2016/12/02 [DMFA #1714] - No, no-one has

Started by Tapewolf, December 02, 2016, 05:17:38 AM

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Presumably there is a reason Dan has been left utterly in the dark.
I hope Taun isn't going to break anything by revealing things Dan-was-never-meant-to-know.  But I also wonder what her reaction is going to be as it dawns on her just how ignorant Dan is of his situation.
For instance, has she been told (via Jerry or Illie) that he was brought up as a Being?  It may or may not have been obvious to them, though the fact that he even now insists on hiding his headwings is a big clue, and I'm a little surprised she hasn't remarked on that yet.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Tapewolf on December 02, 2016, 05:17:38 AM
Presumably there is a reason Dan has been left utterly in the dark.
I hope Taun isn't going to break anything by revealing things Dan-was-never-meant-to-know.  But I also wonder what her reaction is going to be as it dawns on her just how ignorant Dan is of his situation.
For instance, has she been told (via Jerry or Illie) that he was brought up as a Being?  It may or may not have been obvious to them, though the fact that he even now insists on hiding his headwings is a big clue, and I'm a little surprised she hasn't remarked on that yet.

It's possible that as he gets comfortable with being a cubi he'll stop hiding his headwings.  How long that will take is anybody's guess.

Now that I about it, this might be a reason why Taun wanted to talk to him: to reveal things to him that he needs to know. 

Also I'm glad that we switched back to Dan meeting with Taun....

Actually I'm wondering if that's why llliath is there; so Taun can hook them both up. 

Not sure what's worse: finding out that if you don't have children your clan leader might die or having a thousand some year old woman set you up on a blind date?


I'm hoping this leads to Dan having a heart-to-heart with Cyra. She wants more time with her grandson, we want more Cyra, everybody wins!
Got a deviantArt account? Go join DMFAclub!

I have too many Cubi. Feel free to take some off my hands. Please.

MT Hazard

Reasons Dan is/was in the dark

  • Dest din't tell him anything, Fa'lina thinks this may be because of her deepening madness.
  • Alexsi didn't tell him the little she knew due to concern he'd panic.
  • Jacob tried to tell Dan more but was silenced by another Professor, she claimed that his 'lifetime of responsibility' could wait.
  • His own stubbornness and reluctant to except change.
  • The 'bad examples' of  Abel and Arry scaring him away from finding things out on his own.

Fa'lina seems to be slowly revealing the truth along with Cyra.

To be fair if anyone did try and bring him up to speed in one go, info dump style, he would probably go into shock.

edit: because I can't seem to add link to the list

Dest's (somewhat ironic) lack of teaching

Alexsi prior knowledge

student first, clan saviour later.

Abel being what Dan fears becoming

Arry's violent attitude

Grammar and I Don't always get on.

Link of the moment:  half man (web comic) 


Quote from: MT Hazard on December 02, 2016, 12:12:00 PM
Reasons Dan is/was in the dark

  • Dest din't tell him anuthing, Fa'lina thinks this may be because of her deepening madness.
  • Alexsi didn't tell him the little she knew due to concern he'd panic.
  • Jacob tried to tell Dan more but was silenced by another Professor, she claimed that his 'lifetime of responsibility' could wait.
  • His own stubbornness and reluctant to except change.
  • The 'bad examples' of  Abel and Arry scaring him away from finding things out on his own.

Fa'lina seems to be slowly revealing the truth along with Cyra.

To be fair if anyone did try and bring him up to speed in one go, info dump style, he would probably go into shock.

edit: because I can't seem to add link to the list

Dest's (somewhat ironic) lack of teaching

Alexsi prior knowledge

student first, clan saviour later.

Abel being what Dan fears becoming

Arry's violent attritute

Well if you think about it, Taun seems to be revealing a lot of info on, cubi, clans and clan leaders.  In fact, you could say she has revealed more stuff on the cubi than any other character has...well except for maybe Abel and Amber, but Amber is the creator of the setting so she doesn't count. 


Quote from: PalmettoPaladin on December 02, 2016, 01:06:32 PM
Well if you think about it, Taun seems to be revealing a lot of info on, cubi, clans and clan leaders.
It's exposition o'clock!
Got a deviantArt account? Go join DMFAclub!

I have too many Cubi. Feel free to take some off my hands. Please.


Dan it's called growing up and responsibility. It catches up to everybody. 

MT Hazard

"If you could even call that survival" Ouch that's a pretty harsh comment, directed at a person who saved a large amount of Cubi from the dragons as well.
Grammar and I Don't always get on.

Link of the moment:  half man (web comic) 


Quote from: MT Hazard on December 03, 2016, 06:47:54 AM
"If you could even call that survival" Ouch that's a pretty harsh comment, directed at a person who saved a large amount of Cubi from the dragons as well.

I got the impression that it was a statement of pity, not disdain.


Quote from: CubiKitsune on December 03, 2016, 02:04:21 PM
Quote from: MT Hazard on December 03, 2016, 06:47:54 AM
"If you could even call that survival" Ouch that's a pretty harsh comment, directed at a person who saved a large amount of Cubi from the dragons as well.

I got the impression that it was a statement of pity, not disdain.

I got the same feeling as well. If I recall Taun actually supported the creation of SAIA.

Also I just realized that except for three, all the clan leaders are barefoot (I'm assuming Cyra is barefoot). Well Taun has those armored sandals on so technically she's barefoot.

Back on topic, I still get this feeling that Taun is going to try to hook Dan up with a female Taun member. I guess that's why Illiath is there.  I could be wrong since Illiath belongs to Tapewolf.  Still it's anyone's guess to who Dan will be hooked up with.  And yes I know about the blue mythos but remember something bad is going to happen.  If Taun does hook Daniel with someone I hope she's a canine. 

Then Amber can make cat and dog jokes.  :mowhappy


Quote from: CubiKitsune on December 03, 2016, 02:04:21 PM
Quote from: MT Hazard on December 03, 2016, 06:47:54 AM
"If you could even call that survival" Ouch that's a pretty harsh comment, directed at a person who saved a large amount of Cubi from the dragons as well.

I got the impression that it was a statement of pity, not disdain.

It could be that Taun's genuinely not sure if Falina's case even counts. No one's seen Falina, sans avatar, since she lost her clan (certainly, it's never been shown on-screen that I recall) - and she doesn't leave the academy, either. For all Taun knows, Falina not dying comes at the cost of most of her power being tied up in the academy and its protections, and not being able to leave the grounds (and not having enough power to be that huge size either). We know that there was some kind of arrangement with Mab to get the academy protections functioning and put it in its own pocket-dimension - we don't know what (if any) cost there was to that.


Dan is most likely going to bring the subject up with Matilda, but even still I don't think he's in any rush to start breeding. I think I said so I'm a previous thread but there are likely Cubi from clans with no Leader who would be eager to have a Cyran child, and probably some who would be willing to convert as well, either to join Cyra specifically or just to have a Leader.
Got a deviantArt account? Go join DMFAclub!

I have too many Cubi. Feel free to take some off my hands. Please.


Quote from: Cassi-kun on December 03, 2016, 03:51:55 PM
I think I said so I'm a previous thread but there are likely Cubi from clans with no Leader who would be eager to have a Cyran child, and probably some who would be willing to convert as well, either to join Cyra specifically or just to have a Leader.

I doubt that. Cyra has a lot of powerful, scary enemies, and I bet most 'Cubi know that.


Quote from: CubiKitsune on December 03, 2016, 04:41:31 PM
Quote from: Cassi-kun on December 03, 2016, 03:51:55 PM
I think I said so I'm a previous thread but there are likely Cubi from clans with no Leader who would be eager to have a Cyran child, and probably some who would be willing to convert as well, either to join Cyra specifically or just to have a Leader.

I doubt that. Cyra has a lot of powerful, scary enemies, and I bet most 'Cubi know that.
Well yeah, but Cyra clearly still has allies, too. I'd think if anything it would be Destania, not any outside enemies, that would deter Cubi from getting in on the Cyra bloodlines.

Not counting the enemies who ARE Cubi, of course.
Got a deviantArt account? Go join DMFAclub!

I have too many Cubi. Feel free to take some off my hands. Please.


Quote from: Cassi-kun on December 03, 2016, 08:12:46 PM
Quote from: CubiKitsune on December 03, 2016, 04:41:31 PM
Quote from: Cassi-kun on December 03, 2016, 03:51:55 PM
I think I said so I'm a previous thread but there are likely Cubi from clans with no Leader who would be eager to have a Cyran child, and probably some who would be willing to convert as well, either to join Cyra specifically or just to have a Leader.

I doubt that. Cyra has a lot of powerful, scary enemies, and I bet most 'Cubi know that.
Well yeah, but Cyra clearly still has allies, too. I'd think if anything it would be Destania, not any outside enemies, that would deter Cubi from getting in on the Cyra bloodlines.

Not counting the enemies who ARE Cubi, of course.
Yea, Cyra's got a really bad rep, what with being the Causis Belli for the Dragon-Cubi war that got the Cubi race... pruned back so firmly. And the fact that it's pretty well known that if there's any clan mark that would put you on Hizel's top-ten hit list, it's going to be that one.

Taun is going over information that we, the readers, have known for some time. It took me a minute to understand Dan's lack of understanding until I realized that it's not something he would likely have pulled up on his own.

Dan knew, vaguely, that Cyra's clan was just him and his mother. That's it. But he's never really had a chance to think about the implication of that, and that's not really the kind of thing that would intuitively come to Dan. He's an Adventurer. If there's anyone on the cast who could put together clues in their environment to detect a hostile trap, he'd be my first bet. But he just doesn't think in dynastic terms, because he's never had to deal with them before. Also, I suspect Dan was kinda repressing this and putting it in the 'Sooooo not gonna deal with this right now, so put this in the long-term not immediate box and forget about it for now' mental category because it wasn't something he really wanted to think about. It was one more nail in the 'I'll never be a normal Adventurer ever again' coffin.

Illian being there doesn't necessarily mean Taun is trying to hook them up. Mind you, I don't think she'd object if that were to happen, but she's also got to understand the abysmally low odds of that happening. Illian is frequently used by Taun as a representative, this is literally her job description within her clan. At best, the reason Taun might have decided to use Illian instead of Jeremiah is because of those long odds, but she's not betting any farms on it.

From the immortal words of Admiral Miles Naismith (cribbed from a psychotic but tactically brilliant lady by the name of Cavillo): "Strategy is not a path to victory, but setting things up so that every path will eventually lead to a victory of sorts". Taun is too brilliant of a tactician and strategist to put her entire strategy on the fragile balance point of any one single event, much less one with such low odds.

Sometimes, a cigar is just a cigar, and sometimes a rep is just a rep.

I did have a brief mental image of Fa'Lina, Taun, Piflack, and possibly Nact'larn getting together and hosting something like the reality TV show 'The Bachelor' to try and find a girl for Dan. Didi would've gone along with it just because it sounded like fun. Cyra would've approved because it would've made her clan more stable. Zezzuva is probably too busy transferring power to care, one way or the other. Probably the reason they haven't is because a) Dan already has a girl and has these silly monogamous tendencies to cause issues, and b) Dan would more likely suffer through such an event and decline to pick a lady out of sheer stubbornness. But still, the thought is still an amusing one.


Quote from: Prroul on December 03, 2016, 11:14:50 PMMiles Naismith
Well that certainly explains why you wrote Illian instead of Illiath :P

Quote from: Prroul on December 03, 2016, 11:14:50 PMI did have a brief mental image of Fa'Lina, Taun, Piflack, and possibly Nact'larn getting together and hosting something like the reality TV show 'The Bachelor' to try and find a girl for Dan. Didi would've gone along with it just because it sounded like fun. Cyra would've approved because it would've made her clan more stable. Zezzuva is probably too busy transferring power to care, one way or the other. Probably the reason they haven't is because a) Dan already has a girl and has these silly monogamous tendencies to cause issues, and b) Dan would more likely suffer through such an event and decline to pick a lady out of sheer stubbornness. But still, the thought is still an amusing one.
I can just about imagine somebody getting Matilda to SAIA as a "surprise contestant." Probably Fa'Lina herself.

Having Nact'Larn herself present whilst trying to get a couple to hook up, though? I think she might get a little too enthusiastic about "helping," and we've already seen how excitable Fa'Lina can be when it comes to babies.
Got a deviantArt account? Go join DMFAclub!

I have too many Cubi. Feel free to take some off my hands. Please.


Quote from: Prroul on December 03, 2016, 11:14:50 PM
Illian being there doesn't necessarily mean Taun is trying to hook them up. Mind you, I don't think she'd object if that were to happen, but she's also got to understand the abysmally low odds of that happening. Illian is frequently used by Taun as a representative, this is literally her job description within her clan.
Actually, that is Jeremiah's job.  Illiath is still a student but nearing the end of her studies at SAIA so she's probably spending a lot of time outside, establishing contacts in the adventuring sector or something.  I'm not sure what specific duties she has within the clan's hierarchy.

Again, there's also the problem that we don't know if an Illiath-Dan pairing would actually produce a Cyran child at all - my money would be on a Taun kid.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Tapewolf on December 04, 2016, 04:42:17 AM
Quote from: Prroul on December 03, 2016, 11:14:50 PM
Illian being there doesn't necessarily mean Taun is trying to hook them up. Mind you, I don't think she'd object if that were to happen, but she's also got to understand the abysmally low odds of that happening. Illian is frequently used by Taun as a representative, this is literally her job description within her clan.
Actually, that is Jeremiah's job.  Illiath is still a student but nearing the end of her studies at SAIA so she's probably spending a lot of time outside, establishing contacts in the adventuring sector or something.  I'm not sure what specific duties she has within the clan's hierarchy.

Again, there's also the problem that we don't know if an Illiath-Dan pairing would actually produce a Cyran child at all - my money would be on a Taun kid.

That's a good point.  I guess clan leaders could have the ability to waiver if a child is born into their clan.  Not sure how that would work but I'm guessing that a clan leader can extend his/her power to those who are still in the womb even, but until we learn more on how interclan couples work, I'm just guessing here. 

Still, I think that Illiath has a good deal of respect for Dan, judging on how quickly she apologized to him just mere moments after sucker punching him the face.  I guess that was a sucker punch right?

So if that is a way for Taun to waiver her claim on a newborn so that Cyra can claim the baby as part of her clan, I can actually see any romance between Daniel and Illiath going well.

And for those fans of the blue mythos girl, I have nothing against her!  I actually like her too.  But what with a certain evil dragon that wants to eradicate all cubi spying on Wildy's plans, my "I have a bad feeling about this" senses have kicked into overdrive!  And usually, 9 out of 10 times, those senses are usually right.


Quote from: PalmettoPaladin on December 04, 2016, 10:28:26 AM
That's a good point.  I guess clan leaders could have the ability to waiver if a child is born into their clan.  Not sure how that would work but I'm guessing that a clan leader can extend his/her power to those who are still in the womb even, but until we learn more on how interclan couples work, I'm just guessing here.

Here's the official answer, but it doesn't exactly settle the question in terms of Cyra vs Taun.  http://missmab.com/Comics/Vol_1283.php

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Tapewolf on December 04, 2016, 10:39:23 AM
Quote from: PalmettoPaladin on December 04, 2016, 10:28:26 AM
That's a good point.  I guess clan leaders could have the ability to waiver if a child is born into their clan.  Not sure how that would work but I'm guessing that a clan leader can extend his/her power to those who are still in the womb even, but until we learn more on how interclan couples work, I'm just guessing here.

Here's the official answer, but it doesn't exactly settle the question in terms of Cyra vs Taun.  http://missmab.com/Comics/Vol_1283.php

Ah yes.  I actually forgot about that.  Thank you for pointing that out.  But yeah you got a point there: is the strength of the clan based on how many members there are or does it depend on the clan leader themselves?  Does a clan that has only two members stronger than another clan that has 2,000 because there are fewer people to give energy to or does a clan that has more members in it the stronger one?

I'm hoping Taun answers those questions for us.   

Now that I think about it what is the status the city of Zinvth in regards to its diplomatic relations with the city/domain controlled by Hizell?  What about the kingdom of H-Ann?


Quote from: Tapewolf on December 04, 2016, 04:42:17 AMAgain, there's also the problem that we don't know if an Illiath-Dan pairing would actually produce a Cyran child at all - my money would be on a Taun kid.
Well, it doesn't really matter which clan the child originally pops out as, because the child can be converted over to Cyra due to the blood relationship with Dan. In fact, I could probably see that being one of the 'terms and conditions' of a relationship between the two... "if a child is born of the union, and that child is born into the Taun clan, then that child is to convert over to clan Cyra as soon as feasible, so long as the father is still alive to have the ritual performed".


Quote from: Prroul on December 04, 2016, 06:48:12 PM
Well, it doesn't really matter which clan the child originally pops out as, because the child can be converted over to Cyra due to the blood relationship with Dan. In fact, I could probably see that being one of the 'terms and conditions' of a relationship between the two... "if a child is born of the union, and that child is born into the Taun clan, then that child is to convert over to clan Cyra as soon as feasible, so long as the father is still alive to have the ritual performed".

That does assume that the child would want to switch from a successful clan to a bunch of losers that the dragons are hell-bent on eradicating.  I may be wrong, but I suspect it is only possible once the child's clan mark appears - in their teens when they are old enough to decide for themselves.  I would not be surprised if there was a price to be paid by Dan as well, i.e. it might require half his life-force a'la the 'cubification process.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: PalmettoPaladin on December 04, 2016, 04:52:06 PM
Now that I think about it what is the status the city of Zinvth in regards to its diplomatic relations with the city/domain controlled by Hizell?  What about the kingdom of H-Ann?

I have no idea of the relationship between H-Ann and Hizell - it's quite possible it's escaped Hizell's notice.
However, I have just had some insight into the Zinvth-Hizell relationship.

1. In p.938 we see that the Soulstealer mansion - the Soulstealers being one of the ruling families - is adorned with a statue of a horse eating a dragon.
2. In Abel's Story we saw that Jin was trying to form an alliance with Zinvth to set up a hospital there.  Kria wanted to protect Abel even knowing he was of Siar's clan.
3. Dark Pegasus was aware of who Destania was (388), and later realises that he could use the Dan-Lorenda match to forge an alliance with Cyra (1011).

Given that DP and Kria could at any time have dropped Hizell on Dan or Abel and likely got a sizeable reward for it, I think it's safe to say that they don't see eye-to-eye.

However, this may change.  Now that Hizell is aware of Abel's location and may soon learn of Dan's existence to boot, it would be a simple matter for his agents to show up and say "Hey, nice city you got there.  It would be a shame if someone accidentally dropped it, right...?"  ...and Dan and/or Abel promptly get bushwhacked.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Tapewolf on December 05, 2016, 02:05:48 PM
Quote from: PalmettoPaladin on December 04, 2016, 04:52:06 PM
Now that I think about it what is the status the city of Zinvth in regards to its diplomatic relations with the city/domain controlled by Hizell?  What about the kingdom of H-Ann?

I have no idea of the relationship between H-Ann and Hizell - it's quite possible it's escaped Hizell's notice.
However, I have just had some insight into the Zinvth-Hizell relationship.

1. In p.938 we see that the Soulstealer mansion - the Soulstealers being one of the ruling families - is adorned with a statue of a horse eating a dragon.
2. In Abel's Story we saw that Jin was trying to form an alliance with Zinvth to set up a hospital there.  Kria wanted to protect Abel even knowing he was of Siar's clan.
3. Dark Pegasus was aware of who Destania was (388), and later realises that he could use the Dan-Lorenda match to forge an alliance with Cyra (1011).

Given that DP and Kria could at any time have dropped Hizell on Dan or Abel and likely got a sizeable reward for it, I think it's safe to say that they don't see eye-to-eye.

However, this may change.  Now that Hizell is aware of Abel's location and may soon learn of Dan's existence to boot, it would be a simple matter for his agents to show up and say "Hey, nice city you got there.  It would be a shame if someone accidentally dropped it, right...?"  ...and Dan and/or Abel promptly get bushwhacked.

That was what I was thinking too.   Especially given the fact that Hizell was spying on Alexsi and Wildy recently (see here: http://www.missmab.com/Comics/Vol_1703.php ), it's a sure bet that his agents are already getting ready to move and attack.  Oh boy!  Kria is going to be mad!  Not to mention so is Mab.