2016/01/01 [DMFA #1632] Mad Mab's Lab Hijinks

Started by Yarott, January 01, 2016, 02:07:03 AM

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Oh, hey! It's Mab! Hey, Mab! Craisins are crazy good, though. Better than raisins by MILES! Jyrras did good with giving her a hobby. But I wonder how fast she's blowing through Jy's wallet here.


Probably not as fast as you'd think - Mab's only getting access to expensive devices that have been explicitly okayed for destruction testing. Jy is a lot of things, but he doesn't seem to have bad business sense - and budgeting for destruction testing, to ensure that your products won't fail under normal use (and what kind of uses need to be added to the warning label for 'avoid at all costs') is part of normal Quality Assurance if you're making products that can cause serious harm if they malfunction.

It's like creating a car. Sure, a lot of the late-stage prototypes - the ones that are almost ready to be released, if they successfully pass the QA testing - are going to be trashed, in the process of making sure that all the safety standards are met. But that's budgeted for.
In fact, IRL? Companies have to budget for that sort of thing. They have to prove that they've properly tested everything to make sure it's safe. (That's why it's such a scandal, that Volkswagen faked its emissions tests.) Of course, we don't know if JyCorp is obligated by law to do this - but they're probably obligated by the legal department to do it. It's easier than dealing with lawsuits, after all.

And I doubt that Mab is there every day, 9 to 5, blowing things up. She probably shows up on a schedule, sure - but only when they've got things that really need the destructive kind of testing she can put them through. She's probably one of the last stages of the destruction testing, actually.


And here I thought Mab was just trying to cook a sandwich or something.


Quote from: Daymond42 on January 01, 2016, 11:37:22 AM
And here I thought Mab was just trying to cook a sandwich or something.
Who's to say she wasn't making a sandwich? The best Sandwich in all conceivable realities? Maybe Mab thought that Jy's Lab is the best place to create it. The Madwoman...



"We demand rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty!"

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Also FurAffinity


Quote from: Yarott on January 01, 2016, 03:27:20 PM
Quote from: Daymond42 on January 01, 2016, 11:37:22 AM
And here I thought Mab was just trying to cook a sandwich or something.
Who's to say she wasn't making a sandwich? The best Sandwich in all conceivable realities? Maybe Mab thought that Jy's Lab is the best place to create it. The Madwoman...

Sandwich science! The sandwichiest sort of science


That's totally legit scientific jargon Mab's spouting there, I don't see any problem with it. :razz

... What I do see a problem with is MAB'S SAFETY GEAR!  >( Jeez Mab! I know you're a being of nigh-infinite power but come on -- set an example for the mortals here! Good job on the goggles, but would it have killed you to put on some close-toed shoes? Exploded glassware stings the tootsies if you step on it!  xD


Quote from: Liatai on January 02, 2016, 04:57:02 PM
That's totally legit scientific jargon Mab's spouting there, I don't see any problem with it. :razz

... What I do see a problem with is MAB'S SAFETY GEAR!  >( Jeez Mab! I know you're a being of nigh-infinite power but come on -- set an example for the mortals here! Good job on the goggles, but would it have killed you to put on some close-toed shoes? Exploded glassware stings the tootsies if you step on it!  xD
What if the shoes were part of her Sandwich experiment? Or a casualty of it?


Quote from: Yarott on January 02, 2016, 06:53:12 PM
What if the shoes were part of her Sandwich experiment? Or a casualty of it?

Hmm, you're right; maybe they were bread loafers.

Delian Williams

Yay, Mab! I'm wondering, if she brings Pip along to the lab... destructive testing by teeth.
Mabplosions: 1, 2, 3, 4... It's not like the universe is going to collapse on itself again.

Also: Friggin' forgot to ask about :poke Melara, when the Soulstealer family tree got posted.

Truth be told, I'm starting to worry about Ray.