[Visual Arts] Hazzy's Misc. Arts :: Coloured Commission by Mew

Started by xHaZxMaTx, August 22, 2006, 10:54:47 PM

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This took about a total of 5.5 hours to make, and the poly count's around 1.4 million.

Fixed some minor geometry errors, set up a little scene, used some raytrace materials.  Total number of polys here is 3,170,700.  Not sure what's up with the distortion, if it's just the reflections of the concrete, or what, because the geometry's all smooth and organized...

Cool beans, got the whole funky reflections thing sorted out, time for a popper screenie. :3


Hey, lookie what I just got in the mail! :D

California State Fair Competition Honorable Mention for Industrial and Technology Education

Got it for my Champ Car. :3  Though I must admit I was a bit surprised I got only an Honorable Mention after seeing last year's first place winner.  Ah well, I'm sure whoever it was that won deserved it.


Yay, quadruple posting. :B

Righto, as some of you may know, I can't draw for squat.  However, I like to colour in Photoshop.  'Tis fun. :3  So what do I do with the lovely art I received from Keaton (who has my many, many thanks and gratitude)?  I colour it, of course!  (Posted with Keaton's permission.)


And as I've thoroughly stated over MSN, I LOVES IT TO PIECES. :3 Honestly, I love your coloring skillz. You really seem to have put a lot of effort into this, the shading and colors have an almost waxy, watercolor-y feel, and the inking has nice and crisp lines... omigod it's great. XD Thank you so much for coloring this! It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. :3

I am definitely going to check back here more often, especially since the stuff you have here is great. Excellent work! :)

~Keaton the Black Jackal


The fox strikes me as being too yellow, but apart from that niggling detail, it's bloody amazing.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


I'd say the lines are juuuuust a bit too thick, but it looks ace past that.


Quote from: Keaton the Black Jackal on September 08, 2007, 02:03:55 PM
I am definitely going to check back here more often, especially since the stuff you have here is great.
You mean I'll actually have people in my art thread?! :O

Quote from: Tapewolf on September 08, 2007, 02:04:24 PM
The fox strikes me as being too yellow, but apart from that niggling detail, it's bloody amazing.
Ah, well, that's an easy fix, just have to find the right layer (should probably start naming them...).  And 'bloody amazing', eh?  Well, I must say that's much better than I was expecting. :3

Quote from: BillBuckner on September 08, 2007, 02:08:05 PM
I'd say the lines are juuuuust a bit too thick, but it looks ace past that.
That is not so easily fixed. :<

Appreciate the comments, peeps! :boogie


Quote from: xHaZxMaTx on September 08, 2007, 02:14:01 PM
Quote from: BillBuckner on September 08, 2007, 02:08:05 PM
I'd say the lines are juuuuust a bit too thick, but it looks ace past that.
That is not so easily fixed. :<
well that's your problem isn't it? :C


Quote from: xHaZxMaTx on September 08, 2007, 02:14:01 PM
Ah, well, that's an easy fix, just have to find the right layer (should probably start naming them...).  And 'bloody amazing', eh?  Well, I must say that's much better than I was expecting. :3

Don't forget, you were starting from an excellent picture, and what you've done has really brought it to life.  It wouldn't be nearly as good if the underlying picture was bad.

And I wouldn't bother changing the lines myself.  Even if hey're too thick it matches the style...

I just want to know if Haz gets out of it with his soul intact...

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E



I don't know if anyone sees it that way, but it almost looks as if the thick black lines are sort of "bleeding" outward.

Minor quibble, though.


Hmm, well, here it is with thinner lines and more orange fur, so now you can compare the two and know for sure.  But yeah, it does look better with thinner lines.

Quote from: Tapewolf on September 08, 2007, 02:35:33 PM
Don't forget, you were starting from an excellent picture, and what you've done has really brought it to life.  It wouldn't be nearly as good if the underlying picture was bad.
Oh of course.  If I didn't think it was any good, I wouldn't bother colouring it in the first place. ;)

Quote from: Tapewolf on September 08, 2007, 02:35:33 PM
I just want to know if Haz gets out of it with his soul intact...
Oh sure, my soul's fine.  I'll probably just have to live with arthritis for the rest of my life. :)


llearch n'n'daCorna

Just a small query, what' up with her left hand? Her right is all black, her left appears to have yellow pattern on the back, and black on the front.

Is that intentional, or an oversight (on either KBJ or your part, mind, Haz...) ?
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears



I must say, this is rather awesome stuff. You are amazing at what you do, good sir.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: xHaZxMaTx on September 08, 2007, 04:07:11 PM
That was intentional. ;)

Ah, I see. Unusual. Mostly, if you look at fur/skin patterns IRL, they tend to be more even - or, at least, I think so. Bright patterns tend to be on creatures that will give you a belly ache if you eat them, or are otherwise toxic - which is, I guess appropriate for Keaton ;-] - but often are symmetrical. I'm thinking like cobras, or the highly toxic species of snakes with the bright patterns on them (I have one in mind, with back and red bands, but sod if I can recall the name), but in terms of furry critters, mostly they tend towards camo patterns - tigers, for example, are striped so they can hide in the vertical shadows in jungles, even if in a cage they look -really- bright, they're nigh on invisible in the bush until they move... and even then...

Hmm. I should stop thinking now. ;-] Or at least talking about it ;-]
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on September 09, 2007, 11:56:10 AM
...I'm thinking like cobras, or the highly toxic species of snakes with the bright patterns on them (I have one in mind, with back and red bands, but sod if I can recall the name)...

I believe that would be the coral snake.

As mentioned in the article, some other species mimic the colouring as a form of protective camouflage.

"We demand rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty!"

I'm on deviantART.
Also FurAffinity

llearch n'n'daCorna

yes, that sounds about right. Thanks for looking - I was going to poke about later...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Don't really have much to say except I'm honoured to have been asked by Cog to colour his request from Keaton for him. :3  (Posted with Keaton's, as well as Cogi's permission.)


Absolutely amazing, good sir. You are incredible at what you do. I love it, and thank you again. *gives Haz camels laden with Ivory, Apes and Peacocks*


J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E



"We demand rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty!"

I'm on deviantART.
Also FurAffinity

llearch n'n'daCorna

Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Thank you all for the kind words. :3

Anyway, do you feel lucky, punk? ;)

Seriously, that is a huge gun! D:  I actually finished this last night (aside from the gun), but was waiting to talk to Keaton to get permission to post it.  I had finished the lineart and headed off to bed around 10:30, but figured I could do the base colours in a few minutes using the magic wand tool.  Long story short, I ended up getting to bed at quarter to four. :<  Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go put my hands in a bag of ice.


Omigod you make my art a zillion times more awesome than it actually is. Seriously, that is fuckin' A for Awesome, right there. Everything about both images are just fantastic, especially the highlighting and pastel colorings in the Oni picture and the dynamic shading and shinies in the Cogi picture. God dammit man, you have to teach me your color-tastic ways.

*insert DeviantArt worship emoticon here*

~Keaton the Black Jackal


Ish amazing!

Truly. You have a talent for coloring. And that is one rather intimidating revolver. :3


Quote from: Cogidubnus on September 10, 2007, 05:39:28 PM
Ish amazing!

Truly. You have a talent for coloring. And that is one rather intimidating revolver. :3
[Ghostbusters Ref] Bite your head off it would ;) [/Ghostbusters Ref]


Quote from: Keaton the Black Jackal on September 10, 2007, 05:32:24 PMGod dammit man, you have to teach me your color-tastic ways.

The only thing I used for shading the Oni pic was the brush tool.  Just mess with the opacity, flow, and hardness and brush size.  It's all about layering. ;)

Quote from: Cogidubnus on September 10, 2007, 05:39:28 PM
Ish amazing!

Truly. You have a talent for coloring.

Why thank you. :>

Quote from: Zedd on September 10, 2007, 05:41:48 PM
[Ghostbusters Ref] Bite your head off it would ;) [/Ghostbusters Ref]

That's not quite how it goes, but eh, close enough. :P


Quote from: xTaMxZaHx on September 10, 2007, 05:29:32 PM
Thank you all for the kind words. :3

Anyway, do you feel lucky, punk? ;)

Seriously, that is a huge gun! D:  Now if you'll excuse, I'm going to go put my hands in a bag of ice.

*imagines the character in the picture slowly falling forwards, because her feet are WAY too far back for her center of gravity.* xD

Great coloring job, though.