Wish me luck

Started by thegayhare, September 20, 2006, 11:39:00 AM

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I'm on my way out the door headed to court...  Owing to that breif stint in jail last month (just 6 hours)

I should be back in a few hours, rather poorer (like I need that) But the cop said more then likely they'll drop one of the charges so wish luck everyone

Roureem Egas

Good luck TGH. Wish this wasn't happening to you.



meh i am kinda lost...what exactly did you do TGH?
Roureem care to help me?


*hugsnsnugs* good luck my friend

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


llearch n'n'daCorna

Bunnyboy has had a busy month.

Not only has he had this, but he's referring back to this and the surrounding thread.
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oh...thanks llearch! ;)
best of luck to you...i know what it feels...wanna feel better?my brother took my car and crashed it...
till today i pay some bills that magicaly appears at my house...


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How lame. :(  Godspeed, and the best of luck.


Tigriel's got a guest:

A Furry fan, that's what I am! - Proud member of the AP-Team. - Avatar Art by INK


well  here's the news

It was a standing room only crowd in there today too.  a few dui's, some operating after a suspension, 2 furnishing liqure to a minor, 3 minors transporting liqure, several posesion of a usable amount of marijuanna, 3 for cultivating marijuanna, 1 posession of drug paraphnallia, 2 domestic abuse cases, some simple assualts, 3 shoplifting (one from walmart resulting in a 100 dollar fine and required paying walmart back $7.83) and one driving to endanger.  I don't know what happened after I left.

After about 2 hours I got my turn.  this is just the arainment so you just inter your plea
Guilty, not guilty, no contest...

So I march up to the podeim and say "Not Guilty" cause thats the only way they'll let you talk to the free public defenders. 

so I go out and talk to the defender.  well I wait anouther hour before I get a chance anyway.  So I make my case to him "First off they said this is my 3rd offense thats not true." he checks the files and yep I'm right  so that knocks my fines down right there.  "second the officer said said that once I filed my sr22 the operating after a suspension would be dismissed."  Well no thats not true.  What you need to do is get a leter from your insurance agency on there letter head saying that you were insured on augest 5th.  "Didn't the sr22, and my insurance cards prove that?"  Normaly yes but state doesn't care about that.

So I need one letter from gieco and instead of $700 in fines I'll pay $100 and the $200 in bail will cover that.

and I've got till mid november to get the letter

So thanks all it looks like your wishes paid off



 D: You, my friend, have had one crappy week. Don't worry man; we're all here for ya. Here's something that I find helps. Just repeat after me...
Didn't work? Then I guess I can just say that I hope things get better. It's only uphill from here!

You can stop repeating what I say now.

EDIT: *Looks up* Oh hey, not so bad as you thought. Awesome.


So you just saved a lot of money ($600) by sending a letter to Gieko?

Sorry, sorry! It had to be done!

But yeah, that's great news! The $100 might still hurt but it could've come out a lot worse.
Yap by Silver.


Whew...Glad you got throught with that


yay the system works, well actually not really :<


Tigriel's got a guest:

A Furry fan, that's what I am! - Proud member of the AP-Team. - Avatar Art by INK


yeah the 100 dollars might be a bit of a pain (actualy its 130, 100 in fines 20 for court costs and 10 victums restitution... which makes no sense in my case atleast) but since the 200 that was paid out for bail (240 actualy but the sheriffs department keeps that 40) the court will actualy give me back 70 dollars