdrawl I did this afternoon. $90 IN OVERDRAFT FEES BECAUSE THEY TOOK THE MONEY IMMEDIATELY.

ON TOP OF THIS, I somehow busted up my right arm last night, though it mostly healed overnight.

This is ridiculous.   

I called the agency, I called the bank, I tried everything I could to make it right.

And it won't be made right.

Isn't that ironic? I spend some money to help out a friend direly in need.

I attempt to honorably resolve a collections notice.

Result: Collections agency screws me the fuck over, and because I spent said money helping a friend, I wind up with a bank account $190 overdrawn.

I'm about ready to go curl up and cry and possibly shoot myself. I can't deal with this, I can't AFFORD this.

Oh well, I guess I'm gonna take full advantage of the 5-day grace period for rent checks this month. x..x


They ALWAYS screw people over. It's like a fact of life. My family's had similar problems...


You shouldn't have called until you had the cash, even if people tell you "even a little at a time is good!"

Also, you need to join a credit union or someone with overdraft protection... I switched to a teacher's union from Bank of America because I was tired of my smaller checking account getting fucked in the butt by these 35 dollar "HAY NO MONEY" fees.


Quote from: Netami on September 19, 2006, 02:19:21 PM
You shouldn't have called until you had the cash, even if people tell you "even a little at a time is good!"

Also, you need to join a credit union or someone with overdraft protection... I switched to a teacher's union from Bank of America because I was tired of my smaller checking account getting fucked in the butt by these 35 dollar "HAY NO MONEY" fees.

A credit union, huh? That's a suggestion I'm going to look into next week, then. Thank you Netami, that sounds like a very good idea.


Well thats a biggest boner they pulled on you >.o; *pats your back* Plus I am using the word boner from the olden days when it WASNT a sexual term


meh, i guess i know what you're talking about, few days ago i used a check to pay the car gas but there was a problem, they charged it 2 times, on the second time i didn't have enough to cover it, so...fees...when i got there to complain (talk really) i was treated really bad put to wait for like 2 hours, with someone back just to tell me they were sorry...but I was the one with the headaches you know?
what do i mean by all this?they don't really care for anything besides money, and if we don't start to look around for better opitions we will always fall in the hands of the dirty ones...what i can suggest you slav is to talk someone that has experience on the subject and ask suggestions...may be a father, an uncle, a friend...but make sure you clear things up! ;)
that's what i do now... :S


Quote from: Zedd on September 19, 2006, 02:26:14 PM
Well thats a biggest boner they pulled on you >.o; *pats your back* Plus I am using the word boner from the olden days when it WASNT a sexual term

I still get chuckles when i hear that on some random B&W family show.


Gah, that's horrible.

I wish I could relate, at the very least I feel for you.  In my case, I don't think I've had anything like that happen.  I've had a few willing instances of being overdrawn of course but then ... HSBC has some of the most tolerant bank managers in existance, I think.  They've helped my Grams out frequently in the past with stuff like that.

Maybe we're just lucky or maybe it's purely down to British law, Iono.  There's so much stuff I'm glad I don't have to deal with and so much stuff I feel bad about when I hear that others do.