[Art Exchange] Covert Courtesy Commutation ~ 6/8 gifts are up.

Started by Gabi, February 17, 2009, 08:36:15 AM

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Well, thank you, Mr. Gifter. i'd prefer a character drawing, but if that isn't your thing or such, you can do something else. If you'd like to do a character drawing, i have a reference here.

By WhiteFox


Quote from: Cogidubnus's gifterTell me about yourself; your favorite music (perhaps list examples), favorite movies, favorite food, vehicles, weather, season. Just anything and everything. It can be completely random but I need it. Perhaps even a favorite memory or a funny happening. Best friends on the forum even. The more things you list the easier my job is. :)

Oh my. I don't think I've ever been interviewed before! *grins*

My taste in music is difficult to define, for me. Mark Knopfler's later work (Sailing to Philidelphia, the Ragpicker's Dream) are favorites, and perhaps the song Sailing to Philidelphia and Sands of Nevada are two works that I have loved since I first heard them years ago. Certain kinds of classical music (the Prelude in C Minor, the Toccata and Fugue) I like. If you've ever seen the anime Kara no Kyoukai, I'm listening to the soundtrack right now. It's ethereal, but not insubstantial - a woman in white in the snow, rather than a ghost in the rafters, as it were. Led Zeppelin, Eric Clapton, Coldplay, Apocalyptica (Hope Vol. II, in particular). What I've heard of the Diablo Swing Orchestra, I like. Nightwish is alright on occasion, although after listening to it for awhile, it seems a bit canned, if you know what I mean. And who could forget The Who?

Favorite movie right now is Gran Torino. Favorite food is...I'm not sure. Probably curry. :B - and I do not have a favorite vehicle, I don't think. My favorite weather is rain, as it does not snow here - but if it snowed, I'm sure I'd like that too. My favorite season is autumn. I enjoy practicing my swordsmanship (Muso-Jikiden-Eishin-Ryu Iaido), reading, writing, and doing things on the computer. I read good poetry and write bad poetry (no long walks on the beach, please). I am attempting to learn calligraphy. Despite living in Texas, I have never once seen an honest-to-god cowboy that I can recall. I spend a lot of time in the RP section, and I am also addicted to coffee.


Quote from: Corgatha Taldorthar's gifterIf he has anything in particular he would like drawn, I would like to know.

Quote from: modelincard's gifterThis is going to sound completely random, but, give me a theme and an emotion.

Quote from: Zina's gifterHello Zina,

if you could provide me with a little information about what you'd like, that would be great.  If you want me to take a shot at your fursona, i can do that, or, if you'd like something different just let me know and i'll get working.

And Sofox's gifter wants to know what he would like to receive. The gifter in question "can write and draw, (albeit with questionable prowess)".
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly

Corgatha Taldorthar

I have a few characters that I write and am attached to, but most of them are various humans. The only furry I have is Kedered Aldoraethar, from the Shattered innocence RP. I don't particularly care what is drawn, as long as it is in good taste.

He's a Jaguar Incubus, five foot eleven, slight build. His wings have his same light spot pattern as his fur, but they are rough and leathery.  Emerald green eyes with large irises, no cephalic hair. He has large hands, and his clan symbol is a blue circle pierced by a kind of tripled wedge. It is on the inside of his right palm, but he usually wears gloves or keeps his hands closed to conceal it. He tends to dress expensively, and has a cold, aristocratic face. He very rarely shows strong emotions, regardless of what he is actually feeling.

As for Humans, I have my moniker of Corgatha Taldorthar. I've got the description around here somewhere.

"As for Corgatha, he was a character I created, and became more attached to than usual, for a wheel of time set RP. (I'm going to assume you know zero about Wheel of Time, so if I'm saying stuff you already know, my apologies)

He's human, standing at six foot three, weighs a bit over 220 lbs, muscular. Very short jet hair, dull gray eyes, high rigid cheekbones, a very long, narrow face. His nose is somewhat small for a man his size. His eyebrows, and indeed most of his noncephalic hair has been burned off at some point or another, with the follicles damaged. (no beard or other facial hair) His skin is granite gray from years of using a certain armoring "weave" (Read, magical spell) He's a bit over eighty, although magic users age slowly, so he has the physique of someone in their mid to late twenties. He oddly, as his hips were broken and never healed exactly right. He has extremely quick arms, and tends  to fiddle with his hands when bored. He is covered in old scars, most either due to weapons, or more commonly due to festering sores of Saidin rot that healed over later. He always wears a long, black coat, with a silver sword pin on the left breast and a golden dragon medal on the right. (They're both small enough to fit in the palm of a much smaller man than Corgatha). His pants are also black, leather, flexible. Tends to wear low boots. He keeps a greatsword made out of toughened obsidian scabbarded across his back, with the hilt over his left shoulder, although he rarely fights with a blade, often preferring his magic. He keeps a knife in his belt, although it's not hidden at all, along with a few pouches for things like money and maps.

Now, in the Wheel of Time setting, due to an attack by the BBEG, the power source that male magic users draw on, is "tainted" (It gets removed eventually). This taint makes them go crazy and causes physical deformities. Corgatha....... was using it for 50 or so years before the taint got removed and a sort of successful attempt was made to rid his mind of the worst of it. He's still a bit odd, thinking in weird patterns. He's rather paranoid, especially where Aes Sedai (An order of female magic users, one of whose duties is to hunt down and capture, and sever from the magic source any crazy man channeling they could come across) are concerned.

Talent wise, he works primarily in earth-based magic, although he's quite talented with fire and a few more exotic things. He can usually be seen juggling rocks telekinetically, often at dizzying speeds.

Personality wise, he's kind of difficult to deal with. He still talks to rocks, and as a writer, I've always been trying to keep it ambiguous whether he has access to some sort of higher knowledge or is just gibbering. He no longer thinks on the same plane as other people, and has trouble talking coherently. He is however, extremely good at math and other forms of calculation, and is an extremely clever tactician on the battlefield. He has no inspirational ability, but he is good at arranging his own troops for maximum firepower and minimum losses, and has something of a mystique about his command, a reputation for invincibility which was starting to become a self fulfilling prophecy.

He has no real hobbies or social life. He views it as imperative to keep those under him alive and in good standing, and considers it something of a betrayal to them to have a personal life. The pressure *is* building on him, although he's kind of ignoring it at the moment.

EDIT- Something I'd like to add. Corgatha's appearance is partially based on the Nameless One from Planescape Torment. My avatar is Vhailor, an animated suit of armor from the same game. He has little relation to Corgatha as a character, besides a certain singlemindedness Vhailor is an executioner for a certain faction in Sigil that believes so firmly in his mission to wipe out the taints on the universe, that it lets him defy his own death. He is all that is cool."

(Some extraneous stuff, whatever)

Kipriu drew a picture, here. It's a bit too perfect though, Corgatha is supposed to be ugly enough that strangers flinch when they meet him for the first time.

If neither of those appeal to you, buzz me again, I've got a few other things floating around in there.
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


To muh gifter:  :boogie

I'd like something of Chance. She has a bubbly personality, really positive and fun-loving. (and loves to give hugs  >:3) Though she can be a hot-wire at times so don't make her mad :).

Activities for her (besides huggling) would include flying, swimming, wrestling... and she really enjoys sneaking up on people (especially pouncing from a tree). She also loves being in the woods.. trying to catch butterflies and fireflies.  :giggle

I hope that works, if you need anything else let me know ^_^ (Oh, and if fighting stances are more your style.. she is a fighter and has two long daggers =) She loves peace but isn't one to go down without a fight).


I don't mind what I receive, it's the thought that counts.

Faerie Alex

Quote from: modelincard's gifterThis is going to sound completely random, but, give me a theme and an emotion.
Right, I suppose I ought'a respond to this. :V A theme and an emotion, hmm...not quite sure what you mean by a theme, per se. I dunno, fluffy tail and warm fuzzies. Not sure that's what you're looking for though. :/
Jeez I need to update this thing.



Quote from: modelincard's gifter
Haha, yeah, that's not exactly what I meant.  Though I probably should have mentioned that I have very little drawing ability, extremely sub par doesn't even come close.....I make stick figures look bad ><.  If you want I do have a back up plan that I was going to start working on tonight if I didn't get a response from you if you want me to just go ahead with that.

Quote from: Sofox's gifterOkay, Quality aside, what would you like me to make? Any fursonas or something else you want me to draw? Or is there anything in particular you want me to write about? A story about a specified character? Some kind of lead would help immensely.
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly

Faerie Alex

Quote from: modelincard's gifter
Haha, yeah, that's not exactly what I meant.  Though I probably should have mentioned that I have very little drawing ability, extremely sub par doesn't even come close.....I make stick figures look bad ><.  If you want I do have a back up plan that I was going to start working on tonight if I didn't get a response from you if you want me to just go ahead with that.
Whatever you want. I guessed this was a writing thing myself. Whatever you want to work on, go ahead. I can still try to furnish a theme and emotion if you want, but it might be nice if you could be a bit more specific as to what you mean to "theme." Else wise, go with whatever you want to do.
Jeez I need to update this thing.


Quote from: Kipiru's gifterKipiru you have such excellent art skill that i don't think anything that i draw for you will measure up. but perhaps i can do something else for you. do you have a back story for kipiru that you'd like explored? or perhaps some involving other charcter that you'd like captured in poetry?
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


I'm pretty relaxed in what I get. I'd most enjoy something that you enjoy creating. Art of my fursona is fine, and so's a story.
To be honest though, recently I feel I haven't been getting enough laughs. Maybe a humorous story would be a good idea.


I kind of hate to say this, since so many writers are participating, but I've got some vision problems that make reading somewhat difficult. I would prefer a drawing, no matter how inexperienced the artists, but I wouldn't mind a written piece as long as its not *too* long.
This is my pencil. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My pencil is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life...


Danny's gifter would like to know if he could please give a written description to go along with the ref pic- things like breed, prefered clothing, weapons, disposition and such. As well as colors for all the above including eyes, hair and fur. Thanks.

In turn, E's gifter would like to know if, out of this character description, there was any specific form he would like drawn.
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


Quote from: Gabi on July 16, 2009, 12:44:39 PM
Danny's gifter would like to know if he could please give a written description to go along with the ref pic- things like breed, prefered clothing, weapons, disposition and such. As well as colors for all the above including eyes, hair and fur. Thanks.

Oh wow, never really written most of that stuff down. erm. Lemme bullet point them for you, mon Gifter.

Breed - He's a cocker spaniel. Hence the long, floppy ears and the short tail.

Clothing - Danny is a big Rush fan, and typically wears a t-shirt with this album art on it. Though that can change. Oh, and he wears baggy cream trousers and red shoes.

Weapons - He's a big fan of Westerns, and holds a special place in his heart for his Winchester M1876, and sees it as a very good and loyal friend.

Disposition - He's almost always completely friendly, and willing to make friends of most people. However, when angered, he can get VERY angry.

Eye Color is green. He doesn't have hair, just ears, but his fur is white, with orange patches.


if you feel up to the it vulpine version would be a great pick. i never did describe the dragon because i consider him a serrate entity most time
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Quote from: Kipiru's gifterKipiru would you care to tell me more about well Kipiru? what does he drink? does he socialize in bars? play pool? does he worry about his mane and horn? how tall is he? does he work? if so what know of job? his his world future tech or magic powered? what kind of buddys does he hang around?  and so forth
...And one of the gifts is already in! :mowhappy
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


Dear gifter, I'd be glad to tell you some more about Kipiru. He is a character to traverse universes, he is an all-being, meaning he can thrive in any setting he is placed in, from sci-fi to fantasy. He is not preoccupied with his look, though he always manages to be subtly neat and cool about it. Being omnipotent, he usually tends to make the best of any situation and have fun. That does not however mean he doesn't get angry- worlds have perished over his anger and it is a terrible site to behold. Usually though, when not smiling or laughing, his expression is one of contemplation. He enjoys bars and discos as much as the next guy- he loves blue alcoholic drinks with bendy straws. Among his best friends are Hasstorr- The White Ninja Tiger and   Beever . He is a warrior in all senses, he is 3 meters tall (a little over 9 feet) and has a muscular build(but not overly so). His favourite weapons are his two-handed sword and a large calibre revolver(reminescent of that of Vash from Trigun), other than that he is lethal with anything in his hand, even a tea spoon.  :mowwink


2 gifts in, 14 to go! Please remember the deadline is on Thursday, August 6th. That's 11 days from now.

Quote from: Dekari's gifter
I need more profile information on Derkai. So far, I've been working with the one pic by Kip, but that's not enough for me to go on.
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


Quote from: Dekari's gifter
I need more profile information on Derkai. So far, I've been working with the one pic by Kip, but that's not enough for me to go on.

Visually speaking, Dekari is still very much a "work in progress".  True I do have a base line "look" for him, but I'm more than willing to give anyone who is drawing him full creative freedom.  If you think something would look better one way than another, by all means, try it out.  However, in my base line look there are a few things that have to be the way they are.  I'll bold those points for you.

Race: Cubi/Dragon/Mythos crossbreed

In the universe Dekari is from, he was the prototype result of a military genetic engineering program.  The basic idea was to create the ultimate Black Ops solder with all the powers and strength of the three races to be used in missions of infiltration and espionage, information gathering by means of torture, and all other forms of high risk missions.  However the program never got to that point.  Short version: Dekari decided he didn't want to be the "guinea pig" anymore and when the project leaders tried to "dispose" of him, bad things happened.

Hair color: Dark Blond with silver streaks

That was my original idea.  However I really liked what Kipiru did.

Wing style: 
     Back wings:  Dragon style
     Head wings: Feathered

When they are visible, I wanted to have both his Cubi and Dragon sides show through.

Fur color: 
    Being form: White
    Incubus form: Mostly crimson red.  White hands, feet, forearms, shins, chest/abdomen, lower jaw, and end of tail.
    "True" form:  Mostly crimson red.  Dark colored scaled hands, feet, forearms, shins, chest/abdomen, lower jaw, and one tail.  Other two tails, crimson red with black ends.

Again, this was my original idea.  Seeing as he is part Cubi, I was thinking of him having three forms.  Being form:  Basically the way you will normally see him.  This is his attempt at fitting in and living a "normal" life.  Incubus form:  He's part Cubi, why wouldn't he have a Cubi form.  "True" form:  This is the way he really looks (and the way you really don't want to ever see him.  if you do, just lay down now, your done  :P), and this is the form I'm still up in the air as far as the final look.  The entire tri-tail setup was kind of an after thought, I'm still debating weather to go with it or not.

Eye color:
    Being form: Blue
    Incubus form: Red
    "True" form: Red with black sclera

It's just eye color, not too much to say here.

Clan marking location and color: Left side of face. White

I was thinking of making it white as a sort of cheat so when Dekari was in Being form, it would be the same color as his fur and not show up.  As far as the location, I wanted it covering his left eye, so to speak.  But anywhere on the left side of his face is fine.  Oh, here is the original picture I had set to use as the mark.

Um...I hope I didn't just make this more difficult for you.  Let me know if you need anything more specific.  Other than that, just have fun with it, do what you think works  :mowwink.
I somehow get the feeling that you didn't think your cunning plan all the way through.

Thanks go to Kipiru and Rhyfe for the art work used in avatars.



Quote from: Dekari's gifterYou didn't mention what kind of furry he is as a Being.

Cat? Dog? Alligator Snapping Turtle?

kthxbai, glhf :)
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


Quote from: Dekari's gifterYou didn't mention what kind of furry he is as a Being.

Cat? Dog? Alligator Snapping Turtle?

kthxbai, glhf :)

Oh, sorry.  Being form, wolf.  Cubi form, wolf.  "True" form, you can guess that one for yourself  :P.
I somehow get the feeling that you didn't think your cunning plan all the way through.

Thanks go to Kipiru and Rhyfe for the art work used in avatars.



Dear Gifter,

I'm curious if you need references, or anything for working on your gift?  If you do, please let me know, if not, i'll let you get back to work.

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


...And most gifts are up! Either most people left everything for the last minute or the mass poke was effective. I have yet to hear from Cog, and Ren said he was working on his gift but didn't say when he would finish it (only that he hadn't had many chances to draw lately). Kipiru and Beever have both said they'd be 1 day late, while Zina and modelincard are having scanner issues and will get theirs up as soon as they can. So that's 6 gifts that are going to be late.

Also, WhiteFox has sent me his gift for Dekari, but has requested Dekari's approval before posting it, so I've forwarded the PM to Dekari.

Here are the other 9 gifts:

-Corgatha Taldorthar has sent this gift for wuffnpuff:
Quote from: Corgatha Taldorthar on July 21, 2009, 09:27:05 PM

The Chase.

   A small rushing sound somewhere over her left shoulder, perhaps fifty feet behind, propelled her legs, locked in a restful euphoria, forward, darting for new cover. Chance knew that to invite too much noise would leave her in deep trouble, so she took the extra effort, moving softly, slowly, not silently, but with the sort of natural motion of the forest, timing her short, staccato rushes with the sighing of the breeze.
   It was exhausting work. Muscles do not approve of rapidly shifting from very high gear to complete rest and back, quickly and at random intervals. She thought that simply running would be far less tiring. It was bad enough that for all thoughts of pursuit,she found a small bush to crawl into, and rested for a few moments before emerging. Still no sign of being followed, but she knew she was, and she couldn't allow herself to be caught.

   Chance winced as her tail, in a reflexive swishing motion, knocked aside a few leaves on a nearby bush. She was on all fours, stealthily moving through the low brush, but such an obvious sign was sure to be followed. She bent her head down and licked a paw, holding it into the wind to check for direction, and then darted with the faint breeze as quickly as she could make it. No chance for being trackless, but she needed a bit of distance before she could start erasing signs of her passage.
   She raced, taking a slightly down turning path through the brush, gathering vague impressions off to her left that there was a dry stream bed, or perhaps an area that got blasted out in that fire last year.  The rocks wouldn't be easy to spot her on, and she made good time, still on all fours, with wings folded in, feeling the bunch and flow as her muscles raced outward, glad for the good honest push.
   It was her nose that alerted her, a faint whiff of the odor of someone who spends quite a bit of time outdoors without a belief in the benefits of such things as regular showering. Thankful that she had remained downwind, and alarmed at the closeness of the scent, she made a sharp right turn and dove for more immediate cover, some dried and dying brush. Chance licked her lips. It was dry out, and she had had no water since beginning this game of cat and mouse. She was fortunate that there were already dead leaves falling off this area, and in numbers that a few more wouldn't really be noticeable. Forcing her breathing to quiet, she peered out of her cover, looking for pursuit.
   It raced by less than a minute later, a shaggy brown hound being, with dull green eyes that looked sleepy, but rarely missed anything, ears stiff and perked, but running along the stream bed quickly, passing over Chance's hiding place with nary a second glance.

   Chance slowly counted to a hundred, fearful in each count of having that brown sneak up behind her hiding place. She was pretty sure she could outrace him, at least over short distances, but crouched like she was, she could only hide, not run. Still, she knew he did have endurance, and she did not want to be spotted, that would complicate things. She preferred not to think about what would happen if she did not make it out of this forest before the sun went down. No, she had to make it, and to make it, she had to get around around him, by avoidance rather than direct flight. It would still be a few hours journey at best to make it to the edge of the woods.
   Not an inexpert tracker herself, Chance was able to notice the trail left in front of her, and crossed over to the other side of the stream bed, angling away from the tracks and towards the edge of the forest, albeit by an indirect route. She decided to walk. It took too much time to skulk and scurry, and time was starting to make itself known. She wished she had some water, this was thirsty heading. Besides, it might take him half an hour or more to discover he had been on a false trail, and in that time he wasn't chasing her. She wondered if chewing on some leaves would help. There had to be water contained in the tree leaves somewhere, but she wasn't sure if she could get them out with just a bit of teeth mashing and saliva. Besides, eating a plant raw, and dirty in the forest was likely to make her sick. When she got out of here, she promised herself, she was going to devour a meal, something hot, and fresh. If she had to eat a live sheep to get it, so be it.

   She shook her head to clear it, and mildly reprove herself. She couldn't afford flights of fancy like this, she had to get going, get out.  The sun was already low in the western sky when she looked over her shoulder,  dim dapper light making it through in shifts and patches from the forest canopy. She couldn't be much more than a mile from the edge by now, although one never could walk exactly a straight line in a forest. She broke into a jog.

An oak tree.... scattered clumps of some bush with black berries off to my right, do I have time to slow and eat?.... a short exuberant laugh as a leaf tickles my nose, followed by regret for letting out the sound. Still, this is fun.  In fact....... Three trees, equidistant from one another, as if someone had planted them, hopping over the root that sticks out. Bright light ahead, or relatively bright. It is close to sundown. Breathing hard from the exertion, I really do stay inside far too much. Light I'm thirsty. The trees are thinning out, both in number and in age. A young, smooth skinned birch to my left. I must climb it someday, startle a bird nestling on its branches. Odd, how I haven't heard birdsong, no, there it is, ahead of me some thirty feet. Tripping and recovering myself on a fallen branch. I see it, is it? The edge?

Chance darted out of the tree line, and then almost fell over, caught herself at the last minute, clutching her knees and breathing hard. She failed to hear a soft thunk behind her, but did notice a clap on her shoulder and a soft "gotcha".

Breathlessly, her panting hiding any emotion she felt, she asked. "How did you find me? I saw you go off in the wrong direction after that stream bed. And I would have noticed you following."

A gravelly, deep voice answered her, in a mildly amused tone. "There were only so many paths east out of the woods. I realized I lost you quickly enough, but I went east, not doubling back to find you. I managed to find your trail, guess where you were headed. I've been up in that tree for the past twenty minutes, waiting for you to come out."

She squealed and turned around, hugging the brown dog tightly to her chest. "Doesn't matter Detton. I still win. I cleared the tree line."

He grinned back as he disengaged, sticking his tongue out. "Did not you little chipmunk, there are still five more trees between here and home in the next 60 yards alone. This is still forest."

"Do anything to win, even redefine what counts as woods. I should have known better than to play catch and release with you, everyone in the village tells me you cheat, and I should have listened."

The sound of playful bickering continued all the way down to a little hamlet, on the other side of a hill.


Not my best work, I'm ashamed to say. I don't work well with effervescent, happy characters without neurotic tics, and I've never narrated out of a female's point of view before. Anyway, I hope it isn't too bad.

-The1Kobra made the following gift  for Sofox: Page 1 - Page 2.
/* Author's Comments:
Well, I wasn't entirely sure what to make, so I read through my giftee's 'Marty the Platformer'. There was enough there for me to work with, so, I made a 'fan-comic', as it were.
It wasn't easy for me to make, I'm a terrible artist, and since I didn't have a good scanner, I couldn't really draw it in with a pencil. I used MS paint, and making this would have likely been a lot easier (competance issues aside), if I didn't have to work with a touchpad to make it.
Anyways, I think I did a reasonable job with the dialog, with the 'irritating shopkeeper' scene. I hope my giftee enjoys this.

-Basilisk2150 has sent the following gift for Zina:
/* Author's comments:
Dear Zina,

I'm sorry that the hand/hooves didn't come out quite right, it's something I've been trying to work on, but still does not look quite right.  Besides that, i did have fun drawing Doria, and i hope you enjoy your gift... if i can find a way to get the hands better in the near future, i'll send you the updated version... either way, I enjoyed the challenge and am glad to have been given the opportunity to draw something for you.

Bas */

-Dekari has made this gift for modelincard.

-Aisha deCabre drew this gift for The1Kobra.
/* Author's comments:
It's his RP tiger-angel character Kassin, whose description I found a little ways back in the thread.  Hope he likes it, as I did the best I could with the description at hand. */

-e_voyager wrote the following gift for Kipiru:
Quote from: e_voyagerKipiru's liberation

Kiripu checked his mane in the mirror. Everything was intact. It seemed that it really was just someone's ideal of a joke. Snapping his fringes he called forth a small burst of magic and smiled. It seemed everything was truly back to normal. Fun was fun but next time he'd bee the one pulling the prank on the stranger when they met again. Kiripu put on his armor. They would be expecting him at the meeting place soon and his little run in this morning would be a thing of the past.   Even so he remember how it all began...

Stay tuned to this station for the latest on the crusade of Admiral Riona to liberate the people of a world named Furatis by the inhabitants. The news cast ended with a view of the admiral directing her troops from the frontline. Her hair was blowing and as artillery whizzed by. Kiripu's eyes the vid segment "Boy, she looks determined. Heeeey, I'm over here and am of need of liberation, helloooooo. Pretty admiral lady?!"   "You realizes that this is a just a broadcast recoding don't you?" asked his buddy Beever. "Yeah I know but wouldn't it be something is she really did come here?" The new arrival at the end of the bar laughed but offered nothing else.

Kiripu sipped his neon blue drink. That guy at the end of the bar there was something familiar about him but he wasn't sure what. Either way he wasn't about to let that spoil his night. He and Beever joked around for a few more minutes that started to talk about and old campaign they'd been one a few years back.. As the night wore on the guy at the bar left and plans were made for later in the week. Yarning they decide to call it a night and Kiripu was soon ion his home polishing up his armor. No since waiting for the last minute like some many others did. Besides he took prides in his tools and made sure to take proper care of them.

The campaign had been ad eventful and successful one. Kiripu invested his money on have his gun tuned up. It wasn't bad yet but about half way through the mission it started pulling to the left around 3 feet at a distance of 20 meters. He'd run into that stranger around town twice more since the night at bar and still didn't know who it was but was sure that they'd met before. He wasn't hurting anyone and didn't seem to really want anything he just hung out near the bar. He'd done a few odd jobs but no one knew who he was or what he was doing here. It had been almost a week. Kiripu had almost forgotten about him until he saw him painting a local shop one his way back for the weapons store.

The stranger waved his hand without speaking with out even turning around he'd know someone was there. Kiripu felt sure that the stranger had known who as well.

It was a cloudy night a hair's breathe after 2am and Kiripu was lying in his bed. He'd woken mere moments before by the feeling of a presence in his room he wasn't sure exactly were they were but he knew they were close.  His eyes were closed but he had other senses that he used the probe the room around him. The intruder was silent Kiripu couldn't even here his breath or heart beat. He knew who it was after all there was only one person. Who it had to be but then said nothing they did nothing but waiting in the shadows. Minutes passed and he wondered in the stranger would attack or speak or what.

"Be careful what you wish for..." the voice was odd and seemed to echo it's self in a whisper that was more of a suggestion of sound then actually speech. "Sometimes what we wish for is really the last thing you want" the presence seemed first to fade then to intensify with out coming any closer. "I know you're not sleep but that is fine. You are not the one I search for either."  Kiripu was out of the bed in less then a second faced the dark coroner were the presence was. Nothing was there. He was sure he'd felt someone there but now there was no one in the shadowed corner. The moon light filtered into the room as Kiripu watched a dark orb appeared in the corner under the moon light. It was small about the size of a marble and it was hovering at around eight feet 7 inches high.

Kiripu held his hand out over the orb not touching it. He didn't sense any malevolence force in the orb. In fact, he barely sensed any magic in the thing. So what was that it doing here in his room? What was this nonsense about wishing and being careful what you wished for? Suddenly the orb flashed expanding into nothing. Kiripu blinked rubbing his eyes. It had been so sudden he'd not had a moment to implement a defense. What had happened?  He looked around felt around everything seems unchanged even so he didn't like it.

The rest of the night had passed slowly for Kiripu as he'd rechecked his gear. He was uneasy and he didn't like it. The armor checked out so his sword and gun.  Still something wasn't right here and to put his mind at ease he decided he'd go for a walk. It seemed that the visitor had simply been there to mess with his mid but he still wondered why he'd bother to come at all. As he was walking past and ally he hear and familiar voice saying "...and I'll not rest until all the oppressed people of the galaxy are liberated from this injustice." Kiripu smiled and chuckled. "I sure wish she'd come here and liberate me" he said. The block ended and he sighed. The sun would rise soon and he'd been walking for a few hours. He didn't know what he expected but he hadn't found.

The sun had just started to rise as he passed by and ally near where he's heard the broadcast. Who ever had been listing had shut off the vidcast. "Be free of your burdens downthrown soul!" Kiripu heard before his instincts had him lunge away form where he stood.  Turning he saw a nightmare made flesh. She roughly resembled the Admiral but she was almost necked and wearing what looked liked some sort of lace exo suited. That was not the worst of it, where he had stood mere moments ago were several jagged leg like appendages were just shy of ripping into the street. They looked liked solid lighting flickering in the half light had shadow of the approaching dawn. "Do not worry shall I shall liberate you form the burdens of this world. Kiripu jump back his had reached for his gun only to realize he'd left it at home. "Liberate me?" he asked trying to figure out what this ghoul was going one about. And where were his powers? He could still feel them but he couldn't seem to actually access them. It was like he was bound with his own might holding him back. What would you want to do that?"  " Come on Kiripu, Didn't you say that you wanted to be liberated?" the ghoul asked her blades seeming to drip with a hunger for his blood.

The wish! Kiripu realized. That's was the person was talking about! " Thanks but I think I'll pass" Kiripu shouted and ran for his home and his weapons. The ghouls laughed fading into the light of day as the rose dismissing the dreams of the dark. In the shadows the stranger shook his head. It wasn't the person he was looking for but seemed have more sense that lost boy who would have stood around trying to fight and gotten killed with his powers seal inside of him. This Kiripu how ever seemed realize that this was more or less a joke at his expense and decided not to take it any further.

So very few people realized that voyaging becomes such drudgery after a while and when the goal is not in sight a diversion is welcome. Kiripu was never truly in danger anyway. As strong as his powers are they were impossible to surpass completely even with the psyche impression orb that he'd left in his room. The stranger turned and walked into the shadows of the fading night. He would rest in Erebus today and tomorrow the journey to find his missing lighter half would begin again.

-Dannysaysnoo drew this gift for e_voyager.
/* Author's comments:
E asked me to draw his Vulpine character, and i sorta imagined her as a mage, spellcaster sort of thing. But then I sorta saw her as a sci-fi sort of spellcaster, hence the staff that looks electronic and what not. */

-wuffnpuff has made this gift for Cogidubnus.

-WhiteFox was next, but his gift is not yet available for public viewing.

-Sofox has made this gift for Aisha.
/* Author's comments:
Hope she likes it! Not the happiest with it myself, but I think it's got a certain something to it.

Sofox */

...And that's it for now. Everyone else, please remember to post your gifts here.
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly

Aisha deCabre

Quote from: Gabi on August 07, 2009, 10:30:57 AM

-Sofox has made this gift for Aisha.
/* Author's comments:
Hope she likes it! Not the happiest with it myself, but I think it's got a certain something to it.

Sofox */

Thank you Sofox, I like the pic, it's quite cute. ^^  *Puts it in her collection*  And everyone else's gifts look pretty awesome too!
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


Quote-wuffnpuff has made this gift for Cogidubnus.


Wuffnpuff, you are a sweetheart. xD - I love it. Thank you very much. :3

Also, my gift will be somewhat late, as I've had a bit of writer's block, and my original idea wasn't feasible. But I'll try and get this done ASAP.


The gift I got from e_voyager blew me down- a great interpretation of Ren's joke! I almost busted a gut when I first realized where that was going! Thank you E!

And here is, with a little delay, my gift for Dannysaysnoo:


I hope it's liked  :mowwink


CORGATHA!! Oh my goodness!! :tighthug I absolutely love it! A fine work of writing! I was on the edge of my seat the entire time! XD I love the surprise ending as well.  >:3  :giggle


Quote from: Gabi on August 07, 2009, 10:30:57 AM
-The1Kobra made the following gift  for Sofox: Page 1 - Page 2.
/* Author's Comments:
Well, I wasn't entirely sure what to make, so I read through my giftee's 'Marty the Platformer'. There was enough there for me to work with, so, I made a 'fan-comic', as it were.
It wasn't easy for me to make, I'm a terrible artist, and since I didn't have a good scanner, I couldn't really draw it in with a pencil. I used MS paint, and making this would have likely been a lot easier (competance issues aside), if I didn't have to work with a touchpad to make it.
Anyways, I think I did a reasonable job with the dialog, with the 'irritating shopkeeper' scene. I hope my giftee enjoys this.

Thanks Kobra,
I've never received a Marty fanart or fancomic before, I really like it. I can really see how you put attention into the details and, heh, I can really see Marty loosing his patience like that.
Thanks again, I'm going to hold onto it.

Aisha: I'm glad you like my gift.
Looking over it again (on a different screen so that might be the reason) I see a lot of whiteness that I don't remember seeing when I made it. I'll try to get that fixed and upload a new version to the same location.

Corgatha Taldorthar

Quote from: wuffnpuff on August 07, 2009, 01:00:04 PM
CORGATHA!! Oh my goodness!! :tighthug I absolutely love it! A fine work of writing! I was on the edge of my seat the entire time! XD I love the surprise ending as well.  >:3  :giggle

To be honest, I'm not entirely satisfied with it. It's mostly just a 2 page long description of forest and a bit of faux tension with a cheapshot ending.  I don't really do well with effrevescant characters, and I spent a lot of time trying to come up with something that would fit Chance's personality while adding some element of conflict. (Because the land of the Happy People is boring to read about)

That being said, I'm glad you liked it.
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.