2016/08/05 [DMFA #1685] Technically it's just her Quarter Life Crisis

Started by ChaosMageX, August 05, 2016, 06:25:08 AM

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Since she is still in her twenties, after all.  Then again, as she said, there's really no way of knowing whether she's a quarter into her life or 1/60th into it or some fraction in between.

I've always thought the hybrids with Beings live as long as the typical lifespan of their strongest lineage divided by the fraction of that lineage, or the typical being lifespan if that's longer than what the math yields.  Since Lorenda is half demon, it would be about half as long as a demon, 750 years at least, unless she adds to it by devouring souls or Daryil's artificial soul substitute, Soul Food, once it's been invented about 150 years later.  That is, if she does live long enough to see its invention, and I personally think she will.

Icon by Sunblink


Interesting, and poignant.
I kind of assumed that with Demon hybrids, each trait they inherited would be undiluted - like how the 'cubi factor is all-or-nothing - but that they might not inherit all of the traits.  I guess that might not be true.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


The Katbox comic newspost thing mentions 3 comic projects Amber wants to start. You know, I've heard good things about drawing all the comics at once  >:3

But also! I have suspicions about what 2 of them are, but I have no idea about the third. I'm thinking of a little turtledove, an apartment (with a lovely peacock?)... and drawing a blank on the last one. Any hints?

Viking ZX

Oh, I can sympathize with the last panel here. Every time I come out with a new book, or a new short story, it feels like there's at least one person who reads something into it and then is looking at me all strange, or asking questions like "So do you ... [insert character issue, situation, or gripe here]?" and I just want to look at them and go "Of course not! Do you really think I've piloted airships or faced down reanimated aztec skeletons? It's a story!"

It's one of those things I never knew would plague my life career before I dove into it.

Don't worry, Amber. You're not the only one who gets those questions.
I'm an author! Check out my site!


As Driver: San Francisco taught me, there's a huge difference between the writer's worldview and the character's worldview.
Quote from: Amber Williams on October 29, 2012, 05:55:06 PM
I expect if flamethrowers exist, Matilda would be tempted to install one into her shower.


I was fortunate enough to meet one of my favorite writer/storyteller/actors, Jean Shepherd. You might not recognize his name right away, but you've probably seen the classic film A Christmas Story, which he wrote, narrated, and appeared in.  He was invited as a speaker at a fundraising dinner and I couldn't pass up the chance to talk to him.  If you never figured it out from his movies about the Parker family (there were four of them in all - something else a lot of people don't know), Mr. Shepard was (like Amber) from Indiana, and while he obviously used a lot of his own life experience in his stories, he was a fiction writer, and very insistent that people understand that.

At some point, someone made a comment about one of the narrator character Ralph Parker's friends, and asked for some further details, implying that Ralph was obviously the young Jean Shepard and this friend was also real.  This must have hit a nerve, and Mr. Shepard went into a just-short-of-angry speech telling this person that "I write fiction.  It may sound real to you, but that's just because I'm good at it."  Seeing Amber's reaction in this comic brought this all back to me.  It must drive creative people nuts to have to explain this all the time.


Cast your eyes on the ocean...
Cast your soul to the sea...
When the dark night seems endless
Please remember me...
Please remember me...


Three years to live....  Where was that referenced before?  Was that a Merlitz thing?


Quote from: Drako on August 07, 2016, 09:49:14 AM
Three years to live....  Where was that referenced before?  Was that a Merlitz thing?

Chicki, actually.  Though it took me a while to remember that.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Tapewolf on August 07, 2016, 09:58:49 AM
Quote from: Drako on August 07, 2016, 09:49:14 AM
Three years to live....  Where was that referenced before?  Was that a Merlitz thing?

Chicki, actually.  Though it took me a while to remember that.
It took me a couple minutes to remember about Chicki as well. I wonder if Lorenda or anyone else who cares about Chicki will find out about the "If you give birth to a Cubi Child you can become a Cubi as well" and will try setting her up with Abel or some other unsuspecting Cubi.


Quote from: AzureEdge on August 07, 2016, 10:50:50 PM
I wonder if Lorenda or anyone else who cares about Chicki will find out about the "If you give birth to a Cubi Child you can become a Cubi as well" and will try setting her up with Abel or some other unsuspecting Cubi.

If she did, it wouldn't work.  You need a clan leader, and Siar died centuries ago.  Also, cubi can't normally have a child with insectis.  It took Zezzuva probably a couple of thousand years of selective breeding to achieve that.  Though, Zezzuva's clan would be ideally placed to cubify her.  The only snag being that it's implied her insectis-cubi were at war with Chicki's lot - and winning.

EDIT: Also, it's not clear if you can become 'cubified the minute the child is born, or whether their 'cubi traits have to manifest.  If so, that would be too late for Chicki.  (And require a little hackery in Epsilon)

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E