2017/03/30 [PF 467] Gone Fishin'

Started by ZacAttac21, March 31, 2017, 02:30:01 AM

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Dude, Puyon's character Ruse needs to become a student of Daryil's. The guy is a master troll.


Soup is full of nutrients. Fish are full of nutrients. Seems only likely that they'd go along like a duck in water


Quote from: CubiKitsune on March 31, 2017, 02:30:01 AM
Dude, Puyon's character Ruse needs to become a student of Daryil's. The guy is a master troll.

Ruse loves hearing about Daryil's shenanigans whenever it comes up in the news. The fact that any of his shenanigans are news worthy at all is admirable. They probably wouldn't be down for fish death related shenanigans.

Whatever it is with Daryil and fish... it seems personal. Why does he hate fish so much...?
...By Puyon


have a look at curly fettucini sometime.. looks like tentacles. :B

Dragons, it's what's for dinner... with gravy and potatoes, YUM!
Sparta? no, you should've taken that right at albuquerque..


Quote from: Merlin on March 31, 2017, 02:36:27 AM
Soup is full of nutrients. Fish are full of nutrients. Seems only likely that they'd go along like a duck in water

This page (and the following) were based on one of the more bizarre conversations at my office.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Tapewolf on March 31, 2017, 04:20:37 AM
This page (and the following) were based on one of the more bizarre conversations at my office.

I would like to hear more about these bizarre workplace conversations.

At my last workplace I used to talk a lot about Gunther, my big black... rooster. Everybody loves to hear about Gunther.


Quote from: Merlin on March 31, 2017, 04:59:17 AM
I would like to hear more about these bizarre workplace conversations.

"The Derby car park is especially gorgeous at this time of year, when the new audis are in bloom."

There was once a long and heated discussion about whether the Empire was actually evil in Star Wars, which included the line "The Jedi are the secret police of a corrupt government!" and pointing out that since they'd been on top for thousands of years, if someone was going to 'bring balance to the Force' it could only mean that someone really nasty was going to come along.  The casual mistreatment of apparently sentient robots and the fact that the human characters are always top dogs was also mentioned, contractors on the Death Star etc... but the main thrust of the argument was that the Empire itself doesn't really do much that's evil.  There are clearly a few bad eggs involved but the Empire itself... there's never any solid proof that they're actually bad it's only ever implied and seen from the biased perspective of a bunch of outlaws.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Tapewolf on March 31, 2017, 05:20:53 AM
"The Derby car park is especially gorgeous at this time of year, when the new audis are in bloom."

This, I love.

Quote from: Tapewolf on March 31, 2017, 05:20:53 AM
There was once a long and heated discussion about whether the Empire was actually evil in Star Wars, which included the line "The Jedi are the secret police of a corrupt government!" and pointing out that since they'd been on top for thousands of years, if someone was going to 'bring balance to the Force' it could only mean that someone really nasty was going to come along.  The casual mistreatment of apparently sentient robots and the fact that the human characters are always top dogs was also mentioned, contractors on the Death Star etc... but the main thrust of the argument was that the Empire itself doesn't really do much that's evil.  There are clearly a few bad eggs involved but the Empire itself... there's never any solid proof that they're actually bad it's only ever implied and seen from the biased perspective of a bunch of outlaws.

I hear that one a lot from my housemate, along with the jedi being a mad, child-kidnapping cult.


I've taken to writing some of the best ones down.

"What's that Welsh song about bread?"
"It's not ABOUT bread, that's the chorus!  One of the choruses, the one everybody knows!"

(After trying and failiing to buy a mattress on countless occasions)
"I'm just going to get a f***ing hammock.  Beds are for losers."

"You and your emo toe."
"Well, it it self-harming.  Spends a lot of the time in the dark... has shit taste in music..."

"Just because you're a bit slow on the uptake, doesn't mean that it's Welsh"

"Collaboration.  That's the name of the game."
"Yeah, but not with f***ing idiots."

"We need a new service... like Uber, but for shit in a bag."

"I have to admit, I played Advanced Dungeons and Dragons in my youth and became both a Roman Catholic and a Satanist."  (On being shown the Jack Chick comic)

"F*** off, it's Christmas"

"Change his first name to Potato."
"No!  Change his second name to Potato!"
"No.  First and second name, so he's Potato Potato Perry"  [Name changed slightly to protect the guilty]

"Oh, he became Welsh by osmosis"

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E



Quote from: Merlin on March 31, 2017, 06:01:34 AM
I love all of those

Oh, I missed these:

"We gotta shoot people" ('Perry', ending a call)

"If you have an acronym that was used once but isn't now, would that be an anacronym?"

"As a care worker, I want to see a ginger-haired child."  (From a requirements discussion of displaying photos in the social care application)

"I am NOT searching on Google for pictures of little children!" (From a discussion about test data for the above feature)

"Don't be gay, it's Christmas!"

"That is Gaelic for 'shut the f*** up'"

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E



Quote from: CubiKitsune on March 31, 2017, 09:59:27 AM
Sounds like a fun place to work. xD

It has also been very stressful as well, but yes, I think that's what's kept me here instead of moving on...

I found and remembered a few more:

"...and he doesn't know what a root vegetable is, either."

"Batman is just a one-percenter beating up the mentally ill!"

"What do you do on St. David's day?"
"At noon we eat laver bread sandwiches, and then in the evening we burn a wickerman of our ancestral enemies and play a quick game of rugby before the candles run down."
"I like burning things."

"If it had come in on Pat's desk, it would have been a call on the Pat-phone!  Get it?  The Pat-phone!"
"That was awful."
"Shut the f*** up!  It was the funniest thing you heard all day!"

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E