Abels Story - update times/days

Started by Plotting, February 22, 2012, 12:58:51 AM

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Hey all!

Just wondering, is there any particular time/day/date that Abel's Story is updated on? Or is it simply updated when it is updated?

If it is the latter, then I will have be all "Grr ! I'm like all angry and grumpy and cause I am doing a Mink impersonation of Abel! Grr Grr Frump Grump"  :D


Er, Abel's Story is complete, as I understand it. What's up is the entirety that Amber is going to put up.


Abel's Story is (according to the archive page) currently in progress. Part one of Abel's Story is complete, but I dont know about part two. Story wise it seems to be incomplete at it is.


Quote from: Plotting on February 22, 2012, 02:19:24 AM
Abel's Story is (according to the archive page) currently in progress. Part one of Abel's Story is complete, but I dont know about part two. Story wise it seems to be incomplete at it is.

Ah, that's probably a glitch in the archives (i.e. Amber forgot to update that entry).  At one stage a third arc was considered apparently, but she stopped it after the second one.  Even so, we got pretty good value for money because it was supposed to run for about 6 months ;-)

IIRC it was a Saturday update.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Thats a shame!

I just can not help but notice how much Destania seems to hate Abel in the story, but she states that she had a vested interest in him in the regular comic. It would be interesting to know what the vested interest she had in Abel was, and if she still hates him or what ever.

I mean - "Grr! I am not going to be a sulky-butt. Grr Grr Gumpy Frumpy!"


That's a load of my mind at least. That little inconsistency was bugging me for a while, until I learned not to care.


What a shame.
Kinda was hoping it is "on hold indefinately", but I guess Abel had to many spots.

(credit: Gabi)

Nocturne of Night

Well, as a mathematician I can empathize with how long it takes to draw (infinity) spots. What Amber actually draws is a crappy approximation of this infinity of spots, or a finite number of spots, whichever you prefer   :mowwink


Quote from: Nocturne of Night on February 22, 2012, 08:10:51 PM
Well, as a mathematician I can empathize with how long it takes to draw (infinity) spots. What Amber actually draws is a crappy approximation of this infinity of spots, or a finite number of spots, whichever you prefer   :mowwink
since when did Abel have (hypothetically) an infinite amount of spots? Abel just has a LOT of spots.

(credit: Gabi)