Can Somebody Help?(Lost Dreamers Especially)

Started by topher chee, August 26, 2006, 04:41:13 PM

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topher chee

I have recently set up a galery at Forrest-Dreams.  I need someone to see if its not just my computer that isnt showing the pictures properly and if they arent working, direct me in the right direction...heres the link


Seems to be working just fine for me. (Firefox)

topher chee

the pictures are showing up ok for Tophers Bungalow?  Its the Album at the very bottom

James StarRunner

Ya, I couldn't see the pics in your album. (Also using Firefox)

topher chee

crap....i wonder whats wrong

James StarRunner

You should talk to Silverfoxr or anyone else who has a gallery there.


Ah, now I see.  Well, not the pictures, but what you're talking about.

topher chee

you know how the pictures arent showing, i dont know why thats happening, crap...gimme a minute


When I try to access one of those images directly, I get a "403 - Forbidden" message... doesn't look like something you can fix from there. Maybe the file permissions are set incorrectly? No real clue myself, sorry.


ooh i love the red X's!!!

lol, kidding. i'll ask mah dad if he can help...

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3

topher chee

really? cool, im going to try and upload one pic by itself and see if that does anything


I checked with Firefox, IE and Opera. :B And I saw no piccies.

*Is a dork D:*


You forgot Netscape. *'Kata is not that much of a dork :P *


Quote from: ×HaZ×MaT× on August 26, 2006, 05:27:09 PM
You forgot Netscape. *'Kata is not that much of a dork :P *
Alright, I'll get Netscape and check. D: Any other browsers I should get, fox-boy?


Oh I'm sure there's more than enough. :P

Thread hijack-age!

topher chee

dang, either I am uploading them wrong or it takes over 20 minutes to upload something, sheesh


The only reason it should take 20 minutes to upload something is if the file were a 50,000x50,000 .psd with like 100 layers. :eek

topher chee

well itrs been loading for over an hour now, and the file is really sall, grr....


Well then someting's really effed up.  What kind of internet do you have?  I have DSL through a wireless router, and I can upload a 1MB pic to Photobucket in about 10 seconds.

topher chee


If you can upload images to other sites, my thought of beinga firewall issue seems null, high network traffic? High contension ratio?

I know it sounds silly but are you uploading these pics to the correct place? Do you have sufficient permissions to do this uploading?


This actually happened to me when I made a new folder. I meant to ask Silver when I saw her next, but after a couple of days everything worked fine. *shrug*

topher chee

topher chee

yes! it was working just fine!  I updated it and made a sub album so that may be the reason it doesnt show properly right at this minute, but all is well, and i hope to get my website up and at it, u guys better follow, netami is helping me out so the stories will surely be nice n juicy