2017/04/06 [AF 7] - Conclusion

Started by Tapewolf, April 06, 2017, 08:01:46 AM

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False knowledge is still knowledge, though...

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


That's true. I learned a lot from Jack Chick Tracts, even if it wasn't really things I wanted to learn (or necessarily things Chick was consciously trying to impart)


I guess since Jake's exile, false knowledge might be seen as a heretical thing to spread... even if Jude folk aren't as nutters as Elementalists. Guess that also aligns with the severity of Shauni's reaction to hearing about the truth of the history of the worldsplit. She might know everything there is to learn about the worldsplit, but that doesn't mean she knows the truth...
...By Puyon