Do You Want to Be a Super Hero?

Started by thegayhare, September 08, 2006, 02:36:35 AM

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Hello True Believers. *chuckles*


Well anyway I was wondering with the show over and everything I've seen calling it season one that makes me think they are planning a season 2 right? 

So here is the question If you could audition What would you do? What would your name be? Whats your powers? your origin? your costume?  You know all that fun stuff.

My own hero would be named Technical.  He's an inventor as well as a psychic.  He;s a Cyberkinetic, he can't read minds, Instead his mind picks up electronic signals and if he concentrates he can read and manipulate computer data.   

Tech was a promising researcher named Tim Neal.  Unknown to him he had a latent psychic ability that steadily grew more and more pronounced.  As his mind became more and more open to the electronic signals and information around him he started to develop massive headaches the more time he spent around sophisticated equipment.  No longer able to continue his work at the hightech research company he wa fired.  He used his savings to purchase a scrapyard on the edge of town,  The pain was less intense there.  Gradually he learned of his ability and that the pain was caused by information overload and he threw himself into developing some way to block the data.  He wound up with devices he wears on his temples.  they generate the psychic equivalent of white noise, protecting him from the stray signals but still allowing him to use his ability if he concentrates.

He fights evil in a dark blue costume with several of his inventions on hand as well as a team of robots he's built,  and programed to respond to his mental impulses.  He's named them Rick, Kirby, John, Simon, and Fred. the first four are only 3 feet tall and can fold up for storage.  These 4 are his bread and butter team.  Each bot is headless with a rather boxy torso,  the left arm ending in a grasping hand and the right ending in a powerful electronic stun gun (6 foot range).  Fred is the team heavy 7 feet tall, heavily armoured and increadably strong with an ape-like body.  In most cases Fred stays back at the base (a lab built under Techs junkyard) when needed he can be easily summoned and uses built in gps to fly to Techs location.  With no weapons of his own Fred wades into battle using brute force.

He's dedicated to none lethal modes of fighting and spends most of his time beneath the scrapyard in his shielded lab trying to build newer and better, weapons and protective gear.  His own designs can't be used by most people so part of his research is to make tools that can be used by lawenforcement and other professionals


Oh I got a superhero too...Lets see I can look through my papers right...*scatters through files and papers making a big mess everywhere* Hey and they say Parker is messy...Here we go..The Cheshire Cat

  His name is Marty "Marth" Spencer, And a former college student into the studies of being a highly trained metal vet and part time animal genealogist learning to unlock the genetic code of animals. He mostly preferred cats in his life than any other animal he study. And one day when highly important mobsters found the University he was studying at cause somehow one of the studentswho a best friend named Ted Armstong somehow sold out Marths study and thus knowing this caused great problems and before he was killed Marth looked at him with disgust for his former friend and ended up with 8 45. caliber rounds into his chest killing him instantly flying him into chemicals and highly advanced part of the research, A trace of feline hair. And thus supposed being silenced and you thought he would been dead but no.

As the University lab was bursting to flames his body was rescued yet seems he had no traces of bullet wounds but major burn wounds. Weeks later he awoken in the hospital wrapped in bandages and yet something felt diffrent. He peeled away the bandages and he found he had become a humanoid lavender purple feline with soft white blue hair and glowing yellow soft eyes.  After becoming this he was surprised yet when the nurse was on bound to find him not in bed but vanished in thin air but was he really gone? No...He was there..Mainly his hospital gown floating in mid air and made the poor nurse collapse. He eventually escapes the hospital and trys become a super hero.

He has a few unique abilities that help him time to time. Some main as he has super enhanced hearing as it goes fair as telephonic mostly,Other ability's is able to super advanced healing,Some are natural abilities of a natural cat such as sight,durability and smelling but almost quite makes him quite hard to defeat. Some other abilities he has is teleportation and invisibility and poisonous claws that could etheir by kill or parilize the victim. If the claws dont work he could try with his soft tounge when it comes to play with them and when being serious mood he can use his hypnotic gaze with his glowing yellow eyes.Now he fights crime time to time yet sometimes becomes a modern feline Robin Hood to help out poor or homeless people and helps anyone no matter where he is and he was a hero to all mostly and trys very hard to locate and find the people who killed or betrayed him in his former life.  He mainly dresses casual type of person and so far no one dares to ask what his real name is cause mostly they could never find him in time. And he resides in unknown places such in alleys,under a bridge, a friendly persons home or just a friendly warm cardboard box.


If I was going to audition for that show (and had the time to make a half-decent costume) I would give my superhero Hedgehawk a shot.

Rick grew up as a normal teenager. He knew he was adopted, but his foster parents loved him as their own son, and he loved them as his own flesh and blood. He was a normal kid... until around the age of 16 when his hair started falling out. By the time he reached his 18th birthday, he was completely bald and something of a social outcast. Two days after he turned eighteen, he was watching a school play, felt dizzy, and the next thing he knew he was on a hospital bed with a blood transfusion and a bucket of thin, sharp, hollow organic rods beside him. These rods were quills, each one containing a natural sedative until it ruptures, which in this case happened while they were being pushed out of Rick's skin. If baldness made him an outcast, the largely uncontrolled ability to grow poisonous quills made him a freak. After putting a particularly antagonistic and violent classmate into a coma with an accidentally quill-filled backhand, Rick did what all freaks do: he joined the circus. During his tenure as a sideshow/acrobat, he developed an above-average agility and manifested even more oddities including super-jumping and the ability to regenerate tissue.

Now, Rick has put the traveling life of a circus-freak behind him. He works as a crimefighter under the alias Hedgehawk during the day (No, he cannot fly despite having a bird in his name, and yes, getting asked if he can ticks him off to no end) and works the graveyard shift at a 24-hour video store at night. Aside from his thin, detachable, tranquilizing quills, he has also developed the ability to create short, dense quills to provide a little extra attack and defense for his unarmed fighting. The main drawback to his ability to grow quills and regenerate to heal wounds is that it is a protein-based ability, so he has to eat a lot of meat-based foods to replace the protein and using too much of his natural power at once or failing to replace the proteins will cause his whole body to ache, leaving him much more vulnerable to attacks. And since the ability to heal depends on burning proteins... well, let's just say he needs to be careful of his limits.

Hedgehawk can be seen jumping across rooftops in his red spandex trapese artist's uniform with a blue hawk emblem on the chest. He prefers jobs like rescuing cats from trees as opposed to stopping hold-ups, but in either case he's just glad he can make a difference.

Now, as for how he got his powers, that's really pretty uncertain. He could just be a mutant, but his abilities seem to complement each other well in his chosen vocation of law enforcement. Considering that and his beneficent daredevil personality, you'd almost think he was born for the role....
Yap by Silver.


im not familliar with what your talking about, but i have a question.

do they define 'super hero'?

when you consider the range of whats availeable it makes it kind of a grey area all around. is batman a superhero? if so is it the fact that he is a hero of great magnatude rather then of super powers?  define hero for that matter- catwoman can be called a 'hero' in some instances but a villan in others. even charicters like lexx luthor who are charicterised by thier mad power trips must do a great deal of good in political and economic areas, where as superman probably puts a crapload of people out of jobs and routinely demolishes random buildings and im fairly certan casualties happen when he is flung through three appartment buildings leaving entrance and exit damage like a shotgun hitting an overripe melon. not to mention the crazy 'heros' who blow up or shoot just about everyone at the drop of a hat

now that i think of it, being a superhero is technically illegal in about half the civilised world- are they all villans? the act of carrying out vigilante justice might get you about as much prison time as a rapist or an arsonist....more if in the act of carrying out vigilante justice you just so happen to commit rape or arson along the way.

would i like to be a super hero? yes, if i could screw the whole 'hero' thing and just do what i think is right- like giving wedgies to world leaders, arranging the pyramids into a tannagram, and possibly rebuild stonehenge as a giant clock. id probably explot my talents to make a crapload of money too, something that batman is smart enough to do even though superman and the flash have sucky day jobs

why cant more superheroes be like the sandman?

nana nana nana nana nana BA-BA! nana nana nana nana nana BA-BA!
Some will fall in love with life,
and drink it from a fountain;
that is pouring like an avalanche,
coming down the mountain.


I'd like to be a 'Magical Girl', especially from Tokyo Mew Mew... the costumes are just too cute.


i would like to be just myself....but with a cape! a white fancy one! >:3


Quote from: Leafar on September 11, 2006, 08:38:08 AM
i would like to be just myself....but with a cape! a white fancy one! >:3

...Didn't The Incredibles teach you anything when it comes to capes?


Quote from: RJ on September 11, 2006, 08:48:07 AM
Quote from: Leafar on September 11, 2006, 08:38:08 AM
i would like to be just myself....but with a cape! a white fancy one! >:3

...Didn't The Incredibles teach you anything when it comes to capes?

wot? o.O



i wanna be a superhero called "talon"..ill explain more later...

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3

llearch n'n'daCorna

You sure about that, Xze-Xze? I mean, Blue isn't the brightest bulb in the pack, you know... :-)
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: Leafar on September 11, 2006, 09:14:31 AM
Quote from: RJ on September 11, 2006, 08:48:07 AM
Quote from: Leafar on September 11, 2006, 08:38:08 AM
i would like to be just myself....but with a cape! a white fancy one! >:3

...Didn't The Incredibles teach you anything when it comes to capes?

wot? o.O
*GASPEH!!* You. Go. NOW!!

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


*just watched* :)
CAPES AREN'T GAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :U


Quote from: Leafar on September 11, 2006, 12:53:38 PM
CAPES AREN'T GAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :U

course they arn't  Being an inanimate object capes have no sexual orrentation what so ever.  The only in animate object I know of who might have an sexual orentation is llearch

llearch n'n'daCorna


To be fair, Bunnyboy, I'm not exactly inanimate. :-) Boxed in, sure, but not inanimate, per se...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Not to mention llearch makes a greeat cuddle fiend...So does Taski...And TGH...Oh yeah..Who liked my Superhero?