2016/03/28 [DMFA #1653]: Because we're lovers...

Started by Lying Foo, March 28, 2016, 03:56:42 AM

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Lying Foo

...and that is that.

(Just to make you folk sad over "RIP Davie Bowie" once more.)

Seriously, for Amber's decision not to make Abel gay... his bromance with Jyrras is on a course to shake the friggin' heavens.
Itsuwari, osore, kyoshoku, urei - samazama wa negative ni torawareru hodo yowaku wa nai, kodoku mo shiranu Trickster.


I guess I just don't get it.  How is this really a problem?  I've yet to see anything in the universe yet that is even slightly close to the power of Mag.  She can snap her fingers to remove the dragon from existence.  Even Able by himself is a trained cubi which we have seen hold enough power to compete with dragons to begin with and then it's not even just Able, but Dan as well.  Heck, if they wanted to Able could send a letter to his school and have the entire academy descend upon this creature to take him out.  Even Jyrras should be shrugging this off.  In an afternoon he could built an Omega Death Cannon capable of blasting a whole through this thing, if he felt like it.

I hate to say it, but these characters are so incredibly overpowered that I have a hard time believing any of them are in any real danger at all.


Quote from: Dracologist on March 28, 2016, 10:57:30 AMEven Abel by himself is a trained cubi which we have seen hold enough power to compete with dragons to begin with and then it's not even just Abel, but Dan as well.
in what dream did you see Abel being able to go against a dragon? let alone one of the most powerful ones...

Abel was TRAMPLED by Pyroduck, he only was able to land a hit on him once Pyroduck accepted to turn back into an humanoid and close his eyes (and Pyroduck is just a young untrained dragon who got raised by peaceful beings)
Dan isn't fully trained yet, he is only able to deal with an half crazy demon who just finished being reborn, and by severely hurting himself in the process
Mag is bound by self restrictions, she doesn't have her full power and knowledge unless one of the few people who have a boon with her literally ask her for the world, and they don't know they can do that
as for Jyrras? he is already being kept under close watch because his gadgets look suspiciously advanced to the ones in power, he is forced to come up with powerful weapon enough already, cause the day those powers got tired of watching him, they will end him

Mag might not be able to be killed, but all the others are in mortal danger already

Delian Williams

Maybe it would help to balance things, if Amber drew more Caleb. *Ouch! ... Flees*

Off topic, but I just noticed that lovely detail, how races with limited numbers mostly don't bother with last names...
(Queen Nutmeg, Albanion, Miss Mab, Riva, Pandora, even Pyroduck, who was probably named by a Phoenix A)
that or it's just a coincidence and last names are not so common in Furrae altogether.

Truth be told, I'm starting to worry about Ray.

Lying Foo

Mag may be overpowered, but her contract's got some mighty fine print. :mowhappy
Itsuwari, osore, kyoshoku, urei - samazama wa negative ni torawareru hodo yowaku wa nai, kodoku mo shiranu Trickster.

Amber Williams



Quote from: Delian Williams on March 28, 2016, 01:05:19 PM
that or it's just a coincidence and last names are not so common in Furrae altogether.
Or maybe they just don't get mentioned! We've seen before how Cubi may use their Clan name as a surname, and yet Aaryanna is so far the only one to have actively done so in-comic. Mink and Abyss are just "Mink" and "Abyss," and even Abel doesn't use his surname (born or Clan) these days. Aniz is referred to as "Aniz Siar" once but doesn't call himself that when he reveals himself in Abel's Story.

Quote from: Amber Williams on March 28, 2016, 01:55:30 PM
Well yeah :3
Got a deviantArt account? Go join DMFAclub!

I have too many Cubi. Feel free to take some off my hands. Please.


Biggs is starting to sound a bit like Flowey in my head.

Or is it Amber? I can't tell...


Huh. Biggs before, when talking to Wildy regarding creatures, did not seem to really be too all too fond of them. Then again, I guess you don't need to be fond of what someone is to know when something just isn't right, no matter who/way they are. Unless this is him manipulating Jyrras even more into making the weapon he needs to kill dragons. Maybe it is both. But I would at least like to think he is being, at the very least, somewhat sincere with this.


I wonder if finding out that Dee and Biggs are actually working together would affect his decision...


Quote from: Amber Williams on March 28, 2016, 01:55:30 PM

ok but who would win in a fight, Mab or Goku



Quote from: Merlin on March 29, 2016, 01:00:10 AM
Quote from: Amber Williams on March 28, 2016, 01:55:30 PM

ok but who would win in a fight, Mab or Goku

Mab would get distracted and Goku wouldn't hit her in the back. Worst case scenario Goku would get a new power - Rainbow Saiyan

Quote from: AzureEdge on March 29, 2016, 12:33:51 AM
Huh. Biggs before, when talking to Wildy regarding creatures, did not seem to really be too all too fond of them. Then again, I guess you don't need to be fond of what someone is to know when something just isn't right, no matter who/way they are. Unless this is him manipulating Jyrras even more into making the weapon he needs to kill dragons. Maybe it is both. But I would at least like to think he is being, at the very least, somewhat sincere with this.

My money is on Biggs is a big, manipulative jerk.
The most powerful magic is just a distraction.


Quote from: Amber Williams on March 28, 2016, 01:55:30 PM

*slowly collects himself from laughing himself to tears*

Someone in this crowd remembers Ogre!  My life is complete.


Wait, since Amber called (Base), does this mean we can't tag her out?
"According to the Bible, the sheep were foaling."


I'd just like to leave this quote here:

"Mab created Furraen, Dr. Gianna made them equal."
Quote from: Amber Williams on October 29, 2012, 05:55:06 PM
I expect if flamethrowers exist, Matilda would be tempted to install one into her shower.


Quote from: Kuzma Volkov on March 28, 2016, 01:22:52 PM
Who is Mag or when did warframe join dmfa?

I think a couple of people misspelled Mab.  How they consistently got her name wrong without realizing it I don't know, and I'm not sure I want to contemplate, but it makes sense in reference to what they say she can do.

Also, I'm not sure if this is the right thread for this, mostly because of two weeks of no Internet, but since I'm already posting here I'll post this as well.  I bet the reason Biggs isn't blowing up about Dee revealing Abel's location to Hizell is because they are planning to use Abel as bait to lure Hizell into a trap so he can be easily killed.  Jyrras is being used as the trap itself, since he potentially has the ability to make a magic-free weapon, which could easily kill dragons, even one as powerful as Hizell.

Feel free to quote that wherever the discussion is currently going on at.