lol lol lol, this guy kicks some major a**!!!! (Castlevania CotM)

Started by Leafar, September 15, 2006, 05:27:28 PM

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i can't believe this is possible...i mean, the cards trick is well know...but that glitchy teleport???? :U how did this guy find this out?? :O
he rocked man...he finished the game in some few minutes...

Castle Pokemetroid

This is an emulated run. It manipulates luck, so he can get 100% on one try. It is as much cheat as this thread I made on how to beat CV DoS in under 30 minutes.


It was only really to show how fast it could be done, regardless.


Such things are done frequently, there's a whole community behind it in fact.  They consider the feats to be speedruns, in which a person's only objective is to complete the game as quickly as they can whilst using any means possible (that includes exploits) within the game itself.  If they're using hacks though, it isn't a true speedrun.

It's been done with everything from Super Mario Bros, to Cave Story and Half-Life II.  It's usually an entertaining way to spend a few minutes, especially the ones that abuse exploits and show how buggy certain games are.  Of course, this really gets on the nerves of some companies who wouldn't want their games portrayed that way, so said games quickly get patched and everybody wins.                 

I wish that we could bottle up this guy's gaming skills and distribute it freely amongst the people, though.                                                     


i tried just now it is really dificult to perform the first summon glitch...
now defeating drac second form is impossible...unless you are really, really, REALLY lucky...


lol and it even looks like it's a small child (that av pic)
i didn't know you could do a back jump like that...awesome!
and he must have used a turbo control pad also...no1 can hit so fast like that! o.O
