Should I write this story

Started by thegayhare, May 27, 2015, 10:27:14 PM

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Curse you brain your evil and should be ashamed

So I was sittign around today and had a thought.  "do you think Darth vader ever looks back nostagicly on his time on tattooine?"

"man I miss tattooine,  no responibilities,  sure I was a slave but I had all my limbs and was able to eat solid food..."

So this led to me thinking about a Darth vader mid life crisis where he starts an under ground pod racing league on the death star in an attempt to recapture his lost youth.   Its an open format you can race anything you want cept starships. 

So this lead me into thinking I need to do a fast and the furious starwars mashup story.  Where the rebel alliance uses the underground racing league to sneak in and steal the death star plans

Bothan1:  "We are traveling race enthusiast and wish to enter our vehicle in your illegal under ground racing tournament and there is no chance we are Rebel spies hoping to use this as cover to steal top secret data"

Storm trooper with a clip board: "SIGH!"

Bothan2 *in a too loud whisper* "I think he's falling for it"

Storm trooper "Look man I don't care  I'm getting a Paid more just standing here then reporting you, so if you want in drop off your fee at this desk, and Sign in here?  Concession stands to the left and bookies are on the right...  or was that wookies on the right....  no bookies, he just happens to be a wookie too"   

It would need a name  Fast and the Furious 8478 The Deathstar Drift

so what do you think should I write this?


llearch n'n'daCorna

I'm pretty sure you couldn't play this seriously.

Not that that would make it less awesome, mind.
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a freind of mine thinks he could seriously see Vader being an underground podracer at least early on to try and keep in contact with his humanity but yeah  this is not meant to be a serous Idea  but I do want to write it.

another freind thinks vader should disguise himself so he can do it anonymously...  I like that but I think it would be better if he was convinced he had everyone fooled and every one just went along with it so vader wouldn't force choke a bitch.

st 1: isnt this risky what if vader finds out about this racing event?
st 2: Ha finds out he planned it you moron.
1: Wait your saying Jared Soung is really Darth Vader?
2: Duh...  Hes a seven foot tall cyborg in a armored breathing apperatus,  changing the color and face plate isnt that hard.   we just don't let on cause we don't want him to kill us all out of embarrassment  and if he wins he doesn't keep the credits so all racing staff gets huge bonuses