2017-01-30 DMFA #1728 - Straight to the Point

Started by Cassi-kun, January 30, 2017, 05:31:55 AM

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It is true, but honestly it's better for you to know the really good/bad parts of me early.
That and if all the discussion is about a ship I don't like then I'm getting less than nothing while I wait for the topic to change to something else.

Of course while writing this I realized I can just ignore the conversations that happens in until we get to world-building or other topics I like. Which I guess is also literally what you just said.  :S

I like Fey.


Ive tried coming up with a response to this and hardly can. I've tried going through the comic to provide evidence for why they might make a bad ship and I can't find it. Literally just reading the comic I keep thinking "wow, what a healthy relationship these two have!". So in the end i'm just going to conclude that you are entirely bias because 'gay stuff makes you feel sick'. What you tried to articulate doesn't even  make any sense. Entering a romantic relationship isn't going to change their whole dynamic you know. Yeah, they're great friends and have helped each other grow as people great by being great friends, but the funny thing about romantic partners? Ideally, they're someone who you're compatible with as a friend.

Quote from: Kenik on February 01, 2017, 03:32:28 AM
My reasons are related to why I don't subscribe to the gender non binary. But that's an incredibly long an incoherent rant to try and describe.

Take that to the topic non-specific board. Because you can bet that that's a discussion I, Puyon Non-Binary McNon-Binaryson, am interested in having. Unless you stated that, similar to how you did for ""gay stuff"", just so you can say "I hate non-binary people", in which case just take a long and hard moment to consider why saying any of those things was actually necessary.
...By Puyon


Quote from: Cassi-kun on January 30, 2017, 07:45:00 PM
Kinda thinking that Destania will be pissed - not only Aniz but now his son as well having serious relationships outside of her. I can see her taking this as a personal insult, considering how irrational she already is towards Abel.
Oh she will be more than pissed. Since Jyrras's status currently makes him untouchable and it seems to spread to those he is near at the time, being in a relationship with Abel would make any attack on him possibly an attack on Jyrras by extension. And that may put an end to any plans Hizel has for the time being, which any plans of his involving Abel are by extension a thing Destania wants.


Quote from: AzureEdge on February 01, 2017, 12:55:03 PM
Since Jyrras's status currently makes him untouchable and it seems to spread to those he is near at the time, being in a relationship with Abel would make any attack on him possibly an attack on Jyrras by extension. And that may put an end to any plans Hizel has for the time being, which any plans of his involving Abel are by extension a thing Destania wants.

I wouldn't bet on that.  Unless Hizell is aware that Jyrras' protected status was instigated by the Fae, all it will mean to him is that Jy is under the protection of Zinvth.  If Zinvth and Hizell came to blows, I would not put money on the city coming out on top.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Could go either way. We haven't seen that much of Zinvths upper echelons yet, yeah? So many demons, they might have been preparing and have something up their sleeves...

OK I just want to see Kria in a throwdown with a dragon. Let me have this!!


I wonder how strong a "weak" dragon would still really be. The [presumably] weakest dragon we've seen is Pyro, who hasn't expressed any special power except physically, once.
Got a deviantArt account? Go join DMFAclub!

I have too many Cubi. Feel free to take some off my hands. Please.


Quote from: Tapewolf on February 01, 2017, 01:43:42 PM
Quote from: AzureEdge on February 01, 2017, 12:55:03 PM
Since Jyrras's status currently makes him untouchable and it seems to spread to those he is near at the time, being in a relationship with Abel would make any attack on him possibly an attack on Jyrras by extension. And that may put an end to any plans Hizel has for the time being, which any plans of his involving Abel are by extension a thing Destania wants.

I wouldn't bet on that.  Unless Hizell is aware that Jyrras' protected status was instigated by the Fae, all it will mean to him is that Jy is under the protection of Zinvth.  If Zinvth and Hizell came to blows, I would not put money on the city coming out on top.
Considering Mab seems to know when things will happen ahead of time when in the Fae Realm and seems to have Pip to steer her in the right direction when it calls for it in the normal world, sans what happened during Abel's Birthday, I would assume if Jyrras was in any real danger right now from being with Abel at what is to be ground Zero at an attack by Hizell, she would not be watching movies with Pyro and Lexi as Pip knows how important Jyrras is for whatever Mab has been planning for who knows how long.


I intended to draw something like this and add it to my rotating stock of avatars earlier in the week, but then my computer went cactus which threw the whole week off. But now... hey it makes a good warmup while getting used to my temporary replacement:

Feels like ages since I've drawn one of those avatars!

Quote from: AzureEdge on February 02, 2017, 12:04:50 AM
Considering Mab seems to know when things will happen ahead of time when in the Fae Realm and seems to have Pip to steer her in the right direction when it calls for it in the normal world, sans what happened during Abel's Birthday, I would assume if Jyrras was in any real danger right now from being with Abel at what is to be ground Zero at an attack by Hizell, she would not be watching movies with Pyro and Lexi as Pip knows how important Jyrras is for whatever Mab has been planning for who knows how long.

I wonder though... Pip seems quite happy to steer her in the wrong direction sometimes. Like happily letting her fly to the moons when she would perhaps more usefully have been occupied at the lake when those adventurers turned up. Her and Pip seem to have some differing goals at points, while Pip knows that Jyrras is important, I don't know that his end goals necessarily involve keeping him alive.

And Mab does know everything, but not while in Furrae, which makes things a bit more finnicky. So many possibilities for things to wrong, mwahaha.


Quote from: Merlin on February 02, 2017, 01:35:06 AM
I wonder though... Pip seems quite happy to steer her in the wrong direction sometimes. Like happily letting her fly to the moons when she would perhaps more usefully have been occupied at the lake when those adventurers turned up. Her and Pip seem to have some differing goals at points, while Pip knows that Jyrras is important, I don't know that his end goals necessarily involve keeping him alive.

I think Pip would be only too happy to see Abel die.  I suspect that he's a temporarily-embarrassed dragon, possibly one of Hizell's 'destroyed' children.  He's constantly been attacking Dan.

As regards Hizell vs Zinvth, don't forget that Hizell quite likely one of the top-tier, multidimensional dragons who is on par with the Fae.  I wouldn't see the city standing much chance.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Tapewolf on February 02, 2017, 04:25:14 AM
I think Pip would be only too happy to see Abel die.  I suspect that he's a temporarily-embarrassed dragon, possibly one of Hizell's 'destroyed' children.  He's constantly been attacking Dan.

Interesting, I hadn't considered that...


This scene was..albeit very satisfying for the shipper in me, just seems sort of. .out of character for Abel. not just because with hundreds of years of living that he probably Knows that Jyras likes him, but to ask it just to (possibly) out him doesn't seem like it'd be in his repertoire. To be so blunt with a question about feelings is one thing, but to also do so to Jyras, the only one he's literally threatened to protect? I dunno, presonally I feel something like this, taking into consideration of who Abel Is, is a defensive/agitated question of someone whose on the cusp of accusing someone of liking them, rather than building up to such a question, one with good intention; say after a few drinks.

TLDR; the whole interaction feels like it's Wildy asking the question, not Abel  x: