Crank (spoilers)

Started by Gryphon, September 02, 2006, 02:03:41 AM

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Hopefully this movie review is in the right place this time.

Ahem. Crank. Commonly known as a item used to well crank things. This has nothing to do with that. This is the nice euphanism for a certain type of drug. And quite frankly this has drugs, sex and rock and roll. And no I'm not being literary clever I really mean you'll get drugs, sex and rock and roll.

If you have watched either of the Transporter movies you'll know what you are getting into. Action, hard fight scenes and unbelievable stunts.

IF you've watched the trailers you know what the plot line is. Pumped full of poison that will kill him if he isn't equally pumped up on adrenaline. Sort of like a human version of Speed. "You must keep your heartrate above 80 beats a minute or you will blow up!" Yeah. It's a lot like that. As you can expect of a guy who hasn't got much time left to live it starts off a little slow and groggy and jumps straight into action. To be quite honest it felt like a GTA game except they took out all the plot.

Fair warning though. This is not for kids. Expect a hard R rating throughout the movie. Cursing, heavy drug use, fighting, pretty graphic sex scenes and lots of death spread liberally around. Oh and two heart related songs that you know they put in just to mess with our heads.

End result? Damn good movie. Even if it seems to have its sights set on every videogamer in the nation. If you can't handle a hard rating R movie don't come. If you brought your kids you should be taken outside and shot. Otherwise if you want a pure action film come on in.


Hmmm you know I have an idea movie you can review and warn people about it


Wha? No generally I just review movies and make a spot for people to say stuff.



In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...