Totally boring stuff!

Started by Spellblade Kelzon, May 02, 2012, 11:51:55 AM

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Spellblade Kelzon

Not exactly sure what to say for an intro, I live in the Waldo area of Kansas, currently looking for a job, and I just need a place to chill and this seemed as good a place as any I guess. Uh... any questions?
Violence is the language of the defeated, swords the tongues of the lost.


What is your name?
What is your quest?
What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
What i cannot create, i do not understand. - Richard P. Feynman
This is DMFA. Where major species don't understand clothing. So innuendo is overlooked for nuendo. .

Spellblade Kelzon

Kelzon Ridgestead, though not legally.
To find a job.
The average airspeed velocity of an unladen European Swallow is roughly 11 meters per second.

Got anything else?
Violence is the language of the defeated, swords the tongues of the lost.


Ummmm... Hi, Welcome.

So what comics do you like? Are a gamer too? Can you describe yourself? What type of things you like and don't like?

Anyway I hope you enjoy your stay.

Spellblade Kelzon

Well, in order...

I personally got here from DMFA, though I've read a little of CVRPG it has yet to really spark regular readership in me. The regulars for me lately have been Broken Plot Device, XKCD, and Order of the stick.

Yes, I am a gamer. I like games of any type. Lately I've been in a Legend of the Five Rings game and I've been playing Saints Row the Third on XBox.

I have difficulty describing myself, after all it's hard to give an unbiased and fair description about myself, but I try to be rational, levelheaded, and tactful. To make this seem like boasting I'll also add I'm kind of lazy, overweight, and have some skin problems.

I don't like people who are angry for no reason and insist on being that way. I like all sorts of things, it's hard to consolidate it into one paragraph so I'll let things come out over time unless somebody has a more specific inquiry.
Violence is the language of the defeated, swords the tongues of the lost.


Interesting, Your name... Are you a D&D fan?

Spellblade Kelzon

I don't give my real name out over the internet for personal reasons, but I will say that I am not a fan of the d20 system. I find it is severely limiting as a gaming medium. I still appreciate it and play it now and then but I prefer to play systems more like Exalted and Legend of the Five Rings. I found it to be a very good intro to table top games but as I grew as a gamer I liked it less and less.
Violence is the language of the defeated, swords the tongues of the lost.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Spellblade Kelzon on May 02, 2012, 12:36:43 PM
I don't like people who are angry for no reason and insist on being that way. I like all sorts of things, it's hard to consolidate it into one paragraph so I'll let things come out over time unless somebody has a more specific inquiry.

I'm pretty sure we mostly ignore what people say when they sign up, and let their behaviour show us what they're like.

Welcome to the forum, btw, and make sure to read the rules so we don't have to enforce them. ;-]

Quote from: Spellblade Kelzon on May 02, 2012, 12:49:47 PM
I don't give my real name out over the internet for personal reasons, but I will say that I am not a fan of the d20 system. I find it is severely limiting as a gaming medium. I still appreciate it and play it now and then but I prefer to play systems more like Exalted and Legend of the Five Rings. I found it to be a very good intro to table top games but as I grew as a gamer I liked it less and less.

I'm also pretty sure Zen was referring to "Spellblade Kelzon", rather than your real name. I could be wrong, though...
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*subject name here* must be proud of *subject home town here!*

Welcome to the forum, have a great time, and Watch out for the boxes  :sweatdrop

(credit: Gabi)