Bishop's Stone (IC)

Started by Inumo, February 20, 2012, 02:56:42 AM

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The Fool

Lemick shrugged and trusted that this procedure was safe. During the sequence when the woman was scanning his mind, his thoughts kept turning to those strange coincidences that just seemed to constantly occur to him. The man in red, the sudden loss of consciousness in that bazaar, the sudden animals in the bank, and the shirt in the thrift store with its advertising. The only thing that didn't seem strange these past few days was the vandalism at the bank. Things that like happened occasionally, more if the building was in a bad neighborhood. Still Lemick thought it did seem much to have a mind scanned just to have a shirt cleaned and wondered some reasons why. The woman closes her eyes for a moment, giving no indications that she is doing anything. A few moments later, she opens them and says, "Just the shirt? Most people come to us for more thorough cleaning jobs, such as houses or businesses. However, we do have a dry cleaning room here. If I may see the shirt...?"

"Yes, I need it to be presentable for the festival soon." Lemick said "So somebody seems to favor this business enough to leave adverts in the most useful places. How long has this store been operating?"
"Not for long," says the clerk as she takes the shirt, "so we're still looking for people that know how to clean, if you're interested." Pulling it open, she gives Lemick an odd look, glancing between him and the shirt before turning it around. "I believe you thought there was a 'For you' on the inside, correct?" Lifting one of the sides, the shirt is as clean as if the writing had never existed. Lemick had a thoughtful frown "I remember seeing it when I brought it from the thrift store, and I would hardly come here to get it clean if if was just my imagination." He then shrugged again "Better to have it cleaned than risking that writing being a tricky little prank. I don't suppose you have the facilities to clean off 'magical' writing as well?"

"Of course, sir," the woman said, putting the shirt under the desk. "We'll have it done in less than an hour. Is there anything else I can help you with?" "Well what do you think about this upcoming festival?" Lemick said "I've heard some politics have been surrounding it, nasty thing to do when people are trying to have a nice time." "There are politics in everything," the woman says with a sigh. Behind Lemick, the door tinkles as it opens and shuts. "Good day to you, sir," says the clerk before going into the back room.
"Lemick, right?" Says a voice from somewhere behind and to the right of Lemick. "Mind if I ask you something? It'd be better if we were walking."

"It depends" Lemick said "I don't mind being asked and I do like walks. However there's been a lot of strange coincidences around me and it seems like you are another one of them Mister?" Lemick turned to see the speaker. Upon turning around, Lemick sees a bearded man with wiry brown hair and stern, dark eyes looking at him. He's wearing a roughspun green tunic belted at the waist, below which is a pair of horses legs. In fact, it appears that he has the upper body of a man, but the lower body of a horse. "You could say that," he says, slowly maneuvering to face the other way in the small store. "But I'm probably the only truly lucky thing that will happen to you in your lifetime." Pushing the door open, he politely holds it and gestures out to the street. "Shall we?" "Well you must be very confident to make a statement like that" Lemick said following the man outside "I don't believe I got your name. " "You can call me Mr. Smith, Lemick," he said as he set off down the street, confident that Lemick would follow. The rhythmic clopping of his hooves filled the short silence as they walked along. "You see, your life isn't what you think it is. Even with your recent evolution into a Knower, there is more going on behind these scenes. Do you remember some recent strange incidents? Someone you don't know vouching for you? Trust me when I say he, nor any who look like him and speak with you, have your best interests in mind. I, however, am here to help you. What do you know of your ancestry?"

"Very little in truth, Mr. Smith" Lemick said "I have seen that person you've spoken of and strange things have been happening. I don't understand what that means to me. Lemick then shifted his voice to a whisper "and about being a 'knower' does that mean you know that I'm human?" "Don't worry, your secret is safe with me," Mr. Smith says. "We only know because we've been watching out for a situation like this. The devils had always kept an eye on your family, and so in turn did we. You see, your history has a dark secret, and you are its fruit. We're here to prevent you from being the last fruit it bears. Know that you have friends here in Avalon, though they may not all be so obvious as I." Stopping, he finishes, "I must go now, before your overlords find me. We will speak again when the time is appropriate. Farewell, Lemick." With that, he bows, then gallops off out of sight.

Lemick waited around the city until the shirt was clean and went back to pick it up then he paused as his hind-brain suddenly wrote giant flaming letters in his mind. "What did he mean by 'overlords'?"


((Plot post! Read the last chunk as well as yours!))

Queen of Wands

Out in the living room, Kevin is laying about next to a woman that David vaguely recognizes from the past few blurry days. She's sitting on the floor, leaning back against the couch near Kevin's chest and typing away on a laptop. Her brown hair has been highlighted with a dark red as it falls in an a-line haircut over her shoulders. "Hey David," she says, taking a moment from whatever she's writing to wave. The smile on her lips appears natural, though it quickly turns into a frown as she notices the time. "Crap," she murmurs as she starts packing up, raising her voice as she continues, "Sorry Kev, I gotta run. Asian Lit's in fifteen minutes. Going clubbing tonight, right?"
"Right," Kevin replies as she starts out the door, her laptop tucked into a slightly bulging canvas messenger bag. Kevin seems... tense, despite his rather relaxed position. After a couple moments, he sits up and levitates his bag from where it sits across the room, remarking, "I'd better get going too. Diff EQ's soon. See you around, David." Then he, too, walks out the door.


Lemick receives his freshly cleaned shirt beneath a blank job application. "We're looking for employees with experience," the front worker explains, "and we heard you'd be good for the job if you're interested. Think about it, please." With that, she ushers him out the front door. As Lemick pauses, there's a glimpse of red passing into an alley way, though upon further inspection there's nothing there. It isn't long before he finds himself back at home.

Page of Cups

At last, the young satyr pulls a key out from his father's pockets, letting out a small exclamation of triumph Lorelei can barely hear. Reaching up, he unlocks the apartment door and swings it wide before turning around to drag his dad inside. Lorelei gets a clear look inside as the grunting kid tugs away; the dark, dingy apartment floor is littered with all sorts of glass beer bottles and ruined paperwork, while a tattered old couch sits just beyond, with a shadeless lamp sitting beyond that. A hallway goes off to the left just before the couch, and the child leaves his dad their long enough to turn on the lamp, which gives off dim yellow light as he returns to the front door. "Have a nice night!" The kid says with a smile, waving goodbye as he shuts the door. The sound of clinking glass and shuffling paper can be heard as Lorelei starts back home.

Three of Cups

((Meany, I know you said you were going to get a post up, but I can't wait any longer.))

The brief lull in chatter is broken when, suddenly, someone shoves Nanabi to her feet while another shouts, "Come on, this way!" Soon enough, Nanabi is taken on a rather rapid tour of all of Joneswark, though with the speed at which everyone is moving (and pushing Nanabi to move) and the noise of everyone talking and chattering with the spontaneous event, she learns little. When finished with the tour, they leave Nanabi back where she began and disperse with kind words and a few notes giving tips for finding her way around, leaving her to go back home in her own time.

The High Priestess

"Aw, but isn't that the fun part?" Nin says, before scooting over to catch her legs on Robert's outstretched arm as she dunks her torso into the fountain. Coming back up, she shakes her head and shoulders back and forth, spraying everyone present with water.
"Oh, dear lord that's cold!" Exclaims Liz, laughing as the droplets hit her. "Stoppat! Stop! Whew, I guess that's one way to try and sober up, you lousy wet fox!" Hooking Nin's head under her arm, she gives Nin a quick noogie before letting go. Laying down around the edge of the fountain, she looks up and bats her eyelashes at the satyr of the group. "Aaaadriaaaaan?" She starts, grinning. "Could you take our new friend here home? I don't think either of us two are sober enough to do that without getting ourselves into a bit of trouble." Nin giggles at that, causing her to tip over onto Robert's shoulder.
"Anything for a charming lass such as yourself," Adrian says as he stands, giving a wavering bow. "Come along, my good fellow! We have a destination, and I should certainly request your phone number in case you are interested in later nights of revelry among us, agreed?" Reaching out, he gently pulls Robert to his feet and starts off with a parting wave to the two women. Though it takes more than a few minutes to not only leave Avalon, but also to find Robert's home, the duo do eventually find their way. Along the way, Adrian manages to get Robert's number, promising that the three of them would contact him soon as the night ends outside Robert's door.

Time passes, and eventually the Summer Festival arrives. Out in Joneswark, in addition to many pubs and restaurants having a higher-than-average supernatural attendance, a street fair has taken over a few blocks of Main Street, supposedly as a small event for the city folk. However, the majority of those in attendance are residents of Avalon, and a nearby Gate is almost constantly open with the traffic passing in and out. In Avalon, lanterns hang over the streets as the festival has taken over the entire downtown, resulting in an almost Mardi Gras atmosphere. Bands ranging in size from a DJ with a couple speakers to a full jazz group are parked on numerous corners, and dancing is present in front of most in various styles, from Chinese to Irish to modern Pop. It's hard not to feel energized by what's going on even left as the group is primarily on the Joneswark side of the event. After all, it's the Summer Festival! Why not have some fun while you try and give a good impression?


Fresh Air
It had been so long since people had spoken to Nanabi in such a helpful way, not asking anything just being friendly, that she didn't realize what was happening at first.  When she did, the old woman smiled for the first time in what felt like years.  Her face hurt faintly from lack of practice, but Nanabi didn't care.  The people were kind, and showed her around.  Even though she learned little from the walking, and watching, she hadn't expected to once the people started to get involved in numbers.  She would do the serious learning on her own time, and at her own pace.  But know she knew how the city fitted together, where everything was, and more importantly, how to get to places.

Regardless of the less than productive tour, Nanabi went home happy, and would return the next day, with a map, some potential offerings in her purse, and would make for the Shinto district with a bit more confidence.
When the time for the festival came, Nanabi made herself useful around Vitia Thrimwalde Park, watching children for brief periods of time while their parents chatted, or went to buy things, or just needed a break from kids on a sugar rush.  She entertained them with stories, poems, teaching the youngsters games that she had learned as a child if they showed interest.  She was taking a risk, going out of the Shinto district which she was coming to know.  A risk she hoped would pay off.


Lorelei was, to put it simply, having a ball.  The simple fact of attending a public event without all the necessary rigamarole and responsibility her family placed upon her would have been enough, but the sheer energy of the Summer Festival was intoxicating. 

The Chinese interpretive dance was quite acrobatic and flowing, the wonderfully fine silk outfit, with long and flowing ribbon sashes were simply divine.  It was a wonder she did not tangle herself up in the stream like sashes as she twirled and twisted about.  How she acquired it, or changed clothes so quickly amid the crowds will remain an untold mystery.  It would remain as her chosen attire for the remainder of the night.

Celtic music she had a fairly strong familiarity with, and the fiddle was her weapon of choice in the music arena.  Like the Chinese outfit, it was wonder were she managed to acquire it, but it was completely legal.  Playing and dancing, she was a sight to behold that is for sure.

Modern pop was an interesting change and rather entertaining, for both her in participating and for those witnessing the English lass in fine red Chinese silk with streaming sashes, carrying a fine fiddle.  Her singing was not professional, but pleasant as she was well trained in the art of karaoke.  Somewhere among the many street corners, she managed to acquire a kitsune mask.  During the night's festivities she mingled among as many of the groups as she could, partaking of small bits of various cuisine and a taster's share of drink (i.e. a bit for flavor if spirits, more for non-alcoholic).

She keeps an eye out for any area she can lend a hand with, but otherwise is good company for all manner of folk.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


The beginning of the summer festival found Robert wandering the street fair as a reassuring and quietly amiable presence. Although he was a little tall, and a lot broad in the shoulders, the feeling he gave was not one of intimidation, but of safety, that if there were trouble he would put himself between you and it. Indeed he came equipped to do just that, a Derpy Hooves messenger bag over one shoulder half-packed with a canteen of water, a first aid kit, an Epi-pen, an asthma inhaler, a glucometer, and a small selection of sweet treats just in case he or another diabetic were caught out overextended.

Of course like all street fairs, there were vendors, and as the evening wore on, their wares and the influence of an ale or two took the edge off, and negated the impression that he was there as some sort of undercover medic. He unbuttoned his indigo floral-print shirt, bought a snap-brim fedora straight out of a film noir, and sat down to people-watch at a stand where he bought a small bowl of kitsune-udon, heavy on the aburaage, his favorite part.
I wish the real world would just stop hassling me.
"I work in Fringe Division. Weird is a matter of degrees."


A week ago David would have been enjoying the fair and looking around like a country boy in the city trying to see everything, but last week's encounter with his roommate had left him jaded, perhaps even a little bitter. He was hardly a buzzkill, and he wasn't being sullen or attracting attention with a negative mood, but there was an air of sadness to him that mildly flavored the otherwise festive mood. Really he shouldn't have been surprised, all stories of the fey world had built in warnings of tragedy, but he had naively gone along anyway blinded by the glamour. Beneath the celebration and the happy crowd, David could not forget the danger that lay here. Couldn't forget just how much power these people had over him and other humans. Couldn't forget that once the festival ended, something terrible was probably going to happen. A new leader was going to be elected, likely one who was on a crusade against humankind. And that knowledge lurked beneath every booth he visited, every festival treat he ate. And despite his previous optimism, he did not think anything he or the other humans could do would change that.

Still, there was a kind of freedom in knowing that you can't change the way things are. Yes there was an air of sadness and resignation to him, but David knew there was really nothing he could do so he may as well go about business as usual. So even tinged with the taste of regret, David allowed himself to savor the other flavors that floated in the miasma around him; a happy child who had just won a teddy bear, a couple who couldn't seem to let go of each other as they passed fond looks like notes in homeroom, a proud grandfather watching as his grandson bought that toy he'd wanted with his own money he'd worked all summer to get. It didn't even matter what species they all were, because even beyond that they were all people. Some of them were stupid, or selfish, and many of them could be about to do something terrible once the festival was over because they were scared, but that's just how people were. David just wished more people could see how similar they all really were.


((Sorry I'm posting so late. Re-learning how to do redox reactions took a lot longer than I thought.))

Page of Pentacles

((I'm assuming you meant David, AmberCross, and not Kevin in your post.))

As David passes by a modern-looking bar out in Joneswark, two men burst out of the front door. "What did I say? What did I say?" pleads the first to come out with his hands in the air as the second, a minotaur, follows him onto the sidewalk. "Is there something wrong with complimenting the burgers here?"

Two of Swords

Though Lorelei does her best to be eye-catching in the Mardi Gras atmosphere of Avalon, none seem to take particular interest. There is the odd observer who politely applauds before moving on, but the more focused performances prove to be more eye-catching than hers. When out and about sampling, her arrangement of Chinese, Japanese, and Irish cause her to seem too strange for most, like a world traveler that doesn't realize how unkempt his souvenirs make him look. Fortunately, the night is still young, and there is time yet to change.

The Heirophant

Though at first business is slow at Thrimwalde Park in Joneswark, once the first woman lets Nanabi keep an eye on her child, many more follow suit. Though the majority appear to be elves just based on their appearance and presence in the park, there are a couple of satyrs and even a kappa in the group of children. They listen raptly to the stories Nanabi tells (and rather less attentively with the poems), but perk right back up at the mention of games. As soon as the rules are explained, they start to play with a passion for perhaps fifteen minutes before getting bored and deciding to play tag instead. One of the boys shouts, "Tag! You're it!" and before long the entire group has scattered, shrieking, out into the largest field of the park. It's going to be a long day.

King of Pentacles

In the street fair, Robert watches as more mythological races than he knew existed walk right before his eyes. As he munches away on the kitsune-udon, the atmosphere of the place makes it seem almost like he's in Avalon itself. Suddenly, out from the crowd comes a minotaur woman, carrying an unconscious member of the Fair Folk in her arms. Setting him down on the stool next to Robert, she pats him on the side of the face, calling in her deep voice, "Hey, buddy. Buddy! You alright? C'mon, you don't just collapse onto me and not wake up to give me an explanation." With a sigh and a curse, she looks at the kitsune noodle vendor and asks, "Any idea what's up with him?"


Robert freezes for a moment, his standard response to any sudden emergency, but after that moment is up, he's in motion without a thought to consequences.
"Call for help." Robert says to the noodle vendor, before turning to the unconscious Fae to check for pulse, unobstructed breathing, and any visible signs of illness such as a rash, swelling or flushing. Given those are present and in proper range, his attention turned to the Minotaur woman, issuing questions in rapid-fire while he pulled out and prepped the epi-pen and glucometer from his bag.
"What were you doing when he went unconscious? When and what did he last eat and drink? Is he diabetic? Does he have any allergies?"
He didn't know how much of human medicine applied to the Fair Folk, but he certainly wasn't going to just stand by and watch as another person's life was in danger.
I wish the real world would just stop hassling me.
"I work in Fringe Division. Weird is a matter of degrees."


The application was another strange thing to say the least. However that centaur like person's warning stuck in his head. Lemick worried about it all the way to the festival. He wouldn't be able to enjoy anything with this looming over him. He needed advice but didn't know where to get it. Then he had an idea wasn't there a Shinto shrine near here? He heard that those gave out fortunes, maybe that would tell him what decision should he make. He headed over there slightly hopeful.


(Yes, I did. I got the names mixed up for a post, but realized pretty quickly. You probably saw it after I made the mistake but just before I fixed it because you hadn't posted yet by then.)

David chuckled silently to himself. A minotaur working at a job serving burgers? Even knowing minotaurs existed, he would not have expected that. The poor fellow being escorted out had no idea what he had stepped into. David considered a moment before figuring he may as well clear this up before it escalated so, as he passed by he gave a smile with a wink to the the minotaur and said to the man, "Well that depends on how you compliment them! You would be amazed how easy it is to accidentally insult people sometimes. What did you say, word for word?"

The cynical, melancholy air from before had cleared up somewhat and wasn't affecting how he acted, but if someone were to pay close attention they would still see a sadness behind his eyes that gave the impression of someone too old, too early.


Lore had her fun, a bit awkward as it may have seemed, but it was time for work.  That is, if you could call what they were instructed to be doing 'work'.  She slipped away from the crowds in Avalon and made her way into Joneswark and set about looking for some means to be useful.

Unlike earlier, she refrained from too much merry-making for herself, and instead focused on those that reveled.  If something could catch her attention, she would be there post-haste.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


The High Priestess

When David interrupts, the minotaur first glances, then gives David a prolonged, studying look before shaking his head and returning his focus on the slightly hysterical human. "What, you think telling someone that they look like they eat a lot of good burgers is insulting? Those things gotta be buffalo burgers, seriously, tons of protein. I mean, look at him! He's so beefy, how could he not have had those burgers regularly? I've never seen anyone get so buff off salads and beans." The minotaur in question just crosses his arms over his chest, his thick biceps on display beneath his snug white shirt.

Three of Wands

As Lemick reached Joneswark's admittedly small Shinto shrine, it was clear that o-mikuji were popular among the Eastern mythological creatures. Kappa, Eastern dragons, khon tun, and many more steadily enter and exit through the small gate. It takes time, but eventually Lemick reaches the donation box with a customary nickel in hand. Dropping it into the box, he dips his hand into the mass of paper slips and withdraws one, before being ushered out of the shrine to make way for the continuing crowd. Once back out on the street, he can at last get a look at his fortune, but unfortunately enough it's in Japanese: 末吉旅立ち商い. Some of the exiting crowd heads towards a nearby tree, where a chicken-wire fence ripples in the slight breeze from all the paper slips tied onto it. The rest smile, tuck the fortune into a pocket, and walk off into the city.

The Hermit

Though little seems to be the matter as Lorelei walks, she soon comes across a silent pub that is filled with somber-faced men and women. Aptly named The Lonely Medusa, the patrons all stare into their cups or up at the ceiling, apparently thinking and reflecting on their lonely night. They don't appear to be deliberately pushing each other away into silence and solitude, but neither are they particularly inviting.

Knight of Wands

"I don't know," replies the minotaur woman to Robert. "I don't even know the guy, he just collapsed onto me. I know he dropped some spaghetti, and I think he might have also had a bottle of the local root beer they're selling around here, but--"
At that moment, the faerie suddenly wakes up. "--to him, I hardly... Oh god dammit, where's Michael? He's supposed to be there in case something like this happens!" With a heavy sigh, he pulls out his phone and starts dialing a number. "Sorry if I scared any of you guys; it seems my caretaker lost me or something. I've got narcolepsy, you see, and it makes street fairs a bit of an interesting experience, to say the least." Glancing at Robert's readied epi-pen and glucometer, he gives a slight smirk and remarks, "At least you were around. Looks like you were ready for whatever came up." Looking out into the crowd, he starts talking into the phone. "Hey, Michael! I passed out somewhere you didn't see me, it seems. I'm at the noodle vendor near Lawry's. Look for a kitsune. Yeah, yeah, I know, there's a lot of kitsune noodle vendors in the city, but this is the only one I see in the-- nope, wait, there's another one. Alright, I'm in between a t-shirt stall and the Berak's Jewelry thing. You know where I'm talking about? Alright, see you soon." Hanging up, the faerie puts his phone away and turns his attention back to the people around him. "Again, sorry. I'll hang out here until Michael arrives. The name's Johnson, Johnson Ryker."
"Aella," the minotaur replies. "Aella Wyoda."
"Nice to meet you, Aella," Johnson says, shaking her hand. Turning his attention to Robert, he asks, "And you are...?"


"Robert Charles. Pleasure to meet the two of you, it's definitely made the day a bit more memorable than usual. " the human said, smiling and offering his hand as well after he repacks his medical supplies. "Sorry for grilling you like that, by the way, Aella. I have medical problems myself, the first thing they drill into you is figure out what's wrong before you go trying to fix it, or you can make it worse. Johnson, I'll refrain from the endless list of Star Trek references that come to mind, since I'm sure you've heard them all before."
I wish the real world would just stop hassling me.
"I work in Fringe Division. Weird is a matter of degrees."


David covered a wry smile. So that's how the poor fellow had gotten a hold of foot in mouth disease. "It sounds like you need to meet more vegans. You would be amazed at how 'beefed up' some of them can get for people who never eat beef. Now I don't know why a vegan would be working at a job selling meat so maybe I'm making an assumption too, but I get the impression he's not upset you're complimenting his burgers but that you made an assumption about him that isn't true. I'm guessing he doesn't actually eat those burgers and is proud of it for some reason or other so you insulted his pride by suggesting he must have. Am I on the right track?" David directed this last question to the minotaur himself.

"Way I figure it, we're all three to blame for this. You for assuming too much, you for letting yourself be offended when he had no way of knowing what the problem was, and me for sticking my nose in where it doesn't belong!" He ended on an upward note, hoping that the self defacing joke would help clear up the tension and ease any sting his last words may have caused. Yeah this guy had essentially accused the minotaur of being a cannibal in essence, but the minotaur really reacted too harshly as well and no one likes hearing that they're in the wrong. David mentally crossed his fingers and hoped that this was going to resolve without things getting any worse.


Lemick panicked, he couldn't read the language and he felt nervous about asking for help translating. He wandered the shrine pacing back & forth worrying when he spotted an elderly lady, dressed with the aura of authority yet possessing joy from the children she was keeping amused. Lemick walked up to her and quietly asked "Excuse me Madame, could you tell me what fortune I got, I can't read the language, please?"


Nanabi looked up from returning a child to its mother quickly to look at the fortune.  "Future blessing, travel, business dealings.  May you be blessed in business while traveling.  A good fortune."  She answered quickly, with a breath of the energy the children were drawing out of her.  "Oh, I'm sorry, I must be off.  A game of tag has started!"  And off the elderly woman went, tottering off after the hyper children partly out of keeping them watched, and out of the thrill of the moment.


Three of Cups

The minotaur glowers at David and the poor human next to him for a moment. "... I don't work here, either," he mutters, before turning to go back inside.
"Hey, wait up," the man calls to the minotaur's retreating form. "Sorry for making assumptions. Can I at least buy you a beer to make it up to you? Order whatever one you want and have 'em put it on my tab." As the minotaur grunts and walks off, he turns next to David. "Look, thanks, man. No idea he would react so violently. The name's Johnathan, though my friends call me Johnny. Wanna come in for a drink?" He gestures in the direction of the bar doors.

((Lemick and Nanabi on hold until I'm sure their scene is done))

Knight of Pentacles

Before Johnson can respond to Robert, a stormy-faced man comes out of the crowd. "See, Johnson? See?! This is why I said we at least needed a cloth or something tied on your wrist so you wouldn't be lost if you collapsed! God damn, you Fair Folk! Always think you're able to do whatever you want without repercussion! This wouldn't have--"
"Calm down, Michael," Johnson sighs. "Look at this logically. How many more people would we have disturbed by having a rope between me and you? And am I hurt, right now? You just came through the crowd, could I have collapsed without falling on someone first? I'm fine, nobody's hurt, and look, I've even made a couple friends. Michael, meet Aella and Robert. Robert, Aella, meet Michael." Looking at Robert for a moment, Johnson suddenly asks, "Say, Robert, are you introduced to Avalon?"
"God, Johnson, you know he won't respond if he hasn't," Michael sighs right back. "It'll just be all, 'I'm sorry, what was that?' and we'll all be sitting here, looking the fools."
"Now now, Michael. Some first hand observation of human behavior won't be the end of the world. According to Duke Orphenthal, no human would have come here so well prepared and been so ready to help, regardless of my humanity or not."
"Ergh, fine, just make it awkward for us, then." Michael sat down next to Johnson on the far side of Robert. "One bowl of kitsune-udon, please, heavy on the aburaage."


"Madame, you seem winded, let me assist you in watching over the children in thanks for reading my fortune." Lemick said, the lady seemed very happy surrounded by the glow of youth. He was grateful towards the lady and wanted to do something in return.


Lore approaches the counter and motions to the bar keep.  Keeping her voice somewhat low to avoid offending or breaking the introspective air, "oui mate, seems a bit somber 'ere tonight of all nights."  Lore gestures a little to the quiet crowd, "'ken ya help a lass out an fill me in?"
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


The minotaur didn't work here? That actually made a lot of sense. "oh..." he trailed off, now wondering even more so how this guy hadn't realized how his words might be offensive. If he thought he was complimenting the fellow it would make sense to be confused if he got insulted instead. As it was, the fellow should have realized what was up a lot faster. And it had been the fellow's confusion that made David make his own assumption. Or so he justified to himself anyway, it was a bad habit of his and maybe he WAS to blame for not paying attention to everything instead of focusing in on that. Thoughts whirling around in his head, David's mood landed somewhere near 'jaded bemusement'.

"All right then, I'll take you up on that offer. Only for a drink or maybe two maybe. Bars are not where I'm used to hanging out and I may want to move on later. But for now, why not?" And so David joined the fellow for a short while.


"Hello Michael, it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Robert Charles, I work over at Jones University. Your concern for your companion is commendable, but right now you needn't worry about anything. As he said, the only harm to befall him is he's out some food and a beverage, nothing too serious." Robert said, attempting to placate Johnson's friend before he potentially shocked him again.
"When Aella brought Johnson here I couldn't care less if he was one of the Fair Folk, or whatever anyone is. You're thinking, feeling people, and I don't believe in the concept of someone else's problem. If someone needs help I will always, ALWAYS do my best to help them. It's how I was raised, it's what I believe in, and it's just the right thing to do.
I was introduced to Avalon for the first time not that long ago, and I count it as one of the best things to ever happen to me. I can't say I actually know all that much of the overall situation, but I feel bad for Duke Orphenthal. However, he's wrong. Saying no human would... Well, do anything, really, would be like me saying no car can go two months without breaking down because I happen to drive an Alfa Romeo."

(This post brought to you by Sorkin Flakes. Have you had your idealism today?)
I wish the real world would just stop hassling me.
"I work in Fringe Division. Weird is a matter of degrees."


"Well, if you can keep up, be my guest.  But mind that you don't do anything untoward, or their parents will object."  The woman was suddenly distracted by dramatically chasing a rather chubby child, who was enjoying not being it constantly for once.  "Oh no, some of the children are trying to climb a tree.  Get them for me, would you?"  Perhaps the younger man could be useful other than for conversation.


Lemick nodded and went over to the tree. The kids were all over it trying to reach the highest boughs. At first he politely asked for them to descend from the tree. The ones who only climbed because of others would most likely seize any reason to come down. There were still the adventurous types though. It never paid to scream or threaten kids about something. It just made more appealing. So he morbidly & seriously explained just what would happen to them. Maybe they'll slip or a branch break and they'll tumble down. In the worse case they'll be rushed to the hospital and undergo painful healing, they'll be forced to lie in bed and the only things on the TV will be talk shows & infomercials. They'll be held back a grade and see all their friends move up instead. All the money that went to hospital bills would cause their holidays and birthdays to have fewer gifts. They'll never be allowed to do anything fun again. This speech of tree climbing leading to life condemned to the fate of boredom stated as a fact was probably very different to the kids who more or less heard only the silly sounding warnings of adults & their parents.


King of Swords

When David enters the pub behind Johnny, it's clearly a popular joint by the din alone. Numerous screens are showing something sports-related, though many of the patrons seem to be ignoring it in favor of their own conversations. In fact, it seems to be a trend among the residents of Avalon that they ignore human sports, and tonight over half of the pub-goers come from the hidden city. Johnny takes a seat next to the minotaur and gestures to the bar stool next to him before ordering a drink for the trio. Once a few minutes have passed, Johnny asks the minotaur, "Y'know, you ever see some of those TED talks? Saw one recently about how everything that matters, scientifically at least, is invisible. Thought it was kinda interesting. What do you think?" The minotaur grunts in reply, a grin curling one corner of his mouth, as if to say, "You have no idea." Johnny, clearly taking that as a good sign, smiles before turning to David. "And you? You a bit more verbal than our new friend over here?"

The Lovers

While a few kids happily drop down from the boughs of the tree, the rest stare at Lemick dumbfounded at the extensive lecture on the future, all for climbing trees. "What are you talking about?" asks one girl that's about fifteen feet up.
"I think he's telling us not to climb the tree," answers a boy a few branches above her head.
"But they're doing it, too!" a second boy cries, pointing one tree over. A teenage couple can just be seen nestled in a sturdy crook of the branches, obliviously exploring each others' mouths with their tongues. "If they can do it, why can't we?"


"Sh, not so loud," the centaur bartender whispers to Lorelei, so quiet that it almost seems like she's lipreading more than hearing him. "Tonight, for some people, is a night for judgement. The folks here are trying to decide something, or maybe have something decided for them. A few, I suspect, are praying in the hopes that some decision they've made won't be judged harshly. We've got some pretty high up people here tonight, but it's general policy not to name names here. If you're here to do some soul-searching, just raise a hand, I'll get you the drink of the night."

King of Pentacles

A few moments after the young man Nanabi knows from Silver and Vitia's recruitment leaves, a kappa walks up. Looking to be in his mid-fifties, the most notable feature about him is the post-boy hat which stays on as if by magic as he bows to the older woman in front of him. "My wife said you were handling all the children, and I must say, it's quite admirable for you to handle so many kids at once! I'm guessing you've had your own share of trials with children of your own? Or is this just practice for a business venture of yours?" He manages to grin at Nanabi somehow in spite of his beak-like mouth.

King of Pentacles

There's a pause as the surrounding company parses Robert's statement. There's a good few moments where the only proof that life is going on is the crowd still wandering obliviously by with their loud talk and laughter. "So, are you saying you're a Knower, or just a recently turned werewolf...?" Aella finally asks, making clear the confusion Michael, Johnson, and the noodle vendor are also feeling.


David accepted the drink, choosing a whiskey malt and drinking it slowly because that stuff burns. At the man's words, David also had to suppress a smile, even more so when John asked him if he was more talkative than their other acquaintance. Seeing as how anything spoken would count as that, David had to also suppress the urge to say 'Yes, but only a little.' and nothing else. Instead he allowed himself to smile as he took another sip before saying, "Science... is a strange thing. Everytime you think you know all the answers, something comes along and you realize that you're still just stumbling about a dark room and fumbling for the light switch. If you had asked me a year ago even I would have told you that science could explain everything. Now? I am not so sure. It's a path to explaining everything, but I suspect sometimes I am climbing up a mountain with no peak."

David trailed off a moment as he mulled over everything he had experienced in the past month or so. He also took a moment to realize how cliche'd it was, him drinking in a bar while morosely thinking about his past. Still, he was getting a bit close to the truth. No sense tipping his hand that he was human and dealing with the mess that would probably follow all over again. Deciding it was time to throw off the scent, he swung back, finishing his whiskey and saying, "I mean take quantum physics for example? That stuff is crazy and I don't think we'll ever figure that one out. And I'm not even going to get started about dimensions beyond the third or what happens when you get near the speed of light."


Lemick's eyes shifted over to the couple and then back "Oh those two they're in love. They're practically required to do that I thought you of all kids knew that. How did that rhyme go again? Sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G First comes love then comes marriage then comes baby in the baby carriage. Shouldn't you be singing that to them? I'm an adult and I should know better but really why waste time climbing in a tree?" The man tilted his head "Unless you guys are in love and want to give cooties to each other." Lemick said "Then everybody else has to sing that about you."


"Oh, um, right." Rob suddenly found the countertop of the stand very interesting, his cheeks burning with embarrassment. "Sorry, I, uh, tend to get a bit wordy at times. To err is human and all that. If by a Knower you mean a human who has no magical properties but is aware of Avalon and the nature of people such as yourselves, then yes, I am. I'm afraid I've yet to entirely learn the vernacular."
I wish the real world would just stop hassling me.
"I work in Fringe Division. Weird is a matter of degrees."


Lorelei lowered her voice considerably, "I see, I am not without introspection and contemplation myself.  A few out there probably desire to hold me to task for some judgement or other, one incorrigible, beastly ol' arse fairly recently in fact, but none have any account to call."

Lore sighed quietly, this was certainly more difficult a task then she had first thought, "still, I am lending myself to aid as it were.  If you or anyone here require help with things on this night of nights."

Lore was prepared to respectfully exit if nothing was apparently needing doing.  The issues that many are considering here are likely deeply personal and private, she had no business forcing her way into things.   
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Six of Wands

((AmberCross, if you can I'd like to do this conversation over IRC (I forgot that conversation mode = lots of back and forth last week), since that seemed to work pretty well last time, though I understand if PMs are more convenient.))

"Oh, you're a scientist of some sort?" Johnson asks David. The minotaur had flicked his ears over for a moment, but seemed to have returned to focusing on his drink. "You doing anything particularly noteworthy at the moment?"

The Tower

Lemick's statements come across as distinctly off to the kids due to their run-on manner, almost like the musings of a mad man. If anything, it drives the kids further up the tree out of fear that the rambling man would do something violent suddenly. The few kids that have stuck around after climbing down quickly disperse. Suddenly, one of the children, an elf perhaps, slips and falls to the earth, landing in a rather uncomfortable position before standing up, crying. Still, he's careful to walk around Lemick as he stumbles off to find one of his parents.

Six of Pentacles

The bartender folds his arms across his chest and studies Lorelei, taking a moment before responding. "You look pretty human to me," he says at last, "but then I'm bad at picking out elves and weres. Look, if you know Avalon, I might have a job for you, but if you're human..." He pauses, clearly counting the seconds to make sure his next statement gets past the enchantment. "I got nothing for you."

The Empress

Almost immediately, Aella grabs Robert by the lapels and pulls a fist back to throw a punch. Michael follows up by knocking over his stool as he moves to place himself between Robert and Johnson, and the noodle vendor starts digging around behind the stall, looking for something. "You seem like a nice enough guy, Robert," Aella starts, her nostrils flaring. Behind him, Robert can hear the noodle vendor stop digging with a few words from Johnson. "Most humans seem that way, in fact. Maybe it's part of nature, that humans seem nice. But then you guys go do strange things, things that aren't very pleasant to the people of any Haven. I'm not one to take chances here. What's your angle on this? Here to find out more about us so you can learn the best way to kill us? Hoping to ingratiate yourself with us so you can manipulate us somehow? Your consciousness depends on your honest answer, and trust me when I say our Fair Folk friend can find out real easy if you're telling the truth."


Lemick sighed "Such misfortune, you better get that checked by your parents. " He said to the elf , Lemick didn't blame the child for thinking he was crazy sometimes Lemick thought so too. "Alright then are the rest of you children going to climb down or are you all going to fall out of the tree?" The man ran his hand across his hair. "I can't climb up to bring you down,nobody allows that anymore. Now are you lot going to come down or are you waiting for your parents instead?"