2016/08/25 [PF-436] Dinner and a Movie

Started by ZacAttac21, August 25, 2016, 11:42:29 PM

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Sounds about right. Although now I'm wondering what demons would be afraid of. ...Paperwork? >:3


Quote from: CubiKitsune on August 25, 2016, 11:42:29 PM
Sounds about right. Although now I'm wondering what demons would be afraid of. ...Paperwork? >:3

Diets, maybe? :P


Quote from: Merlin on August 26, 2016, 05:25:46 AM
Diets, maybe? :P

Prison might be an effective deterrent, actually.  Demon culture goes by the rule of Might Makes Right, so if you're defeated by someone, it generally means they're stronger and better.  Being killed by an adventurer means you weren't good enough.
But being taken prisoner, kept in a powerless state for years as a constant reminder that you screwed up?  I can see some of them preferring death.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Tapewolf on August 26, 2016, 05:43:37 AM
Prison might be an effective deterrent, actually.  Demon culture goes by the rule of Might Makes Right, so if you're defeated by someone, it generally means they're stronger and better.  Being killed by an adventurer means you weren't good enough.
But being taken prisoner, kept in a powerless state for years as a constant reminder that you screwed up?  I can see some of them preferring death.

I dunno, I could see some of them viewing their captor as weak for not finishing the job.

James StarRunner

I have to admit, I laugh at most horror movies too. I find them largely very predictable (even in times of the false alarms). Steven King stuff isn't bad as far as horror goes... But I still see through everything.


Quote from: James StarRunner on August 27, 2016, 12:26:41 AM
I have to admit, I laugh at most horror movies too. I find them largely very predictable (even in times of the false alarms). Steven King stuff isn't bad as far as horror goes... But I still see through everything.

Exactly how I felt when watching "Wrong Turn" (2003). It was like watching a Scooby Doo episode. "No, don't split up!" and "for f*cks sake, that's a dead end!" were the most common phrases I used.

While I do love a dark story, the abuse of jump scares has turned me away from the horror genre. I find them often to be cheap scares that add nothing to the feeling of dread that a good horror gives you.

James StarRunner

Quote from: Lone_Wolf on August 28, 2016, 05:32:10 PM
Exactly how I felt when watching "Wrong Turn" (2003). It was like watching a Scooby Doo episode. "No, don't split up!" and "for f*cks sake, that's a dead end!" were the most common phrases I used.

While I do love a dark story, the abuse of jump scares has turned me away from the horror genre. I find them often to be cheap scares that add nothing to the feeling of dread that a good horror gives you.
Oh gosh, THAT movie...

But yeah. To make a good horror movie, these writers have to learn that you can't depend on the same tactics as a Jack-in-the-box toy. You need something that digs into your psyche and makes you question the world around you long after the movie ends.


Quote from: James StarRunner on August 28, 2016, 08:56:39 PM
But yeah. To make a good horror movie, these writers have to learn that you can't depend on the same tactics as a Jack-in-the-box toy. You need something that digs into your psyche and makes you question the world around you long after the movie ends.

Yeah, I love watching horror movies but so many of them are absolute trash. Not to derail the thread, but if anybody has some good horror movie suggestions I am all ears (I may have seen most of them already, but there's always some that fall through the cracks)