Headwing Central (OOC)

Started by Eli_In_Chains, October 04, 2012, 12:48:02 AM

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Quote from: Tapewolf on October 06, 2012, 06:31:14 PM
Quote from: justacritic on October 06, 2012, 05:31:12 PM
So if you don't mind me asking, what things in the profile give you the impression this is a jokey character?

My guess would be the coffee thing, it does read kind of like a running joke.

Tape is right. Though it isn't the character I thought was jokey, it was the way he was written.


Name: Tristan Blake
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Years Enrolled: 27
Clan: Dimanika
Species: Ferret
Academic Focus: Tristan is currently studying dimensional magic, trying to develop his own portable library. He is also studying aesthetic transformations such as altering haircut and furcolor, history, art, and chess. After 27 years (plus stuff from before SAIA), he's also had plenty of time to cover a wide variety of other subjects in the past, such as elemental branches of magic, basic shapeshifting, unarmed self defense, and home-ec (he regretted that one) to name a few.
Appearance: Take the fur pattern of a ferret, monochrome it, and then shade ever so slightly blue and you get a pretty good approximation of Tristan. Add in hazel eyes, medium length dark blue hair, and a five foot seven stature, and you're pretty much there. His wings are feathered and a dusky blue with blackish blue feather tips. He typically wears fingerless black gloves, a teeshirt with an open front vest, pants, and a newsie cap. The cap hides his headwings if they're out and the gloves hide the clanmark on the back of his right hand, not because they have to here in SAIA, but because he developed the habit before coming here and still likes the look and is currently working on a way to wear his headwings through the cap.
Personality: Though friendly to many, Tristan is pretty reclusive and shy. He doesn't go out of his way to make friends, though for some reason that was reason in and of itself for people to go out of their way to make friends with him. As a result, he does not talk much to people he's never met, but is a common fixture at the library and nearly everyone who ever goes to the library knows who he is by now anyway. People have been trying to make him more outgoing for a while, and it's starting to work, but he's not quite there yet. As a security blanket of sorts, he tends to nearly always have some book or other within arms reach of him. This is a stock holdover from an early trauma in his life.
Background: Watch out, this part is like five paragraphs long. I go overboard sometimes... >.>
[spoiler]As far as Tristan can tell, both his parents were beings and he was either adopted, or his biological dad did a one night impersonation with his mother at some point. Whichever the case, he had a relatively happy childhood for a kid with wings in a region where creatures were feared though as a result he had no friends and was a fairly lonely child. Still, his parents loved him and worked in a library where he spent much of his free time reading, especially on top of bookcases where he could watch everyone but where no one saw him. One day when he was seven however, someone caught him playing with his shadow in a field and it wasn't long before there were pitchforks and torches camped in front of the library and less time still before the library was burning to the ground. Tristan's parents had tried to head them off and calm them down, but were carried into the library itself by the angry tide who searched all over for him, plunging pitchforks into any shadow deep enough to hide a child.

Tristan himself watched enshrouded in shadow from a corner on top of a bookcase where no one thought to look except his parents who saw him up there clutching the book he'd been reading. While no one was looking at them except him, his mother took a book from a shelf, whispered something into it, and put it on a table while looking at him significantly and his father threw a chair out a window, shattering glass and calling through it, "Run Tristan!" which caught the attention of the mob who then ran off in that direction with his parents in their grip leaving the library already on fire. With everyone gone, Tristan ran over to the book his mother had put on a table, grabbed it and followed his father's last instructions. Picking any direction but the one the mob took, he ran.

He found out later that his parents had been executed the next day for 'harboring a demon child' while he was lost in the woods. He survived a while by stealing food from the town while staying hidden before trying to read the book his mother had lost her life making sure he got. The moment he opened it, his mother started talking to him out of the pages in a spell she had cast on it, giving him instructions on where to go and who to contact ending with "And never, never forget that we love you."

So Tristan found himself in a nearby city working at another library as an apprentice under a friend of his parents' where he grew to adulthood. Here he he learned magic of his own and when his clan marking showed up mysteriously on the back of his left hand, he developed the habit of wearing fingerless gloves and after a lot of research realized that he was almost certainly a cubi. Considering that beings had been setting him apart ever since he was a child, it is perhaps not very surprising that he was not nearly as put off by this as many others would have been. In a way he was kind of glad to have such a drastic difference between him and those that had killed his parents so long ago. However, as a precaution, he also developed the habit of wearing a newsie cap whenever in public.

A few more years passed before his headwings came in very suddenly while Tristan was in the market place. Luckily his precaution held and after making arrangements at the library he now ran, he applied to SAIA at the age of 23. Here he continued his magic studies through classes and independent research in the library where he spends much of his time. It was revealed that like all of clan Dimanika, he has an affinity for confusion, but even more so for that 'aha' moment when you suddenly realize something. As such, he was drawn most often to other students who were struggling with something and developed the reputation of being helpful for studying. Tristan has been here long enough to learn the basics of being a cubi, but is still working on several of the more advanced skills.[/spoiler]


I think you may have a slight discrepancy in his age, there... ^^; Namely, has he been attending SAIA since six years before he was born? XD

But, all told, I love the character, the story is excellent and I think he'll add a lot to this roleplay. :3 Thanks so much for taking the time to write that wall-o-text because I thoroughly enjoyed reading it, and by now it should be a foregone conclusion that you have my still very official GM stamp of


I shall begin the process of learning alchemy so I can recover something resembling cookies from my attempt to bake you some. Right now I just have to figure out how to get them to stop glowing...


Yeah, things like that tend to happen when you're dealing with the Dimanika clan. It's harder to get a straight answer out of them sometimes than it is to get ye flask. And that's pretty hard!


Oh my, that takes me back... XD You get extra cookies for that reference. Ye cookies are on a table in front of you.

But, yes, that makes good sense. :3 ...well... uh... not good sense, but Dimanika sense.


*gets ye cookies*

-Ye can't get ye cookies.

But... but why not?!?

-I'm certainly not going to tell you.

Nooooo T.T


Ye cookies are bolted to the wall, which is bolted to the rest of the dungeon, which is probably bolted to a castle somewhere. :mowcookie

Le sigh. Memories. On topic again, if I'm not mistaken I think VAE and Kafzeil are the only people who expressed interest and haven't yet posted up a character profile, correct? I shall have to start thinking, then, of roommate pairs, so we're ready to hit the ground running once they're set. :3 Currently there's an odd number of characters in the thread (including my own, that is), so let me pose this question to my players, does anybody here want their character to start out in a single dorm, i.e. no roommate? If not, and if nobody else turns up (or makes a second character), then I'll either create a second character to pair off with someone else (I have more than enough free time on my hands to run two characters) or have Blaine off by himself. Most likely the former, I find it unlikely that a newcomer like him would be given a room to himself.

And, on the same subject, are there any potential ideas for roommates so far (for play reasons, keep suggestions to other characters), any requests, et cetera? Please PM them to me if you have any, I don't want them floating around on here, and I'll consider all of them. Please keep in mind that I am not Fa'Lina despite that I'm trying to do her job here; I'll do my best and hope it's good enough, but please let's just keep this simple. Reshuffling characters around is a step I don't want to add before the RP starts, especially as people's feelings might get hurt, so I've decided to make the INITIAL roommate placements final. That is to say, you're stuck with your roommate until further notice. Not necessarily permanently, but I don't want to approve changes except in exceptional circumstances (player drops out of the game, significant in-character disagreement, that sort of thing). If that seems unfair, please, bring it up in PM, I will be more than happy to hear your concerns and possibly change the policy.

I feel like I might need to say this outright, despite trying to convey it through my messages here, I am a very accommodating GM and I want EVERYONE in this game to have loads of fun. I'm also a very nice and very approachable person (and I don't take offense easily), so if you're not having fun for whatever reason it may be, talk to me about it and I'll do everything I can to get things squared away. All I ask is that potentially sensitive things be discussed via PM, not on an open forum.

EDIT: While I'm bringing up policy, I've also stuck a little addendum about appropriate behavior on the end of my first post. I don't think you guys will have a problem with it though, it's just to clear up a little bit of ambiguity I thought I might have left.


Quote from: Eli_In_Chains on October 07, 2012, 04:02:52 AM
EDIT: While I'm bringing up policy, I've also stuck a little addendum about appropriate behavior on the end of my first post. I don't think you guys will have a problem with it though, it's just to clear up a little bit of ambiguity I thought I might have left.

That works for me.  I wouldn't be comfortable going much higher than PG-13 anyway.

And yes, I too would rather like to know what Blake's age is since it's inconsistent with the rest of it.  I'd guess it was supposed to be 51..?

Regarding roommates I have no real preference for Niall.  I am a little worried that being suddenly thrust together with someone and having to make it look like they've been roomies for decades might be a little hard to pull off, but I think that goes for everyone.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Corgatha Taldorthar

I'd like to officially express interest. I'll throw together a character in a couple of hours.

:  Horethen Aldoraethar

Gender: Male

Age:  267

Years Enrolled: First Year

Clan: Aldoraethar

Species: Jaguar

Current Major: political science

Appearance: 5'10" jaguar with a slender build. Dull green eyes, no cephalic hair. His wardrobe tends towards silk, brightly colored, well tailored and expensive. His fur is sleek and shiny, and his clan mark is a blue circle with a wedge piercing the center right, located on the front of his neck. He often wears some sort of shawl or scarf or necklace to hide it, but no other jewelry. His only other major accessory are a long set of fingerless gloves, one of which he is almost always wearing. His emotional affinity is for awe in specific, but any sort of fear does quite well by him.

Personality:  Horethen is cold, aloof, judgmental,  filled with a not-so faint sense of superiority, and fanatically devoted to his clan, which is only faintly broken through with excitement of the thought of living in an area of only 'Cubi.  He has spent most of his life in his clan's ancestral home, which has lead to an insular development. He considers the great divide of life not between Creatures and Beings, but between 'Cubi and "everyone else". As per clan custom, he only talks in the direst need, and refuses to eat, drink, or sleep. (He's still working on breathing) To communicate with non-'Cubi, he has traditionally employed a Speaker, trained to notice subtle accentuations in body motion and speak accordingly. In an environment full of 'Cubi, he prefers to communicate solely by lowering his mind shield and "thinking loudly" before re-raising it. Although he tries to hide it, he is somewhat nervous being without his Speaker, as he has had one since childhood.  

Horethen considers his status as a student in SAIA to be a formality, as he is primarily there to observe SAIA and other clans, and to report back to his own clan. He'll learn anything he can pick up, but his grades and performance are a secondary priority.
Background : Clan Aldoraethar has lived way out in the dimensional boonies for as long as any of them can remember. Millennia ago, their clan leader was killed by a rival 'Cubi clan, and since then, while they have only ever accepted other 'Cubi as social and intellectual equals, they also have a healthy dose of caution when dealing with their brethren.

Several centuries ago, a Being uprising drove the Aldoraethar (and most of the continent's Creatures) to near extinction before they were finally able to drive the uprisen Thularians back. The clan settled back to their ancestral lands and expanded, but the new generation is having trouble finding appropriate mates, of great concern to the clan Patriarch. While SAIA had always been known about (and certain that Fa'Lina knew about them) the Aldoraethar preferred to train their own as to what it meant to be 'Cubi and on their responsibilities and powers.

Still, more contact with the 'Cubi of other lands was considered necessary, and so someone had to be picked to go attend SAIA Horethen has been through this training, and was selected to be Aldoraethar's representative, because he was young enough and undistinguished enough to be considered expendable, and because he was skilled enough with his own training to leave a good impression. Image is important to the Aldoraethar.

His personal background is one that is fairly normal for his clan. He was cared for his mother until his headwings sprouted, at which point he was taken to what was basically a barracks to be trained by the more elder 'Cubi of his clan. It was a quasi-military style physical education, focusing on bodily training, magic, and 'Cubi powers in the morning, with classes on political science and the practicalities of running a feudal-style estate in the evenings. Special focus was given on learning to do without sleep, which speeds up the education process significantly.

Horethen took to the training pretty well, and was informed of his new job as emissary about a month before the RP starts. He's since been making his preparations until a representative teleports him to SAIA

Here he is. Let me know if anything needs changing.

(And some minor cleanup edits)
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


Quote from: Tapewolf on October 07, 2012, 09:20:05 AM
Regarding roommates I have no real preference for Niall.  I am a little worried that being suddenly thrust together with someone and having to make it look like they've been roomies for decades might be a little hard to pull off, but I think that goes for everyone.

Actually, you misunderstand. The roommates will, in-universe, not have met before.

Corgatha, as regards your character, I'm somewhat hesitant as there's quite a lot in your background that seems to be an addition to the main DMFA/Project Future canon that most everyone is familiar with. I do want to trust you, but having a background like that one leaves a lot of room for grandstanding. In order to ensure the fun of everybody else, I can't approve you just yet. I'd like to hear about your plans for this character via PM, please. You might not need to change anything.


Quote from: Eli_In_Chains on October 07, 2012, 12:08:06 PM
Actually, you misunderstand. The roommates will, in-universe, not have met before.

Ah right, so the starting scenario is that we're getting new roommates?  That would work, and in the case of Blake, Niall (and other characters who've been there more than a year) would have seen him in the library and or elsewhere but never felt the need to talk to him.  Is that the sort of thing you're aiming for?

Oh, it might be an idea to put a character index in the start of the thread, links to the character profiles so we can quickly look them up in-game.  Most other RPs seem to do this and it's really useful.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Yep, everyone is starting out with new roommates. I had hoped for there to be more first year students, it would have helped, but assuming Corgatha's character makes it in relatively intact, we currently have the same total of first years as we do other characters. That makes assigning roommates easily justifiable.

And yes, I'll get to the character index when I can. Probably after work today.

EDIT: Happy to say that my fears were unfounded and having heard the plans for him, Corgatha's character now gets my full and official


Your cookies are currently being prepared for immediate delivery. Please note that while they are a gift, you may be required to pay a small postage fee, as well as a less small hazardous materials surcharge.


Quote from: Tapewolf on October 07, 2012, 09:20:05 AM
And yes, I too would rather like to know what Blake's age is since it's inconsistent with the rest of it.  I'd guess it was supposed to be 51..?
Yeah, pretty much. I didn't come up with a specific age, but if I did, 50 would be right about where it is.

As for roommates... I feel like there are two reasons why Tristan would be paired with someone and the first is to give him a roommate that will pull him out of his shell more (but not with enough force for him to barricade himself away from them) and the second reason is that the other person for some reason needs a quiet, inoffensive roommate. For this reason I see it unlikely he would have been paired with Corgatha's and to be honest, Tristan detests the taste of coffee. Also the smell. And he does like tea, so I can't imagine pairing him with Justacritic's character working out much better. Good candidates for Tristan's roommate of the people so far are thus (by logic) Tapewolf's and Lionheart's. Depending on what VAE or Kaf come up with, they might also pose good candidates.

Not that my opinion holds much importance, but currently Lionheart's seems like a good pair with mine so Tristan's experience can tamper Mira's naivety while Mira's enthusiasm will force him to get out more. Similarly Niall (as a practical veteran of the school) would pair well with Horethan who is here for diplomatic reasons. But before decisions are made, the individual people's opinions should be taken into account and of course waiting for VAE and Kaf. After all it might make just as much sense to pair the two new people together while Tristan gets matched with Niall who has been here longer so they already likely know who each other are.


Thanks for the input, I'll be taking it all into account. For the rest of the players, I did ask for the information via PM, so if anyone else has similar commentary, I want to hear it, but please pm it to me.


... *reads again*

... oh. >.> *facepalms*


You have my interest. Writing up a character sheet now. He'll be a first year.
I wish the real world would just stop hassling me.
"I work in Fringe Division. Weird is a matter of degrees."


I've poked through your latest posts, like I mentioned earlier in the thread this is standard for me, and I'd be more than happy to have you in my roleplay. Looking forward to your character. ^^ And good! It's always good to have more first-years. I had originally intended to require all first-year characters, but looking at the profiles that have come out of not doing so, I'm glad I didn't. It's still good to have another newbie to the Academy, though, it'll make assigning roommates go more smoothly.

EDIT: I've decided I will be opening the IC thread for Headwing Central over the weekend. I'll prepare the opening post over the next couple days and have it ready to post by Saturday morning (that is, the thirteenth of October). Ideally, everyone who intends to play will have a character ready by Friday evening, and I will include the finalized list of roommates in the post on Saturday morning. That's what would happen in a perfect world. As it happens, I don't expect everyone to have their profiles ready by then, so the thread will remain open indefinitely as I promised, but anyone missing the start date may be asked to wait a few days, so a suitable roommate can be found (if no other characters come forth in that time, I will make and play another character to be the roommate in question). As fair warning, and to make sure those affected would get this notice (editing a post doesn't, I don't think, bump the topic...), I have sent out private messages to everyone who has expressed interest and not yet posted a character profile. I will be sending out a blanket message on Friday night to everyone who has shown interest in my roleplay, as well, to notify everyone in case of a missed message that the roleplay is starting Saturday.

As an assurance that everyone gets this message, please post here acknowledging that you've read this notice. This serves two purposes: it lets me see that everyone is on the same page, and will also bump my topic so that those people waiting for something to happen can see that yes, this thread is still going on. So far most of the activity has been behind the scenes, with a few PMs between me and a few players clearing certain things up.


Darn.  An rp appears when my home internet is disabled, so I can't reliably plot things.  Oh well.  I'm interested, and already have a character ready to convert to this universe, with some minor changes.  Though I might be slow, given at this time I'm uncertain on if my home internet will be up in the next few days.

To the typing!


You can always join once your internet is once more reliable. This thread will stay open for the foreseeable future.


Quote from: Eli_In_Chains on October 08, 2012, 01:59:46 AM
As fair warning, and to make sure those affected would get this notice (editing a post doesn't, I don't think, bump the topic...)

FWIW, this is the sort of situation where double-posting is acceptable (and indeed, desirable - heck, I only spotted it by accident).

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


So did I. In fact, I only noticed it because of Tapewolf's post...

Saturday, huh? I'm ready to roll. Looking forward to it.

"We demand rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty!"

I'm on deviantART.
Also FurAffinity


Quote from: Tapewolf on October 10, 2012, 08:13:31 PM
Quote from: Eli_In_Chains on October 08, 2012, 01:59:46 AM
As fair warning, and to make sure those affected would get this notice (editing a post doesn't, I don't think, bump the topic...)

FWIW, this is the sort of situation where double-posting is acceptable (and indeed, desirable - heck, I only spotted it by accident).

Good to be aware. I was unsure on the rules regarding that. The forums I've been on in the past would have considered that to be bumping a thread and thus not allowed. But, that was why I directed people to post afterwards, as well. In future I won't be relying on covert methods, now that I know this type of situation allows for double posting.


Name: Roxanne Tannis

Gender: Female

Age: 47

Years enrolled: 25

Clan: Golgotha (Unaffiliated with greater clan activities)

Species: Canine (Welsh Corgi)

Major: Torture

Appearance: Roxanne is a short, chubby Pembroke Welsh Corgi. Her fur is sable with white markings pattern (White calves, forearm, belly, chest, snout, reddish everywhere else with blending black on her back). She possesses bronze feathery wings and medium length, curly red hair. Her eyes are blue, and she she tends to dress fairly casually, usually in comfortable jeans, a belt, and shirts with both simple and elaborate patterns on them. Her ears are pierced, decorated by a set of small loops, one one each ear, and a ruby  stub on the right ear and a sapphire stub on the left. Her clan mark is a bronze circle split down the middle, with a hole in each half. The symbol is located on the back of her right hand.

Personality: Cheerful and full of pep, Roxanne can be very friendly to her fellow students and friends, and has many hobbies, including baking, movies, religious studies, and art. However, this often clashes with her more morbid interests and pursuits.  Many of her courses are geared towards her major, such as medicine and biology, chemistry, psychology, and cosmetics. She knows countless ways to break someones soul and body at the same time, and is not shy about discussing this. She's ecstatic about someday working a professional interrogation and torture specialist.

History: Roxanne was born the child of a Golgotha enforcer and fisherman, though her mother was slain during while on a "business trip" by rival gangsters. As such, it wasn't until she was in her early 20s did the truth of her mother become apparent to her and her father, both having come to the conclusion that her wings were a weird genetic trait from her Father's side.

Deciding to take to SAIA willingly when offered, Roxanne took to learning about her mother's clan, and studied medicine in the hopes of becoming a doctor.

However, her clan's affinity for dread and fear kicked into high gear when she attended a class on torture, and instantly switched majors. She hasn't been happier since.

Roxanne has also recently taken in a African Violet she's dubbed "Saint Paula" and seems to treat it with religious devotion, threatening other students should they approach the plant and "Offend it"
Real men wear Hats.<br /><br />Raz: Lili! An evil madman is building a fleet of psycho-death tanks to take over the world, and we\'re the only ones who can stop him! <br />Lili Zanotto: OH MY GOD! Let\'s make out! -Psychonauts


Quote from: Eli_In_Chains on October 10, 2012, 09:22:12 PM
Good to be aware. I was unsure on the rules regarding that. The forums I've been on in the past would have considered that to be bumping a thread and thus not allowed. But, that was why I directed people to post afterwards, as well. In future I won't be relying on covert methods, now that I know this type of situation allows for double posting.

As a rule things like that are a bit more relaxed when it's a thread you're running, e.g. an art thread, an RP or the like.

At the end of the day it all comes down to common sense, really - if it's an important announcement or question, or if it's a significant update and it's a day or two after your last post, then it makes sense to double-post.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Kaf, wonderful profile, one comment: I think that either your age or your years enrolled are off by ten years. ^^; The History section suggests (rightly, I assume) that she left for SAIA in her early twenties. But a bit of arithmetic shows that she would have been twelve years old at the time rather than twenty-two. X3 So which is off? Is she 57, or has she been in school for 25 years? Either works, and whichever it is, it doesn't change that you have my official seal of


Unfortunately all of your cookies have been stolen from me by a terrorist cell, and until Jack Bauer decides to return my call, I have no way of forcing the bound and gagged terrorist in my basement to divulge their location. Hope you don't mind the delay. ^^;


Well crap, knew I forgot something. Ah well, wouldn't be me without doing a stupid error like this. Fixed.

Actually you needn't worry, I've dispatched my X-Com team to retrieve them. Hopefully they don't all die.

Chrsysalids man, Chrsysalids.
Real men wear Hats.<br /><br />Raz: Lili! An evil madman is building a fleet of psycho-death tanks to take over the world, and we\'re the only ones who can stop him! <br />Lili Zanotto: OH MY GOD! Let\'s make out! -Psychonauts


Kaf, just adding your character to the profile listing in the first post, and noticed that you haven't listed her full name. For now I'll just list her as Roxanne, but please add that category, as well.



Now If you'll excuse me I must go post on FoF then proceed to fail horribly at saving humanity from an extraterrestrial menace.
Real men wear Hats.<br /><br />Raz: Lili! An evil madman is building a fleet of psycho-death tanks to take over the world, and we\'re the only ones who can stop him! <br />Lili Zanotto: OH MY GOD! Let\'s make out! -Psychonauts


Name: Kallis Ja'Krath

Gender: Female

Age: 25

Years enrolled: First year

Clan: Ja'Krath

Species: Feline (Siamese cat)

Current Major: Industrial Thaumaturgy

Appearance: Kallis is roughly 5'4 tall, of an average, leaning heavier build. a more-less fair representation of her appearance. . Her fur (along with wing feathers) is mostly cream colour, with the exception of paws, ears, tail tip, cephallic hair, and forehead stretching onto muzzle, which are all a darker colour (as expected from her breed). Her clan mark is located on her left shoulder, just below the shoulder blade. 
She prefers loose, flowing clothes in bright shades of green, blue, purple or a combination of such, usually belted, both to accentuate her waist, and provide yet another place to store an assortment of items vaguely related to whatever she's busy with at the moment. She's slightly cross-eyed.
Her wing tentacles end in long ,thin fingers in their default state, a clan trait in place even while Ja'Krath was still alive.
The only trinket or jewelry of any value is a silver pendant with a lazurite inlay in shape of her clan mark.

Personality: Sharing her clan's affinity for drive and pride, and adding a
dash of taste for anger. She's rather curious, and generally fun to be around,
unless you manage to somehow mess up with whatever her current main
occupation is (given she's a typical cubi, it tends to be about three things
more than would be sane), or assert she's in the wrong somehow. She's still
drinking and breathing, and has sporadic eating and sleeping habits, generally
once every three-four days. Fan of all things fire related, when she's in a
silly mood she'll communicate via conjuring smoke letters. Proud of her clan
and its heritage, shares a disdain for both dragons (complacent, haughty wise-ass
dunderheads) and demons (backwards warmongers with little care for anything

History: Born in a not quite important town in Central Kebre as the only child of Solomon Ja'Krath, an enterpreneur
renting steam threshing rigs, and Ifigenia Ja'Krath, the administrator of a
local landowner's property, she spent most of her childhood messing about in
her father's machine shop, or those kids who didn't mind either her
personality or her backwings (an example would be the numerous offspring of
the town's alchemist and doctor). Her family taught her magic from a fairly
age, driven by the belief that a firm, natural grasp of spellcraft is what separates
Cubi (and perhaps, very perhaps angels) from the lesser races.
At age ten, after passing her basic education (A newfangled thing set up about
twenty  years ago  by
the previous governor, who appointed a Minister for Alphabetization and
Literacy in order to keep up with the neighbouring countries, the four-year town schools
taught the kids of better off peasants and craftsmen reading, writing,
arithmetic and religion), she was sent to live in the capital, Port Oriss,
with a relative of her mother, in order to continue her education at the
Thaumaturgic Lyceum of St. Pravoslav. It was there at age 19 that her
headwings broke out in front of an examination commission, perhaps due to the
gross excess of her favoured emotions exhibited by the student body at the time. With the diploma of a certified sorceress in her paws, she has since worked at a number of jobs in the city, but none has quite worked out, either due to particular misgivings with her superiors, or plain growing bored of the routine once she had learned the ropes, much to the annoyance of her family. It was about five years later that she heard about SAIA from her former classmate, and given that education therein seemed to be free of charge for all 'cubi, her family didn't have much misgivings about her applying, thinking she's probably not the first inattentive cubi in the world, and  she'll finally do something useful with her life. 
What i cannot create, i do not understand. - Richard P. Feynman
This is DMFA. Where major species don't understand clothing. So innuendo is overlooked for nuendo. .


Aside from the formatting making it difficult to read, as we talked about in private messages, you have got my official stamp of


I'm pretty sure your cookies should be there soon. I hired a bonded messenger to deliver them to you. Well... bribed a child, actually, but a thin child, one that looked like he wouldn't eat your cookies.