2016/02/01 [DMFA #1640] Bases Touched

Started by ZacAttac21, February 01, 2016, 02:52:39 AM

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... Wait. Wait wait wait. Waaaaaaaaaiiit......

Am I reading this right? BIGGS WAS A GIRL!??1!

Mind =  Blown :boggle


Edit: Check Biggs character page. It did hint at this under his history
Yes I know I'm a horrid speller queen of typos but dang it, I'm trying to get better
MY warp aci crappy photoshop I wish I had my tablet working
My Yappty thanks Silver :)
(hmm my sig needs updating. eeeeeh I'll do it later 07/29/06)

Viking ZX

I ... What? Must resist urge to archive trawl for mention of Bridget! But there is definitely something here!

Body surfer, maybe? We did get the answer that actually swapping a gender is pretty tough to do, IIRC.

Dang, that was a surprise.
I'm an author! Check out my site!


Interesting, but I'm not sure it really makes much difference.  Though it is fun to see how quickly that smirk from last week got wiped off his face.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Viking ZX on February 01, 2016, 03:20:35 AM
Body surfer, maybe? We did get the answer that actually swapping a gender is pretty tough to do, IIRC.

The only thing I remember on that subject was the fact that 'Cubi can't entirely swap genders.

EDIT: Looks like we were both remembering correctly: http://missmab.com/Comics/Vol_1422.php


Quote from: CubiKitsune on February 01, 2016, 04:28:54 AM
The only thing I remember on that subject was the fact that 'Cubi can't entirely swap genders.

AFAIK, they can't really do it at all - they can only assume the appearance of another gender.  They'll remain genetically male or female unless they actually get their DNA recoded.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Tapewolf on February 01, 2016, 04:50:54 AM
Quote from: CubiKitsune on February 01, 2016, 04:28:54 AM
The only thing I remember on that subject was the fact that 'Cubi can't entirely swap genders.

AFAIK, they can't really do it at all - they can only assume the appearance of another gender.  They'll remain genetically male or female unless they actually get their DNA recoded.

That's what I meant.


Whether you know this or not Amber this reveal meant a lot to someone I know. So I'd say it was worth touching on even if it's only one page. In fact that's even better as it makes the focus about the character. So thank you :3
Forward ever onward upward aiming skyward.

Xios Chiano


Now the question is... Did he know it was Dan all along and was fulfilling his child hood crush while getting to see Dan squirm?



So... was Biggs originally a girl who had some sort of gender reassignment, magical or otherwise? Because I don't recall anything that hinted towards that at all at all. At all.


Trans Biggs...? That's something I didn't see coming but am glad that happened nonetheless. Never really see enough FTM lately... and c'mom Jyrras, it's extremely rude to bring up someone's dead name!

It does bring up some interesting points, since the concept of trans characters hasn't been brought up in a long time besides... this instance, it could just be the character's opinion, but is being Trans frowned upon in Furrae? And it's funny this is brought up now because I was reading through the archive earlier and saw comic 1422 and saw the note about the magical/medical blend that could change one's biological sex and thought 'wow, that's one near alternative to HRT.' And being that it's also noted that it's not accessible on whimsy and that one has to be serious about it when they undergo the process, it'd make sense for Biggs to use it as a means of fully transitioning.

One more interesting point for me though... is that gender identity and sexual orientation do not correlate. And why I bring that up is... is that it may even still be possible for Biggs to have a thing for Dan. Though I get it, childhood crushes usually don't last that long and he's probably moved far past it. Biggs seems super focused on gorgeous ladies (or at least a gorgeous pair/set of legs attached to one) so maybe he's just full-on heterosexual (or compensating. Who knows!)

Ah. This. Turned out longer than I thought but the update really excited me...? I really wasn't expecting this and I'm glad too because boy, does it get tiring when the reveal is usually something like 'Oh! You were a girl all along and the hints were so obvious!!' And the character would revert to showing traits more traditional of their originally assigned gender. But Biggs is a character in extremely high power, he's always seemed like a naturally masculine character even if he's been very gross and disrespectful in the past but that's one of the best parts: he's not a trans character with the personality of cardboard who was just thrown in for audience appeal!! And I think that's great!

I'm sorry this did end up getting very long but I really can't understate my excitement? Biggs has been one of my personal favorite characters since I started reading and having this trait has helped me love him a bit more just... as someone who falls under the trans umbrella, I'm really glad you revealed/included this at all. I thought I was going to stop counting my blessings at Mink (and a good non-binary character is usually also a lot to ask for??). Sorry this got really long oh man I'm just really... happy...
...By Puyon


Is it just me or am I completely unable to read out how Biggs was a girl?
Am I missing something?

As far as I'm concerned, in a magical fantasy setting, a guy having the name Bridget is not the least of your worries.


Hah! Good 'ol Amber. Still gets me to go "Whuuuuuut?!"

Though, now I'm curious about what transpired.

Delian Williams

Ambaaargh used fan service and plot twist... Wombo Combo!
"I'm whatever for Biggs" may become a thing, now.

The B bling works for Bridget as well, so well played. And considering Biggs' middle name is Dee, well played in-dee-d.

Actually, in a universe, in which sentences like "when Dan was a Meowth" or "when Dan became a priest" make sense,
there may still be a relatively easy explanation for Biggs' Bridget form. Still, I'm confused.

On a different note, I just realized how much power is combined in Lost Lake's denizens and patreons:
Like the head of Jycorp and "you wouldn't like me when I'm angry" Wildy, the sister of the twinks' leader.
Alexsi, who can make cubi hide under her staircase. Pyroduck, a dragon, who, by the way, can just call up
the phoenix oracle. Lorenda with her links to the soulstealer family. Abel with Fa'Lina and Kria as friends.
Excellent relations with a number of adventuring guilds. Oh, and a certain fae named Mab.

Truth be told, I'm starting to worry about Ray.


Quote from: Puyon on February 01, 2016, 07:00:30 AM
I really wasn't expecting this and I'm glad too because boy, does it get tiring when the reveal is usually something like 'Oh! You were a girl all along and the hints were so obvious!!' And the character would revert to showing traits more traditional of their originally assigned gender.

I agree. Amber handled this reveal very well. Me and some of my friends were very happy about this update too.
Forward ever onward upward aiming skyward.


For everyone confused I think I do have an explain?

Biggs is Wildy's twin. At birth, there would have been two little ferrets  you can say 'it's a girl!' for. That would be because... Wildy is female. We know this. She has been a girl always. Biggs would also have been designated female at birth and thus named Bridget. Wildy and Biggs would have had the same childhood friends but, presumably, Biggs was Bridget for the course that Dan knew him.

So why the change from Bridget to Biggs?

The answer is simple: Biggs is transgender. Now of course this could still be in the territory of headcanon but for me it's the most logical answer. For those unaware, being transgender means identifying as a gender other than the one you were assigned at birth. Biggs could have lived through his childhood as Bridget but may have later come to the discovery that he much prefers he/him pronouns, a masculine name and demeanor, masculine appearance...

Like... say he was suddenly changed from his Bridget form to his Biggs form. Would he be the same person if he didn't willingly become Biggs? I do not think so. Characters who have their body unnaturally changed into something vastly different from what they were before usually want to have their old form back and... wellll considering Biggs is in such a position of power, don't you think he would have the resource to change back if he pleased?

So to conclude... Biggs, despite what he was designated at birth, is male now. He doesn't use the name Bridget, he would probably beat you if you called him a girl or used she/her pronouns on him, and it's probably safe to say that it will stay as 'I'm gay for Biggs'
...By Puyon


*crawls back from obscurity*

Ok. Do I need to start a "Let's See the back-story Flash-back" type movement?

Am I the only one that would like to see this, or am I alone, so terribly alone?

There is another theory here as well: What if Biggs was merely a cross-dressing, gender-curious child who was more-or-less a young Trap that Dan didn't trigger as a young adventurer? Maybe, growing up, Little Biggs didn't realize he wasn't a girl, because he had Wildy as a sister, and she wouldn't accept that she didn't actually have a twin sister... :ipod After all, it's not like Wildy ever imposes her will upon others, no matter how "off" her perceptions might be, right? Right?!? *ehem*

The depth of this can be quite staggering, if you let the void stare back at you long enough.



Quote from: Puyon on February 01, 2016, 02:17:17 PM
For everyone confused I think I do have an explain?

Biggs is Wildy's twin. At birth, there would have been two little ferrets  you can say 'it's a girl!' for. That would be because... Wildy is female. We know this. She has been a girl always. Biggs would also have been designated female at birth and thus named Bridget. Wildy and Biggs would have had the same childhood friends but, presumably, Biggs was Bridget for the course that Dan knew him.

So why the change from Bridget to Biggs?

The answer is simple: Biggs is transgender. Now of course this could still be in the territory of headcanon but for me it's the most logical answer. For those unaware, being transgender means identifying as a gender other than the one you were assigned at birth. Biggs could have lived through his childhood as Bridget but may have later come to the discovery that he much prefers he/him pronouns, a masculine name and demeanor, masculine appearance...

Like... say he was suddenly changed from his Bridget form to his Biggs form. Would he be the same person if he didn't willingly become Biggs? I do not think so. Characters who have their body unnaturally changed into something vastly different from what they were before usually want to have their old form back and... wellll considering Biggs is in such a position of power, don't you think he would have the resource to change back if he pleased?

So to conclude... Biggs, despite what he was designated at birth, is male now. He doesn't use the name Bridget, he would probably beat you if you called him a girl or used she/her pronouns on him, and it's probably safe to say that it will stay as 'I'm gay for Biggs'
Yes I fully agree. That's the same line of thinking I had. I think it's pretty obvious with the buildup of the world and how its just as hard if not harder to get a full permanent transition in this world as it would be in ours. Also I think I should also mention my group of friends were excited because one of my friends is trans and was very happy to see this.

*EDIT* I should also mention again the clarifcation of my friends was to clear up confusion about my previous statement as to why it meant a lot to my friend.
Forward ever onward upward aiming skyward.

Viking ZX

Everyone's throwing out that "He totally did this because he wanted to be male!" without looking at any other possible explanations.

What if Biggs is currently male because he made enough enemies that "Bridget" had to disappear? Almost died after a demon attack and took it as a chance to escape old foes?

There's a lot of possible reasons as to why Biggs is Biggs. It could have something to do with becoming the leader of the Twinks. It could have something to do with what happened to his mother.

There are a lot of reasons Biggs could have for switching sexes. For all we know, it's all part of this big master plan he's got going, and he'll go back to being Bridget again. We simply don't know.

It'll be interesting to find out, however.
I'm an author! Check out my site!


Just realized it's possible Biggs DID recognize Dan (kidnapping Alexsi "by mistake" WAS a deliberate ploy to let Dee see her again) and now I'm cracking up at the idea of the crossdressing incident just being Biggs going for broke at having the chance to hit on his childhood crush at last.
Got a deviantArt account? Go join DMFAclub!

I have too many Cubi. Feel free to take some off my hands. Please.


Quote from: Viking ZX on February 01, 2016, 03:54:41 PM
Everyone's throwing out that "He totally did this because he wanted to be male!" without looking at any other possible explanations.

What if Biggs is currently male because he made enough enemies that "Bridget" had to disappear? Almost died after a demon attack and took it as a chance to escape old foes?

There's a lot of possible reasons as to why Biggs is Biggs. It could have something to do with becoming the leader of the Twinks. It could have something to do with what happened to his mother.

There are a lot of reasons Biggs could have for switching sexes. For all we know, it's all part of this big master plan he's got going, and he'll go back to being Bridget again. We simply don't know.

It'll be interesting to find out, however.

You're overlooking the fact that it's incredibly dangerous to fully transition in this world. Out of all the options to go into hiding why take the one that has a high chance of death and then possibly try that again to go through the chance of death again?

Also maybe some of us want to believe he is trans its just as valid as any other theory. You don't need to shoot it down so hard. If you have your own theory we'll happily hear it. No need to be hostile to other theories.

But you're right we don't know and it's possible we never will and thats fine. It's his business not ours.
Forward ever onward upward aiming skyward.


Quote from: LoneHowler on February 01, 2016, 03:13:35 AM
Edit: Check Biggs character page. It did hint at this under his history

Actually, Biggs is the little bro.


Quote from: tikitori on February 01, 2016, 05:35:43 PM
Quote from: LoneHowler on February 01, 2016, 03:13:35 AM
Edit: Check Biggs character page. It did hint at this under his history

Actually, Biggs is the little bro.

Well sure, but twins aren't born at exactly the same time. I call my twin "little bro"


Maybe being a woman would have created problems for gaining control of the Twinks?
Quote from: Amber Williams on October 29, 2012, 05:55:06 PM
I expect if flamethrowers exist, Matilda would be tempted to install one into her shower.


Quote from: Merlin on February 01, 2016, 06:12:54 PM
Quote from: tikitori on February 01, 2016, 05:35:43 PM
Quote from: LoneHowler on February 01, 2016, 03:13:35 AM
Edit: Check Biggs character page. It did hint at this under his history

Actually, Biggs is the little bro.

Well sure, but twins aren't born at exactly the same time. I call my twin "little bro"

Yeah it's actually very common. My dad calls his identical twin brother little brother.
Forward ever onward upward aiming skyward.


Quote from: Eboreg on February 01, 2016, 06:16:36 PM
Maybe being a woman would have created problems for gaining control of the Twinks?

It's worth noting that Wildy is due to be married off (see p.1169-70).  Since there doesn't seem to be a Mrs. Biggs (is there?), it's quite possible that it's only the females that get married off.  While getting your DNA reset as a male is a bit extreme, it might help tip the balance...

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Heh, turnabout is fair play, Biggs. And it seems there's still something of an old torch still burning for Dan, too? Oh dear.

I can see how having that little chestnut revealed might upset the B-ster's delicate control over the Twink territories. Reactions would be varied and possibly disastrous, depending on how the Twink Culture works.   

One thing I want to know: what on earth did Biggs/Bridget do to Dan to actually piss him off enough to theoretically rethink kicking a person into a wall at a later date??? 'Cause we've seen how Wildy treated Dan and they're still friends.


Huh... not much of a startling revelation to be honest, more of a "huh", and let's face it, this is still the same biggs who thought Dan was a girl in that robe back in the maiden caper.

seriously folks it's not even remotely "shock horror" these days.. and it's a world loaded with magic, shapeshifters, and tight leather pants.

I'm fairly sure transitioning is far less of a big deal over in furrae than a lot of you macguffins are making it out to be. =p

Dragons, it's what's for dinner... with gravy and potatoes, YUM!
Sparta? no, you should've taken that right at albuquerque..


Quote from: HaDDea on February 01, 2016, 07:11:14 PM
One thing I want to know: what on earth did Biggs/Bridget do to Dan to actually piss him off enough to theoretically rethink kicking a person into a wall at a later date??? 'Cause we've seen how Wildy treated Dan and they're still friends.
