2016/03/29 [DLR 01-05] Deals n' Heals

Started by ZacAttac21, March 30, 2016, 07:31:08 PM

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If Jason is going to be the barbarian, he should have a bigger weapon. Giggity.

Now that I think of it, is he related to Jeremiah?


Quote from: CubiKitsune on March 30, 2016, 07:31:08 PM
If Jason is going to be the barbarian, he should have a bigger weapon. Giggity.

Originally he was 'paladin' but they usually wear armour.  I'm still not convinced he's got the right class, suggestions are welcome.

QuoteNow that I think of it, is he related to Jeremiah?
Only very indirectly.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Tapewolf on March 30, 2016, 07:46:48 PM
Quote from: CubiKitsune on March 30, 2016, 07:31:08 PM
If Jason is going to be the barbarian, he should have a bigger weapon. Giggity.

Originally he was 'paladin' but they usually wear armour.  I'm still not convinced he's got the right class, suggestions are welcome.

It depends on whether or not you're willing to change his weapon. If not, "swordmaster" or simply "fighter" might work.

Give him a sword and board, and he could be a "defender." Give him a rapier, and he could be a "duelist."

Or you could even just keep him as "barbarian," I think he could pull it off. Although in my book, "barbarian" and "berserker" are just about the same thing.


Quote from: Tapewolf on March 30, 2016, 07:46:48 PM
Quote from: CubiKitsune on March 30, 2016, 07:31:08 PM
If Jason is going to be the barbarian, he should have a bigger weapon. Giggity.

Originally he was 'paladin' but they usually wear armour.  I'm still not convinced he's got the right class, suggestions are welcome.

How about 'Warrior'? Warriors tend to proficient in things like swords... can also have some mastery in axes or spears but that's besides the point since Jason seems more of a swordsy guy anyways. I agree with CK that barbarian and berserker are very similar... only I think barbarians are more of a savage kind of fighter and rely on heavy weapons like axes or blunt weapons, where as berserkers have the whole two modes in fighting: Normal rational fighting and freaking ballistic (berserk).
...By Puyon


Quote from: Puyon on March 30, 2016, 10:47:48 PM
How about 'Warrior'? Warriors tend to proficient in things like swords... can also have some mastery in axes or spears but that's besides the point since Jason seems more of a swordsy guy anyways. I agree with CK that barbarian and berserker are very similar... only I think barbarians are more of a savage kind of fighter and rely on heavy weapons like axes or blunt weapons, where as berserkers have the whole two modes in fighting: Normal rational fighting and freaking ballistic (berserk).

I was thinking 'Fighter' since that's one of the classes in Eye of the Beholder II, the closest I've ever come to D&D.

My rationale for labelling Jason 'Barbarian' was that I'm reading the original Conan the Barbarian stories, and they are similar in that they're musclebound figures who rely heavily on chopping attacks with a large sword.

Sven, without giving too much away, is a berserker, as we will see relatively soon.  Jason is not.

Fun fact: Ultima VI had a turn-based party combat system where you could select what each member did in combat mode.  I usually used manual control, but there were a number of automatic behaviours including berserk.  Which bore a strong resemblance to the ancient Norsemen high on magic mushrooms.  They would make a bee-line for the nearest person and start killing them, even if the victim was another party member,

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Tapewolf on March 31, 2016, 03:43:22 AM
My rationale for labelling Jason 'Barbarian' was that I'm reading the original Conan the Barbarian stories, and they are similar in that they're musclebound figures who rely heavily on chopping attacks with a large sword.

Conan also had beautiful hair

Quote from: Tapewolf on March 31, 2016, 03:43:22 AM
Fun fact: Ultima VI had a turn-based party combat system where you could select what each member did in combat mode.  I usually used manual control, but there were a number of automatic behaviours including berserk.  Which bore a strong resemblance to the ancient Norsemen high on magic mushrooms.  They would make a bee-line for the nearest person and start killing them, even if the victim was another party member,

I vaguely remember it being a terrible mistake to give crossbows to anybody you weren't directly controlling (god dammit Iolo)


Quote from: Merlin on March 31, 2016, 04:57:39 AM
Conan also had beautiful hair

(Snerk) Also true.

Quote from: Merlin on March 31, 2016, 04:57:39 AM
I vaguely remember it being a terrible mistake to give crossbows to anybody you weren't directly controlling (god dammit Iolo)

He was really good at killing the player in Ultima 7, especially if you gave him the triple-crossbow.  I swear he did that deliberately, being one of the best archers in the world, and all.
In fact I seem to remember a short story from the Ultima newsgroups, where the avatar cast 'create food', Iolo ended up with the carrot and the avatar 'accidentally' got shot the next round of combat.

Hmm, I now have the perfect tagline for page 9.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Come to think of it, barbarian isn't such a bad fit! I can see the spin-off series now: "Jason the Barbishian."