2017-05-23 [DMFA #1763] - Eight minutes and counting

Started by Tapewolf, June 23, 2017, 05:19:19 AM

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Well, that'll be an interesting conversation.  Especially since Abel is a personal friend of Kria and technically a citizen of Zinvth.
That said, I wouldn't put it past the envoy to try and say that as an incubus, Abel is somehow a threat to the entire fabric of Zinvth society, since stirring up anti-cubi sentiment seems to be their strategy at the moment.  How well it will work I don't know... Kria doesn't trust 'Cubi and she only has a rough idea of what Abel has been up to since he disappeared.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Wouldn't work.
Even if the target wasn't a Zinvth citizen, it still violated Zinvth policy and security in a very hard way.
Even if the target was "just" a cubi Zinvth citizen and not Abel, it would still threaten the community as a whole if it's citizens can't feel protected anymore.
But this is Abel we are talking about!

Politics will likely prevent this from becoming an all-out war, but unless Hizell's goon presents some awesome evidence of Abel being a lethal danger to Zinvth, her odds of non-defenestration are rather slim.

In fact, I admire Kria's show of restraint at that moment.


If he wasn't left alive specifically as a warning, it's not impossible that Hizell still wants Abel, and may force Zinvth's rulers to choose between protecting him and not having Hizell crush the city.
That'd likely result in the envoy going through the window on fire, but I'm sure Hizell can live with that.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Kira can spin the news too that the bachelor of the year and his party was attacked by a dragon.
And a brave cubi in the party and citizens of Zinvth saved the bachelor of the year.
but was severely injured by the dragon in the incident.

If they want to get the town too like Abel better and the cubi race.
Also i think Abel entered the town legally and dont think Hizell is just allowed to Zinvth as he likes with out talking to the people in charge of Zinvth.


Never mind courtesy, I want to see Hizell's Little Pony get thrown out the window.

Amber is great at defenestration pictures, let's have more.


I think Amber got the date right on this one, the comic page is titled 06/23/2017 as I look at it now.

What's interesting is that Zinvth has the ability to back up their position. The old adage about how diplomacy is enforced by guns -- you respect someone for the threat that they might pose. Here, the big bad creature dragons and company still respect the threat from a simple demon ... horse? What actually is Kira? ... well enough to try diplomacy.


I notice Kria didn't give an 'or else' in that threat. I think that envoy might be taking a flight regardless of the answer.

That being said, it's interesting how this envoy is acting. I'm getting the impression that Hizell and his territory is use to getting their way. It is surprising that Abel is alive considering how he ended his entire clan. I can only imagine he did it as a means of snubbing Destinia. Considering what the few scenes of him have shown us, he's definitely no stranger to Destania's nature and the description on Abel does seem like he was leaving a message to her.

Of course, Kria doesn't sound happy. Her ex-student is hurt and at the grave of one of her close friends that happens to be Abel's mother. I would imagine if this was just about the trespassing, this meeting would be a little more social... If a bit of hostilities be mixed in the polite diplomacy. Come to think about it, we don't even know what happened to the rest of the clubbing friends. So there might even be more on Krias plate that she's chewing on that we haven't seen yet.
I perfer my spam cooked on a skillet.

Foxx Trotter

Kria usually isn't much for patience, but at least she is giving Hizell's envoy a chance for an explanation.  We shall see how this conversation goes.

I also like the Barenaked Ladies reference that Amber posted in the tab header. :)


Man, you know things are going down when Kria is acting more like her brother usually does.

And I hope that envoy is sweating internally... probably not, but the thought is a nice one. What is she, anyway (in terms of DFMA races)? What's with the glowy eyes?

Yeah... Hizell's actions might have inadvertently started some stuff concerning the other cities. After all, if sovereignty may be challenged at any time... well, a certain bachelor-of-the-year's likely new pet project might be of particular interest to every non-dragon out there. and then things are really gonna get messy...

Yanno, I kinda worry what Mab's goal is here (beyond protecting her friends), and whether it will bring peace... or chaos.

Now to figure out how to keep Mundane metal Mundane.


The more I think about it, the more that I convince myself that the Hizell ambassador's overt smugness is going to make those Eight Min pass faster than under 30 SEC.


Quote from: Tapewolf on June 23, 2017, 05:49:53 AM
If he wasn't left alive specifically as a warning, it's not impossible that Hizell still wants Abel, and may force Zinvth's rulers to choose between protecting him and not having Hizell crush the city.
That'd likely result in the envoy going through the window on fire, but I'm sure Hizell can live with that.

I don't know... Hizell is certainly very powerful, but I doubt even he really wants to get all of Zinvth mobilized against him. Even if no one there can match him individually, that doesn't mean he can necessarily stand up against all of them, or that he would enjoy the consequences of trying to do so.


Quote from: Wanderer on June 23, 2017, 10:18:07 PM
Quote from: Tapewolf on June 23, 2017, 05:49:53 AM
If he wasn't left alive specifically as a warning, it's not impossible that Hizell still wants Abel, and may force Zinvth's rulers to choose between protecting him and not having Hizell crush the city.
That'd likely result in the envoy going through the window on fire, but I'm sure Hizell can live with that.

I don't know... Hizell is certainly very powerful, but I doubt even he really wants to get all of Zinvth mobilized against him. Even if no one there can match him individually, that doesn't mean he can necessarily stand up against all of them, or that he would enjoy the consequences of trying to do so.

He has taken on whole clans of Cubi and won in the past, maybe, no, almost certainly with backup from alleys. He might just consider it to be fun.  :yuck


Quote from: TruthQuest on June 23, 2017, 11:42:35 PM
Quote from: Wanderer on June 23, 2017, 10:18:07 PM
Quote from: Tapewolf on June 23, 2017, 05:49:53 AM
If he wasn't left alive specifically as a warning, it's not impossible that Hizell still wants Abel, and may force Zinvth's rulers to choose between protecting him and not having Hizell crush the city.
That'd likely result in the envoy going through the window on fire, but I'm sure Hizell can live with that.

I don't know... Hizell is certainly very powerful, but I doubt even he really wants to get all of Zinvth mobilized against him. Even if no one there can match him individually, that doesn't mean he can necessarily stand up against all of them, or that he would enjoy the consequences of trying to do so.

He has taken on whole clans of Cubi and won in the past, maybe, no, almost certainly with backup from alleys. He might just consider it to be fun.  :yuck

That doesn't necessarily rate on the same scale, though. As I understand it, Zinvth is basically the center of Creature civilization in this world. That means going up against it pisses off everyone. Angels and Demons, Mer, Cubi, Undead, Mythos, Insectis, Were, Phoenixes, Gryphons, probably some other Dragons, and I would not be at all surprised if some notable people there have contacts with Fae and favors that could be called in.


You know, there's a strange part of me that sees Kria in Spartan armor, with Hizel's lackey as a Persian ambassador.


Then proceed to defenestration via boot to the chest.

Also, I don't think there's a scenario more likely to get Jyrras working on a gryph-mech capable of going toe-to-toe with even a dragon such as Hizel. Dragon vs the soldiers of Zinvth? Maybe. Dragon's got an army too, after all. Dragon vs the soldiers of Zinvth plus a Gryph-mech with layered null-magic plating and missile launchers that would make the cast of Macross weep with envy? That's a bit of a different situation...



Quote from: TruthQuest on June 23, 2017, 11:42:35 PM
Quote from: Wanderer on June 23, 2017, 10:18:07 PM
Quote from: Tapewolf on June 23, 2017, 05:49:53 AM
If he wasn't left alive specifically as a warning, it's not impossible that Hizell still wants Abel, and may force Zinvth's rulers to choose between protecting him and not having Hizell crush the city.
That'd likely result in the envoy going through the window on fire, but I'm sure Hizell can live with that.

I don't know... Hizell is certainly very powerful, but I doubt even he really wants to get all of Zinvth mobilized against him. Even if no one there can match him individually, that doesn't mean he can necessarily stand up against all of them, or that he would enjoy the consequences of trying to do so.

He has taken on whole clans of Cubi and won in the past, maybe, no, almost certainly with backup from alleys. He might just consider it to be fun.  :yuck

Cubi however have certain mental limitations due to how they can get caught in an emotion and lose sight of all reason and end up little more than raging beasts, a limitation Dan was informed of at Fa'lina's academy when talking to its being combat instructor.  Once they get caught in that emotion their formidable abilities become fairly useless against another equally or even less powerful being that's skilled and still in control of themselves.  So an entire city of mixed, skilled combatants would be far more difficult to deal with compared to a homogeneous group of Cubi.


Does anyone else see the Gendo-ish mannerisms with Kria there?

Or is that more a Burns' Bridge?
For decades I viewed myself as a 'wageslave', captive to whims of others and not realizing that by Naming myself that I *defined* myself.

Now many years older and wiser, I am trying to be the change  I want to see.


Quote from: Wageslave94 on June 24, 2017, 01:00:26 PM
Does anyone else see the Gendo-ish mannerisms with Kria there?

Or is that more a Burns' Bridge?
Lack of glasses to cast a reflection to mask the eyes makes this a poor Gendo Steeple. However, the intent is far more intellectual and malignant than a typical Burns Bridge which is merely an evil villain laugh counterpart.

Jyrras did a MUCH better Gendo Steeple when he tried to talk to Abel about his birthday.


Frankly, I think if he's just defenestrated he's should count herself lucky.  I'm fully expecting that by the time this little conversation is over, Kria eats the smug little bastard.  This is something Demons can and do do when someone pisses them off sufficiently, and Kria's already in the Red Zone.