11/11/2016 [DMFA #1709] I can kill you in over seven hundred ways

Started by VAE, November 11, 2016, 02:59:19 AM

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Seriously, what that boast immediately reminded me of was the old 'gorilla warfare' copypasta, except that Taun can actually deliver.

That said, I like the look of Taun's place - looks like her position is very much public  - it looks like an audience room. That, or the temple of a cult of herself (which is more of a Piflak thing anyhow) ... or she just really likes wide-open spaces.
What i cannot create, i do not understand. - Richard P. Feynman
This is DMFA. Where major species don't understand clothing. So innuendo is overlooked for nuendo. .


Quote from: VAE on November 11, 2016, 02:59:19 AM
Seriously, what that boast immediately reminded me of was the old 'gorilla warfare' copypasta, except that Taun can actually deliver.

That said, I like the look of Taun's place - looks like her position is very much public  - it looks like an audience room. That, or the temple of a cult of herself (which is more of a Piflak thing anyhow) ... or she just really likes wide-open spaces.

Strikes me as more of a "midieval crusader's cathedral."

(Y'know, I was not expecting her to be this beautiful.) :blush


Heh, she's smiling.  I wasn't sure if she could do that.

Also, she doesn't have the glowy eyes which we've seen in previous Clan Leaders - a good thing, because that was something I was hoping to avoid with Daryil's full form.

I wonder if she's standing or the audience platform is in front of a throne?

As for Dan, I doubt he is the first person who's been shell-shocked by seeing Taun for the first time.  She's had enough clan members over the last 50'000 years that at least one of them must have gone through the "brought up as as Being, suddenly find they're 'cubi, oh and your giant clan leader wants to see you" thing.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


I want to see a giant woman!

You know I actually appreciate her statement, as given her stature precision is rather unneeded as she could just swallow him whole or bite him in half with much less effort. She is granting him a measure of dignity that should she feel the need to kill him she will be at least professional about it.

That said at that size she probably had to get use to being precise with her actions as she probably has a back side that could stop a train.

MT Hazard

Number of Tri-wing Cubi Dan has meet: 7

Though avatars: 5 (Dimanika,Nact'larn, Zezzuva, Fa'lina, Piflak)
Via Dreams/projection: 1 (Cyra)
In person: 1 (Taun)

That's a fairly big number considering cubi could go though thousands of years and not even meet one.
Grammar and I Don't always get on.

Link of the moment:  half man (web comic) 

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: nevwyn on November 11, 2016, 04:18:12 AM
I want to see a giant woman!

... (a giant woman! All I wanna be, is someone who gets to see a giant woman...)

Quote from: MT Hazard on November 11, 2016, 09:34:39 AM
That's a fairly big number considering cubi could go though thousands of years and not even meet one.

I hadn't thought about it from that perspective. You have a point. Hrm. I guess Ambaargh is leading up to something interesting.
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on November 11, 2016, 10:52:00 AM
I hadn't thought about it from that perspective. You have a point. Hrm. I guess Ambaargh is leading up to something interesting.

Probably.  It makes sense, though - Cyra's only living child is Destania, who is a psychopathic nutjob.  The fact that she's now had a child who thought he was a Being until a couple of months ago... that's a Really Big Deal.

Destania's off sulking somewhere, which means Dan is the new face of Cyra clan.  It's like a major power has changed government - other countries are going to want to know what the foreign policies will be like under the new regime.  Most of the surviving Clan Leaders are going to want to know Dan's intentions and policies will be... what the word is from Cyra, things like that.  New alliances might be formed that would be impossible with Dan's mother.  Taun being a warrior clan with Dan being an adventurer, that would likely be a prime candidate for an alliance.

As has been mentioned, it's not completely impossible that Taun might offer Dan a place within her own clan.  Kicking his granny into the curb, admittedly - but it would mean that he'd be Dragon Enemy No.5432, rather than leaping to the very top of their kill list as soon as the Dragons deduce his existence.  (Something that would happen very quickly if Hizell's agents ever decide to burgle Lost Lake.)

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


I just wanna say how much I love Taun's tiara. Also the tiny touch of pink in her eyebrows, very nice detail.
Got a deviantArt account? Go join DMFAclub!

I have too many Cubi. Feel free to take some off my hands. Please.


I'm. I'm gay for Taun. Oh my goodness she is beautiful and could kill me and anyone in her way with ease.
...By Puyon


Quote from: Puyon on November 11, 2016, 03:31:26 PM
I'm. I'm gay for Taun. Oh my goodness she is beautiful and could kill me and anyone in her way with ease.

She ascended by eating the souls of her enemies, so be careful what you wish for...

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Out of all of the clan leaders, well the ones still living that is, Taun and Cyra tie for my all time favorite leaders.  And this just make me liking Taun a whole lot more! 

Come to think about it prior to Dan, what was Taun's opinion of the Cyra Clan?  Since Taun and her clan are seen as the protectors of he cubi, she probably was a bit more forgiving of how Cyra became a clan leader and causing a war.  Although she probably doesn't like Dan's mom though.   

Speaking of Dan, it was nice to see him alive and well in the Future Project.  Although I would have thought he would have been a teacher at SAIA or ISIS. 

Hm...now that I think about do cubi exist in other dimensions?  And would Taun be okay with her children becoming a superhero?


Quote from: VAE on November 11, 2016, 02:59:19 AMor she just really likes wide-open spaces.

When you're 100 feet tall you kinda have to like huge open spaces.

That or be a yoga expert.


Quote from: PalmettoPaladin on November 11, 2016, 05:08:41 PM
Hm...now that I think about do cubi exist in other dimensions?  And would Taun be okay with her children becoming a superhero?

With spandex and capes?? :O


Hmm... It it me or would Taun's clan be the one most likely to have amazons in it?

Also it seems like Cyra was pretty large as well, Not that I wish to imply I'm complaining, I like larger women


Quote from: Kajet on November 11, 2016, 11:25:48 PM
Hmm... It it me or would Taun's clan be the one most likely to have amazons in it?

Dan can only hope so  >:3

QuoteAlso it seems like Cyra was pretty large as well, Not that I wish to imply I'm complaining, I like larger women
Apparently, freaking huge is a default size for clan leaders. Furrae has at least 10 giant women... and I guess one giant man.
...By Puyon


Quote from: nevwyn on November 11, 2016, 04:18:12 AM

That said at that size she probably had to get use to being precise with her actions as she probably has a back side that could stop a train.

...Dammit, stop making me imagine sexy things!

MT Hazard

Just thinking, Tuan if probably fairly friendly now, but if she did ascent by eating the souls of those she killed on the battlefield that makes her evil deeds significantly worse than Cyra's.

While Cyra  absorbed one soul to ascent (I think), that of soul eater of genocidal proportions, admittedly the resulting glass- plosion killed an entire city full of people and scarred the dragons enough to start a war, she didn't do those last two on purpose.

I mean can you really trust someone who not only murders people but annihilates their souls?
Grammar and I Don't always get on.

Link of the moment:  half man (web comic) 


Quote from: MT Hazard on November 12, 2016, 09:10:41 AM
I mean can you really trust someone who not only murders people but annihilates their souls?

AFAIK that's not unusual for ascensions.  Zezzuva, for instance, ate her own sister's soul in order to replace her as a clan leader.  Though supposedly her sister had actually gone off the deep end and was driving the clan into the ground...

Also, we're talking about something that happened 55'000 years ago.  The statute of limitations might apply there.  A more relevant question is how many souls she's destroyed post-ascension...

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: MT Hazard on November 12, 2016, 09:10:41 AM
Just thinking, Tuan if probably fairly friendly now, but if she did ascent by eating the souls of those she killed on the battlefield that makes her evil deeds significantly worse than Cyra's.

While Cyra  absorbed one soul to ascent (I think), that of soul eater of genocidal proportions, admittedly the resulting glass- plosion killed an entire city full of people and scarred the dragons enough to start a war, she didn't do those last two on purpose.

I mean can you really trust someone who not only murders people but annihilates their souls?
Well, we don't know how many souls Cyra has actually eaten, just that she ascended that way.
Got a deviantArt account? Go join DMFAclub!

I have too many Cubi. Feel free to take some off my hands. Please.


Quote from: Tapewolf on November 11, 2016, 03:45:03 AM
As for Dan, I doubt he is the first person who's been shell-shocked by seeing Taun for the first time.  She's had enough clan members over the last 50'000 years that at least one of them must have gone through the "brought up as as Being, suddenly find they're 'cubi, oh and your giant clan leader wants to see you" thing.
I feel like Dan should know better, seeing that he already met Cyra and freaked out. But on the other hand, he IS Dan.  ;)


Quote from: KaideGirault on November 12, 2016, 11:30:01 AM
I feel like Dan should know better, seeing that he already met Cyra and freaked out. But on the other hand, he IS Dan.  ;)

True, but bear in mind that she assumed a wizened appearance after it unsettled him.  Also, he is physically present in front of Taun rather than in some kind of dreamscape or similar virtual environment, which was the case with Cyra.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: MT Hazard on November 12, 2016, 09:10:41 AM
Just thinking, Tuan if probably fairly friendly now, but if she did ascent by eating the souls of those she killed on the battlefield that makes her evil deeds significantly worse than Cyra's.

While Cyra  absorbed one soul to ascent (I think), that of soul eater of genocidal proportions, admittedly the resulting glass- plosion killed an entire city full of people and scarred the dragons enough to start a war, she didn't do those last two on purpose.

No? I'd imagine Taun ate the souls of enemies that were actively trying to kill her. Nothing inherently evil about that. It's a situation of "Don't start none, won't be none" with her. For all we know she could've been killing scumbags that deserved it like tyrants, raiders and bandits.

Cyra on the other hand deceived someone into loving her then betrayed and killed them for her own gain which resulted in the deaths of countless innocents. Way more evil, by a large margin of entire magnitudes. The whole betraying someone that loves you bit alone is far more evil than a warrior killing other warriors on a battlefield.

Quote from: Tapewolf on November 12, 2016, 09:38:31 AMAlso, we're talking about something that happened 55'000 years ago.  The statute of limitations might apply there.

Not really talking about anyone in particular here, but in general there's no statute of limitations on morality. A murder's a murder no matter how long ago it happened.

Foxx Trotter

Heh...just like Cyra, I believe Dan is intimidated by the size of Taun.  Beware of the 50-footers. They hit hard. :P

I posted an inquiry on Amber's Twitter feed a couple days ago regarding Nact'Larn and her appearance, but I would expect that this forum would be more appropriate for placing such items.  Besides, I can also post more words and elaborate better.  It is possible that someone may have brought up the same inquiry much earlier, but I'm currently one with little free time and searching through archived postings.

Of the Cubi Clan Leaders that Amber currently designed, Jin and Nact'Larn are the most unique in physical appearance.  I'd expect that Jin is most likely a crossbreed, which is easily noticed.  Nact'Larn, on the other hand, is quite interesting...a swan-like face albeit a shorter beak, a long tail similar to a bird-of-paradise and mammal style feet.  She also only uses two primary colors, blue and white in a pastel nature like Jin.  A crossbreed, maybe?  Due to the fact that a Gryphon is a mixture of bird and mammal, it's highly plausible effect on a Cubi though not actually needing to pass through a Gryphon parent...just a straight bird and mammal species with at least one of them being a Cubi.  Nact'Larn may have also altered her true form in order to make herself much more attractive.  With that said, it would suspect a possibility of an "Ugly Duckling" story hidden somewhere.  Nonetheless, Nact'Larn has made herself successful and well respected in the Cubi world although she still tends to get picked on from time to time by others for amusement purposes. 8)  These are just my perceptions.  I'm sure Amber can make a better clarification once she returns from being a Hermit Crab. ;)

Right now, I think Nact'Larn may be contemplating a way to get even with Dan after being "outfoxed" twice at the clan meeting.


Quote from: Foxx Trotter on November 12, 2016, 07:45:19 PM
Nact'Larn, on the other hand, is quite interesting...a swan-like face albeit a shorter beak, a long tail similar to a bird-of-paradise and mammal style feet.  She also only uses two primary colors, blue and white in a pastel nature like Jin.  A crossbreed, maybe?  Due to the fact that a Gryphon is a mixture of bird and mammal, it's highly plausible effect on a Cubi though not actually needing to pass through a Gryphon parent...just a straight bird and mammal species with at least one of them being a Cubi.

I had her pegged as a Phoenix-B derivative - Gryphons have clawed hands and ears, whereas Phoenix-B and Nact'Larn have no ears, but normal hands.  (See Hybrid Genetics for an example of a Gryphon-A since they're not in the demonology).

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Foxx Trotter

I was just placing an example since a Gryphon had both mammal and bird characteristics.  It is understood that it won't exactly be on that line, since as you mentioned, a Gryphon has distinctly different appearances.  Still, the mammal feet on Nact'Larn is a throw-off.  Aliyka, being a Phoenix (B), has bird feet.  Anyway, there are plenty of ways to concept the appearance of Nact'Larn.

By the way, birds DO have ears. It's just not in the fashion mammals have them. ;)

Unrelated, the verification letters are a pain in the butt to read.


Quote from: Somebodyelse on November 12, 2016, 02:56:03 PM
Quote from: MT Hazard on November 12, 2016, 09:10:41 AM
Just thinking, Tuan if probably fairly friendly now, but if she did ascent by eating the souls of those she killed on the battlefield that makes her evil deeds significantly worse than Cyra's.

While Cyra  absorbed one soul to ascent (I think), that of soul eater of genocidal proportions, admittedly the resulting glass- plosion killed an entire city full of people and scarred the dragons enough to start a war, she didn't do those last two on purpose.

No? I'd imagine Taun ate the souls of enemies that were actively trying to kill her. Nothing inherently evil about that. It's a situation of "Don't start none, won't be none" with her. For all we know she could've been killing scumbags that deserved it like tyrants, raiders and bandits.

Cyra on the other hand deceived someone into loving her then betrayed and killed them for her own gain which resulted in the deaths of countless innocents. Way more evil, by a large margin of entire magnitudes. The whole betraying someone that loves you bit alone is far more evil than a warrior killing other warriors on a battlefield.

Quote from: Tapewolf on November 12, 2016, 09:38:31 AMAlso, we're talking about something that happened 55'000 years ago.  The statute of limitations might apply there.

Not really talking about anyone in particular here, but in general there's no statute of limitations on morality. A murder's a murder no matter how long ago it happened.

One may argue that the removal of anyone's afterlife is the most evil thing you can do so as far as some are concerned all tri-wing that used natural souls to ascend are evil.
Forward ever onward upward aiming skyward.


This is totally off the wall, but don't Taun's headwings seem kinda... smallish? For her size, anyway? I mean, compared proportionally to regular 'cubi or compared to Cyra's, they just seem sorta.. itty bitty. It's KIND OF ADORABLE. 83



Quote from: Jasonrevall on November 13, 2016, 12:07:53 AM
One may argue that the removal of anyone's afterlife is the most evil thing you can do so as far as some are concerned all tri-wing that used natural souls to ascend are evil.

I'm not one to defend soul-eating.  On the other hand, we have no idea what the circumstances of Taun's ascension were.  We know vaguely what she did, but we don't know what led up to it.  For all we know, the folks she slew in the battle were intending the same for her.  It might just have been a power-grab, pure and simple.

Either way, this is eons past.  I'd be more concerned about what her policies are now, than what she did long before our own culture's recorded history.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Amber Williams

Truth be, I've been kind of avoiding twitter for the meantime, so chances are any comments on that will be delayed.  Basically giving it a couple weeks to settle down slightly due to politics stuff.

As for Nact'Larn, I didn't really have any particular bird type in mind when she was designed.  A bit after Abel I started making an executive decision to start backing away from specific species of animals and instead do more generic style or hybridized style creatures since I had noticed that when it came to furry comics, a lot of them would start with the trend of everyone in the primary cast would be a purebred species with purebred parents and purebred grandparents...yet everyone in the primary cast 9/10 ended up hooking up with one another and having non-purebred kiddos.  And in most cases the comic characters got little to no actual gruff or reason outside of some minor tongue clickings from "the stuffy old fashioned parent" and certainly nothing from society itself since to do so would often require the entire tone of the comic to shift (and most creators would not want their comic to go to that tone).    Much like Jyrras parents, there are some who try to aim close to their proverbial critter...but there isn't really a penalty in life for veering away.  And in DMFA where there is also the addition of bright colours and things from creatures...I just decided to start stepping back from purebred species and instead veer towards "cat thing"  "dog thing" "some sort of wacky fox/giraffe thing" with an occasional remnant of actual species here and there. 

So Nact'Larn is just a bird where I took a few things here and there because in my notes I had wanted the clan leader of lust to be a bird in particular.  But there's no real specific species to her design.